
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 54- little truths 1

Eliza was beyond pissed , she walked angrily to were Reina lay quietly.

"How are you doing Reina dear." She said smirking happily. "I hope you never recover but then again we need you for Lucius." Eliza sat close to her on the bed, and started caressing her long red hair, she turned to move but it seemed like her hole body was weak and she was in very much pain." Don't fight it Reina there is nothing you can do , after a few days you will get better and think that all this was a dream." Eliza said.

The poison would make it impossible for her to be with Alex and it would give her the opportunity she needed. Aunt Ruth was a genius; the poison she gave her was a very powerful one and it made the person to become very ill that the person would not be able to move a limb or muscle. Because of the high fever ,now that the poison had done its part, time for she to act." You know what reina I hate you very much and I wish that I could just end you right here and right now , but its too bad that we need you , if not we would have made you go through hell. "Reina stared at her blankly." Didn't your mother tell you that it us rude to stare? Oh!" She exclaimed softly." Wait you don't have a mother, don't worry about it dear you will soon join her in her grave. "Reina's eyes burned with tears as she quivered her lips angrily." Save the tears till another time Lorraine Drummond because very soon you'll have plenty of reasons to cry." She leaned closer to her ear and whispered." Because very soon you will see me the queen of this empire. "

She thought of the things she would do with Alex as she happily and literally skipped out of the room. It will the three days for the poison to leave her and during those days she'll make sure that she is the only person Alex is with.

In the bed where reina lay quietly with her eyes opened a single drop of tear fell.

In the evening during dinner everyone was present except for Alexander and Lorraine.

"So how is Reina doing?" The king asked the physician.

The man bowed before answering. "There is some improvement than this morning." He said.

The king dismissed the man with the wave of his hand.

"Humans are such fragile creatures, one moment they are there and the next they are dead." Ruth said not hiding her distaste.

"I don't even see the reason why Alexander chose her to be his wife , very distasteful." Adam added.

"What about Eliza then?" Leyla said to everyone's hearing. If it is fight that they wanted ,then it is a fight that they would get.

"Eliza is not going to be a human for long, I personally want to turn her into a vampire." Ruth commented.

"Careful with that aunty dear, you know how dangerous it Is to turn a human to a vampire. If the transformation goes wrong , she could loss her life along with others." Leyla said.

"I know that, but I have turned quite a good amount of humans into vampire and nothing have gone wrong this far. So I don't see the reason why you should be worried." Ruth said.

Leyla smiled sweetly and continued to eat her food. Transforming from a human to a vampire was very tricky and dangerous, if care was not taken the transforming vampire could go haywire and kill others without thinking. There had been a case many years ago in the village of some transforming vampires turning haywire and killing a whole village ,only few survived the horrible attack and that is why her father ordered the ministers and the council not to transform any human into vampires unless authorized.

"Father." Leyla called." Didn't you say that a pure blooded vampire is not allowed to turn a human into a vampire unless they have your consent?"

"I did and your aunt have already asked for my permission to do it , so you don't have to worry, if anything happens Ruth will take full responsibility for it." He assured her.

"What about you Eliza ? Are you sure you want to become a vampire?" Leyla asked.

"Yes. I am ready."

"Fine then." Leyla said.

"Bother William." Ruth said ignoring Leyla." I don't seem to see Alex here , do you perhaps know where he has gone to?" She asked.

"He went to the theater , there was a play going on there and he wanted to watch it." He answered.

"Hm, the night theater is very much entertaining." Adam said day dreaming of the things that were done in the night drama ,when he felt something prick his Laps he jumped a little before turning his gave to Eliza who smiled sweetly at him with a knowing and angry glint in her eyes. Why did she pinch him?

He kept walking through the forest until he reached a part of the forest close to a village, where three other people were gathered. With two women and one a man.

"It was about time you showed up." One woman said." What news have you brought? "

The man smiled." The palace would be holding a function in two days time. "

"What does that have to do with us?" The woman whose name was Anna asked.

"The party is of no importance to us ,what is important us finding Reina." He said.

"Are you sure she is Sofia's daughter Lucius?" Anna asked.

Lucius smiled." I am absolutely sure of it,I meant James and questioned him about it." Surprise was written in their faces.

Anna frowned." It seems like you don't like your life Lucius. You know that James does not like you and even hates to see your shadow much less you." She said.

"Stop your whining Anna , I went there to question him about his daughter and with the way he answered me I can tell for the fact that he was trying to hide something." He said.

Anna processed the information she just received." As you said , we should not jump into conclusions, we will find out in three days time." She replied." Is there any other news that you have to give?" She asked. When there was no reply she continued. "If there isn't , let us do what we came here for." She said.

The others nodded in agreement."How many children do you need?" Lucius asked.

"Eight ,four boys and four girls." She replied the rest stared to move and do what was ordered. "And Lucius." She called him." I don't need the bodies , just their eyes." She said.

Lucius nodded in agreement and left to obey her orders.