
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 49- sleeping beauty

He walked up to the guest quarters. He had to see Reina, he knocked on the door of her room and waited patiently for her to answer.

He couldn't hear her response, he knocked again and she didn't answer. He placed his ear on her door to hear the activities going on in her room .' It was quiet, too quiet." He stepped back from the door.

He quickly vanished from his position and appeared inside Reina's room, the room was quiet and he could not see Reina he moved about and entered her balcony;'where could his kitten have gone! ' he thought. He was getting worried and hoped she had not disappeared, he was soon relieved when he entered her balcony and was surprise to see that Reina had fallen asleep on the sofa in her balcony.

He walked to the sofa were she was sleeping, she was still in her riding clothes and her rich red hair was loose from its braid and was blowing freely with the wind. She had tucked her knees and had curled up in the sofa.

He couldn't help but smile, she like a cute and innocent kitten when she was asleep and with the way she chewed her button lip when she slept.

She was super cute. He Sat at the chair besides the sofa and watched as she slept peacefully, he felt a calm and peaceful sensation wash over him as he watched her, she gave him peace even when she was asleep. He could watch her sleep all day but he didn't have the time and he didn't want to disturb her after their long session of questions and answers and the light lunch that she had he was sure that she was beyond exhausted. She could barely open her eyes when they finally reached the palace.

She needed time to recuperate, he got up and gentle took her in his arms , making sure that it didn't wake her up. He gently carried to her bed placing her down softly and gently.

He pulled the blanket over her , she turned adjusting to her new position. He stood and stared at her.

"Inquisitive kitten you were so eager to satisfy your curiosity that you neglected your own health very bad of you." He scolded quietly. "When you wake up me and you are going to have a long talk about the way you behave and I may even add a disciplinary session."

He said before walking to the balcony , he had to let her rest. He entered the balcony and stood close to the rail, the sky was bright from the afternoon sun. He loved nature and the outdoors he looked around to see if anyone was in site.

When he certain that nobody was in sight he quickly disappeared and appeared in a quite and remote ally that was in the capital town. He hoped that he wasn't too late to stop Leyla.


"Can I help you my lady?" The kind receptionist asked Leyla as she reached the counter.

"Um , yes. You see I am looking for my brother he was sent here by our parents to get some books on history and he hasn't returned. I was just hoping that you tell me if you had see him here." Leyla replied.

The brunette looked at Leyla with a question in her red eyes." You said that your parents sent him here, so there is no need to worry because he must have listened to your parents."

Leyla looked nervous." Um well You see." She moved close and said In a low tune." My brother has the habit of going to the brothel anytime he is sent on an errand and he squanders all the money on women and liquor and every time he does that my father gets angry at him and my mother cries." A tear slide down her cheek and she made sure that the reception saw as she brushed it away." Please miss could you help me out I want to know weather he is here so that I can help him to pick out the right ones as he sometimes doesn't know what to do." She said.

"But my lady , if your brother is so irresponsible, then why are your parents still giving him money and sending him errands?" The woman asked.

"It us because my parents love him and are trying their absolute best to help him become a responsible person , that is why they keep sending him on errands and they ask me to assist him , secretly so that he could be responsible when I am not around." Leyla was getting tired of this acting she didn't have all day , she hoped that Steven was still her. She had to find him fast before he leaves and this stupid receptionist was making it difficult for her, she placed her hand over the receptionist's and wanted to laugh at her face that had a look of surprise. " please miss pretty please , do it for my mother who is always crying over my brother." She added.

The woman looked totally embarrassed , she cleared her throat nervously." Alright,alright I will help you just please let go of my hand." She pleaded.

"Oh thank you , thank you." Leyla said happily before releasing the woman.

The woman quickly adjusted the spectacles that she was wearing." So what does this your brother looks like?" She asked business like.

"Oh that's easy, he is very tall like most male vampires he has a golden blond hair , his complexion is pale White mine but mine us a little bit whiter than his; his eyes are dark red and he has a high cheekbone with wide sexy lips." She said.

"Jeez lady if he wasn't your brother I would have thought that you had a big crush on him and were a stalker with the way that you're describing him. " The woman said." Yes I have seen a person like that come here , I have to admit he was a hunk and I couldn't take my eyes off him."

Leyla forced a fake smile while her hands had curled into tight fist." Really? Its nice to know that my brother still got good looks , tell me which section did he go? "She asked through clutched teeth.

"He went into the historical section. Its in the second floor." The woman said.

"Thank you very much." She mumbled quickly before heading out to the historical section.

What did brother Alex what from the historical section, she knew that it was wrong to her to poke her nose into his business but , her curiosity got the best of her. She had to find that block of ice named Steven and make him talk what was going on. But she knowing Steven he wouldn't budge at her threats, she had to find a way to make that stubborn and cold IceCube talk. But firsts thing firsts she had to find the IceCube.