
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 43-Breaking the ice

She could smell flowers, and she could here the chirping of birds ,were they at the palace? She turned and felt the soft texture of the grass. Wait , she flung her eyes open; looking up to see the bright summer sky. She felt the heat that was radiating from the person besides her ; her eyes flew open in compete shock when she saw Alex sleeping peacefully, his arms were folded across his chest. What was she doing her and were are they ? Her hand reached to touch him to wake up but it stopped halfway ; her eyes moved to his sleeping face ' he looks kind of cute' she thought. He looked like a child when his guard was down , she tucked the hair that was on his face to behind his ear, she smiled as her fingers brush his cheek slightly and she touched his soft dark hair .

"You're awake." He said as he opened his eyes to meet hers.

She quickly removed her hand that was on his head but he quickly caught her hand and sat up straight pulling her with him and making her sit on his laps.

Her eyes widen and she could feel her cheek heating up ; thank God she had worn a boys riding clothes. If it was her grown it would have been very uncomfortable as she could hardly move in it let alone this ,she tried to get up quickly but his hands wrapped around her waist trapping her before she could escape. "Your Highness this is not the right way to behave in public." She said.

He smiled." In public? Look around kitten we're the only one here."

It finally hit her they were alone in this, were were they , she turned her head and couldn't stop her mouth from opening, he had brought her to a rose garden outside of a little hut that was fenced round." Were are we?" She asked quietly. It was located in the forest.

His smile faded."We are at my place." He replied.

The prince used to live in a small hut." You used to live here?" She asked.

He nodded. She felt like it was a joke until she saw the serious expression that was on his face." The place look better now , before it was only bits and pieces." He said.

"Did you live here with your mother before?" She asked.

"No." Came his reply.

"Wh-" Before she could continue he placed a finger on her parted lips.

"Enough of the questions, I don't like them." He removed his finger from her lips." I came here with you because the palace was too far and you needed a place to rest."

She really wanted to ask him more questions about himself and his past. But she shut her mouth and tilted her eyes to the hut , it looked modern ; she wondered his it had looked like before.

She felt his hands moving up and touching her breast." Your Highness." She looked at him angrily and pushed at his chest but he didn't even move a millimeter." Your Highness your behavior is unacceptable. "She said.

He smirked at her." Says who you? Remember that you're still owing me a wish in fact three wishes." He told her.

She looked at him blankly. "I know , so what do you what me to do?" She asked.

He smiled innocently but she didn't see the evil glint that had appeared in his eyes." Sex." He said.

Her breathing stop for a second , she felt her face heat up to a hundred degree. This shameless, annoying and promise breaker of a man." But you promised that you wouldn't touch me until I was ready."

"I did but and I will. But that doesn't that am not going to teach you before we actually do it." He said.

"Teach me!" She saw the evil glint in his eyes." Your Highness please stop confusing me and just go straight to the point. "She said with annoyance written boldly on her face.

"OK OK , I'll stop teasing you." He said." I want to gave sex orally. "He said.

She raised a brow." You want to have it orally? How?" She asked.

"I know you don't know how to please, that is why I'll gladly teach you." He said.

"You're a sex maniac." She replied trying to get up but she felt his grip on her tighten. Her heart began to race faster and she could hardly breath.

"I can see you still need some discipline,but first let me give you a suitable reply; yes I am a sex maniac." Her face became even red with embarrassment. " But didn't I will be patient with you , I only want to teach you so that it wouldn't be new to and you won't be stuck and confused when the time finally comes." He could hear her heartbeat slowly calming down and her breathing becoming even.

She inhaled and exhaled softly." You're right, you are trying to help me I understand. Am sorry for what i said about you." She lowered her eyes down.

He touched her cheek." Its OK I wasn't helpful in my own part, I should have explained it to you rather than annoy you." He raised her gaze to meet his.

He was immediately lost in an endless green sea , what was it with her eyes ; it was so trapping if felt like a spell was drawing him into them. The first time they had met he had lost himself to this beautiful eyes , she had apologized to him today and he was happy for it ,she was very stubborn and never admitted to her mistakes but today she actually apologized. He smiled, it looks like the ice was finally breaking between them and he was very happy.

The wind blew her had that was in a now loose braid and some strands hair had escaped , he tucked her hair behind her ear." Am hungry." He said.

She looked at him sweetly. "Your Highness, if you are hungry I can prepare something for you." She said.

"You can Cook?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yes."

This girl was really impressive ,she could cook, most girls that were her age and came from rich families like hers didn't even know how to boil water ; not to talk of making a meal for him, what those girls knew was only: shopping ,walking gracefully, wearing too much makeup, holding parties upon parties and so much more useless and unnecessary things. His kitten was different, she loved cooking, she loved the outdoors and loves having a good time , she wasn't like the other girls who were only after the throne ,she loved to be free and didn't want his fame or money ; and this was why he was very attracted to her.

"I would love to taste your food but ,I don't want to eat food kitten, I want to drink some blood,your blood." He said.

His eyes showed complete hungry.