
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 48- another wolf to the collection.

Alex had to warn Steven of Leyla's before she arrived at the library.

"Alex!" The king suddenly exclaimed. "Alex!" He repeated.

Alex slowly looked at his father." Yes father?" He answered.

"Did you hear that?" His father asked.

"Hear what?" He enquired.

Before William could answer a scream was heard loud and clear.

"It must be one of the maids." Alex said." I will go and see what the matter is." He got up slowly and walked to the direction that the noise was heard. He didn't walk a long distance before he came face to face with a Maid who was running for her dear life while a wolf was hot on her trail. She quickly ducked and went to stand behind his back for protection. The wolf stopped its pursuit immediately it saw Alex and started whinnying; it looked into Alex with pleas in its eyes.

Alex couldn't help but smile and pat the animal's head." Its OK boy , I know you didn't do it on your own accord." He said to the wolf before turning to the terrified maid. "Take him back to his cage." Her eyes widen in surprise and plea." Don't worry he won't hurt you." He said and could help but smile as he saw the relief that washed through her face.

She bowed." Yes your Majesty. " she said.

He patted the wolf head before heading back, what were they planning? Adam never let his pet loose and to their every action there was always a reason behind it. He would have loved to know their plan but he wasn't in the mood for their silly games; and he couldn't help but feel like he'll find out soon.

He reached the table to find Eliza ,Ruth and Adam sitting comfortably on the table.

Adam and Elisa immediately stood up to greet him." Your Highness. "They said in together.

He looked between the three before sitting in the only available sit that was close to Eliza's." Aunt what took you so long to get here? "He asked aunt Ruth who was busy sipping her tea.

She placed her tea cup carefully on the sauce." Well you see Alex ,Eliza wounded her palm and we took her to the doctor. The message about the afternoon tea came when the doctor was still checking up on her ; so we had to wait for the doctor to round things up with her before coming here." Ruth replied deftly.

Alex raised a brow." How did she wound her palm?" He asked.

"Well , she held tightly to her wine glass during lunch and she didn't know that the stupid thing had a crack on it and the pressure was too much that was why it broke into pieces and some of it cut into her palm." Ruth replied.

Alex face brightened a little." Really? "He looked at Eliza with a fake concern; she nodded slowly." Well it seems that the palace is not good for you as you keep getting injured."

Eliza face turner bitter after he said this." I do not see the need for me to leave I have been coming here for many years now and nothing have happened to me before but nobody knows when accident can happened. "She smiled sweetly at him." It was just an accident and I will be fine after a few days." She concluded.

"So Alex ,what was the ruckus down there?" William asked him , changing the topic.

Alex smiled. "It was nothing serious father ,it was just that Adam's pet wolf was pursuing a maid." He said causally.

His father didn't look one bit surprise. "It is not a new thing the wolves sometimes escapes from their cage and run loose."

" But it doesn't happen so often." Alex added." An now it seems to be an everyday case."

"And Adam I don't see why you are keeping that wolf of yours here in the palace your house is big enough for the animal." The king said.

Adam sallowed his biscuit nervously." Well you see my king , my father is not very fond of wolves as he is allergic to the animals fur. If not I would have taken Wolfie away."

"But I am sure that there must be other places for you to keep the animal apart from your house and the palace." William said.

"There are ,but I think Wolfie would safe and well taken care of in the palace." Adam replied.

Alex felt like laughing his heart out with the way Adams was behaving, he was behaving like a decent person who cared about the welfare of anyone much less an animal." Father, Adam was right he trust us enough for us to let his precious pet stay here; and besides we have wolves here what harm will be done if we add another one to the collection. "

Everyone at the table smiled at this." Well said Alex." Ruth told him.

Eliza tapped his arm to get his attention. "Prince Alex, you and lady reina went out on a horseback riding trip ; I expected that she should be here and reaching here she is nowhere to be seen. Please do enlighten us on where she is."

"Lady Reina is not felling well that is why she us not here." Alex replied.

Ruth dramatically put her hand in her chest." Poor thing what happened to her?" She asked.

Alex felt like rolling his eyes at her but he held himself ,but seriously' What an actress his aunt could be .' She didn't care one bit about Reina and he knew deep down that she was only pretending to care so that she could look like the caring sister in front of her brother. "She has a bad headache and is resting in her chambers." He dabbed the napkin on his lips before getting up." If you excuse me father I'll be going to my chambers. "He said to his father .

"You are excused my son." He said.

Alex bowed his head , and walked out if the room hurriedly; he wasn't in the mood for any of Eliza's drama. He now understood what was going on.

They had planned the whole thing, Wolfie wasn't like killer who never obeyed anyone except for him. Wolfie was a nice wolf who got along with everyone and everybody loved it. Even him who wasn't very fond of its master couldn't help but like it for its friendliness. Wolfie obeyed its masters orders like killer; he had seen it in the wolfs' eyes it didn't want to pursue the maid it had been forced to do it and he didn't need to guess who did it.