
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 42-one of a kind

"No I am not coming down." She said stubbornly.

He smiled warmly. "Don't be a scaredy-cat , the ground is not hunted." He said.

She shook her head." No." She said.

He sighed." Fine , I will carry you on my back. But first you need to come down." He said.

"I don't want to come down." She replied.

"It will just take a second, I promise you won't even fell your leg touching the ground." He was trying to reason with her.


"Fine then." He gave up." Enjoy the not so comfortable ride." Saying this he turned to his grandfather grave." Granpa let me introduce you to Reina Drummond. She's going to be my future wife." He said to the grave.

"Nice to meet you Reina." The old man's voice said.

Reina was in on mood to reply , and was shaking to the bones. Alex patted her back. "You have to excuse her grandpa , she's a little bit shaken." He said." We have to get going now." He turned.

"Come back soon." The voice said as Alex walked out , he moved Reina from his body and carried her with his hands without putting her on the ground. He glimpsed at her , her face was,pale and the usual fire that was in her green eyes was absent. She looked very fragile and vulnerable, he held her closely to his chest; he could feel her arms tightened around his neck as she held him close.

"Why did your mother not talk to you?" She asked.

"There are different level in us magical beings, some are able to communicate with others when they are dead , while some cannot." He paused when she smuggled in a little into his arms." My mother's level is not that high , that is why I am unable to communicate with her."

"So your grandfather level is high?"

"Yes but not too high, he can only speak to us from the dead ; but he cannot be seen. There are some who can be seen." He said.

She yawned , her eyelashes were beginning to feel heavy." Really? So what level are you?" She asked.

He smiled." Guess."

"Am not good at guessing and you know it." She replied tiredly.

"There are some thing that should not be explained." He told her.

If she wasn't so tried , she would have given him an earful of complaints. "You said that only magical begins have the ability to pass through the rock and I passed through it ,does that mean that I am a vampire?" She asked.

He chuckled." No my confusing kitten, it is not only vampires that are allowed into the cave , witches are allowed , werewolves are allowed and even demons can pass through the rock."

"Aren't demons supposed to be in hell?" She questioned.

"Yes, but some come to the earth , while some are born." He said.

"I didn't know that demons are also born like normal children." She was struggling not to fall asleep , her eyes were really heavy but she needed yo know more to understand her situation.

"Yes and in most cases one of the parent must be a demon and the other can be either a vampire or a normal human." He said.

"How would you know a demon." She asked.

"I don't know , but demons have with wings , most of the have ugly bat like wings." He said.

"Have you seen a demon before?"

"Yes." He said.

"Can I meet him?"she asked excitedly.

"No reina ,you can barely handle the shock of speaking to the dead , let alone to a demon. Let's take thing slow for now."

She looked at him as they walked through the cave that was lit with touches , his skin blended with his surrounding and he looked breathtaking.

"But i am quite alright, and I am capable of meeting the demon." She insisted.

He remembered the way she acted in the cemetery. "No you will not meet him."


"No buts, one more word about this and am dropping you on the ground." He said sternly.

"Fine you win. But I still have questions." Her voice was getting lower.

"What Is it."

"Why are you so irritating?" She said sleepily.

"Because I love being irritating." He answered.

She yawned smuggling closer to him." You see what I mean , so irritating always twisting what I say and never answering my questions. "

"I always answer the questions you ask me."

"Not all the questions, some of them you answer." She said." That is why I am always angry with you." Her voice was very low like a whisper.

"Fine I'll stop being irritating." He said.

"Promise." She whispered.

"Promise." He said and waited patiently for her to reply hr glanced down to see her sleeping peaceful. He shook his head , this little kitten was very amusing. All the woman he had always had in his bed were not like reina , they only wanted attention and didn't ask any question they only did as they were told and never complained. But reina wasn't like them she asked questions and even battled with sleep just to get answers ; she was one of a kind, she wasn't afraid of him and complained in things she felt were not right and even dared him.

She really was a wonderful kitten and this kitten was getting new to the world and he had to help her understand the ways , she was like a child taught only about the good side of the world but not about the bad , she didn't even know what she was and he was here to help her. He knew that the journey that they were about to embark in order to find out the truth about her would be long and difficult: but he was ready to take it and would not be stopped by anyone including her father.

**author note.**

Keep reading you guys , the journey is about to begin and its a very exciting ride.

Love you all
