
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 3

He watched as the small figure disappeared around the corner of the hall before retreating to his chambers on his way he reprimanded himself on his action: Why had he asked if she would be attending the ball? Why? Because he couldn't shake the image of her standing there looking lost. Because he felt drawn to her. He gave himself a mental shake and thought with a sigh ,he had to get ready for the meeting with the royal council of Kent. As their future king he had to have the favour of all noble men and women and all the members of his fathers council but more importantly the hearts of the people.


Walking into the chamber she fell on top the bed without registering her surroundings and fell asleep the minute her head landed on the feather pillow.

She didn't know how long she'd slept but she was awake with a cry of alarm realizing she had only thirty minutes to get dressed before the ball starts by six. Dashing yo the bathroom she nearly fell flat on her face by the tub. She took her bath in what would be considered a world time record, washed her hair and applied her rose-scented lotion.

She stopped dead on her way to the wardrobe: What do princesses wear to balls!? She jerked open the door in a hurry and a pale blue gown with golden embroidery seemed to wink up at her. She pulled the gown over her head and patted it out to straighten out the edges , she threw in a couple of jewelry and sprinted out of the door ,at least wouldn't be that late .


Reina definitely didn't like the looks she was getting when she threw open the doors of the ballroom. The room fell into a hushed whisper and her blood was pounding so badly in her ears she was afraid it could be heard. Glancing back she realized it wasn't her that made the room quite but the dark male standing besides her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a staged whisper.

"It's a welcome ball,and besides ,I was the one who asked you to join me." Alex said.

"You did?" Renia asked . she remember hearing him say something maybe even ask a question but she'd only nodded and walked away.

"Yes I did." Without another word he grasped herchand lightly and lead her into the crowd which have already started to buzz with the party spirit.

"Prince Alex."

Reina whirled around to find a Blondie-haired figure approaching from the crowd. She stopped in front of the pair and eyed Reina

"Prince Alex you left so abruptly from the tea party without saying a proper goodbye." She said.

Reina looked at the other woman and appraised her classic features. Blonde hair,blue eyes,trim figure. Lady Eliza was indeed a rare beauty like she'd heard about.

"With all due respect lady Eliza I had urgent matters to attend to. But, if it makes you feel better please accept my apology." Alex said but beneath the surface Reina knew he was reigning back as much as his self-control as he could show.

"I don't need you to apologize but,for you to grant my request of a dance." She said with a sly smile and without waiting for an answer waltzed back into the crowd.

Alex led her to a table half filled with dignitaries and took a seat besides her. During the course if the party they talked about many things like his father's last dissolution of the Royal staffs,the upcoming mid-autumn festivals and other things she didn't quite understand.

As the music winded down another song took its place then Alex stood up and offered her his hand.

"Would you care for a dance lady Drummond?" He said.

She satt gaping at him and before she knew it he was guiding her to the shinning floors. The floor so much sparkled, that she see her reflection. In the blink of an eye he had pulled her close against him and was moving her in rhythm to the music.

"Lady Drummond it is said that you're new at the academy." Alex said his voice conversational.

"Please call me Reina,I'm not used to all those formalities." She said .

"But first, would you do me the favor of answering the question."

"Yes,I'm new to the academy and to be honest I don't see why I should be taught to rule. It just doesn't make sense." Reina said more to herself than him.

"Don't worry with time you'll see why."

She lifted her face to look into his eyes and saw at the depths of those blue eyes was something she could hold on to:hope .

She hadn't registered that he had guided them past the ballroom out onto the vast expand of land that was covered with various greenery.

"Where are we?" She asked more because she was curious than frightened.

"The Royal graden, I figured if we were to talk,we could do so in private."

Reina didn't want to explore what was in the depth of those eyes. For fear she'd regret it even if she did find out.

"Alex ,I'm not sure it's such a good idea for us to be alone ,besides people might look for us."

The sound of his name on her lips set firey shivers running down his spine." They won't miss us." He said hoping that would be the end .

"But Lady Eliza requested from you a dance." She blurted out before she could stop it.

He turned around slowly to meet her gaze.

"Would you rather I dance with her than be here with you?" Alex said with a wicked glint in his eyes .

She lowered her lashes feeling do much like a fool for blurting out her feelings and with a sigh of surrender said "No."

Before she could figure out his intention he crushed his lips on hers in a soft but frim pressure. Seeing to have mind of it's own her hand came up and wrapped around his neck. Taking that for an invitation, he deepened the kiss and delved his tongue into her mouth first of all teasing and tasting then taking her in a whirlwind of passion.

Reina softly sighed into his mouth and cupped his cheek. The background and music seemed to fade away and she slipped into oblivion.