
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 44-i am the devils son

This man was something else.

"But you just had my blood yesterday." She said.

"I know, but I just can't get enough of you." He smiled showing his sharp fangs. She had to get use to them ; and he knew that she would jump up from his lap and run.

But to his surprise her fingers moved from his chest and touched his mouth." They must be very sharp. "Her finger touched his canine it was so sharp and pointy , she saw the shock expression written on his face and quickly removed her hands." Sorry I still haven't gotten use of the hole vampire thing." She said timidly.

"Don't be afraid." He said the last thing he wanted was for her to be scared of him.

"Am not, but I have a question." She felt nervous and intimidated.

"What is it?" He asked.

"First I want you to promise that you won't get mad." She demanded.

He smiled." I promise ."

"OK." She inhaled air into her lungs before she said her questions in one blow." Why do you not look like the other vampires? Why did you leave here before? Why were you not in the palace? Why do you keep it a secret from others? And who know about it?"

He blinked at her." You said a question not questions. "

She gave him puppy dog eyes." You promised not to get mad."

He shooked his head." I am not angry kitten, you said one question not four."

"A question is a question, not minding how many." She augured.

"That is not true." She was about to reply , before he covered her mouth with his hand." You don't need to reply , I don't want to argue with you ; so please let us not argue."

She removed his hand from her mouth. "Fine ,I won't argue ; just answer the questions."

He grinned at her." You said questions, why didn't you say question. "He taunted.

She rolled her eyes at her." You just said that you didn't want to argue , so why taunt me?" She demanded.

"Fine , I'll only answer one of your many question, so pick one." The devilish glint was back on his face. "But what do I get in return?"

"Must you get something from everything you do for a person?" She asked.

He didn't reply, he just grinned and nodded.

"Can't you just do this like a friend to a friend?" She asked.

"No my kitten." He replied. "If I start treating everyone as friends and do anything that they ask of me freely I'll be taken for granted."

"But what about me? I won't take you for granted." She asked.

He knew that she wasn't lying ; she wasn't the kind of person to use someone. "Rules are rules kitten, I can't change them you'll just have to leave with it." He said gently.

"But you ask things for me and I do them even though I complain sometimes I don't ask you to give me something in return." She said.

He smiled deviously. "That is you not me."

She felt like slapping him senseless." You're just like the devil who always demand for twice as much that he gave." She spat out.

He smile dropped when they saw the hurt in her eyes." That's not surprising , he's my father."

Have he finally lost it , she got up from his lap and sat on the grass looking at him stunned. "Your highness , the devils children cannot be on earth and you are king William son not the devil's." She pointed out , or could it be that the king was the devil. No the king was kind and gentle he was not like she had heard,she had heard that he was very strict and was cruel to the poor and made them to pay heavy taxes, some even called him a devil behind his back maybe that was what he was referring to. She shook her head to clear her mind." You're highness, let's just forget about the matters concerning the devil and you haven't answered my question. "

"I will answer it, but first I want something in return." He said .

She sighed, there was no reasoning with him." Fine you win , what do you want me to give you?"

He smiled. "For the four question that I will answer, I get to ask you four questions too."

She looked at him with surprise." Are you serious!" She exclaimed.

He nodded." Yes." The evil glint still on his handsome face.

His expression made her worry, what was he up to? 'This should be easy. Besides it was only questions.' She looked at him and couldn't help but drool at his boyish face.

"Do you agree?" He asked ,looking at her.

She nodded." I agree. "

He smirked at her." Good let us begin."

"You're the one to answer my questions." Her stomach growled loudly, her cheeks turned red like tomatoes.

He smiled. "I will but first let's get your little tummy fed." He stood up straight. "Come on let's go eat." He helped her up and they walked through the backdoor into the little hut.