
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 40- The intruder

"Well,well, long time on see James." A voice said as he closed the door.

James knew that voice all too well, he turned his attention to the intruder." What are you doing here?" He said coldly.

A crooked smile played on the intruder lips." Is that how you treat an old friend." He said.

"Oh please, you're hardly a friend." He said with a frown." What do you want? "He asked.

"Well nothing much except to see the, daughter of Sofia which you said was dead." He said.

James looked at him for a second." We can't discuss this matter here, follow me." He said darkly.

"She is dead." James told the man when they were in a room." You killed her remember. "He said harshly.

The man sat down on a chair and crossed his legs." I hardly doubt that the girl is dead, yes I did try to kill her , but I didn't see her dead body. "He said.

"Why come here and ask me ,when you could have just go to her grave to check weather she is still there." He said.

"True, but I am too eager to know if she is really dead and what better way than to ask her father than going all the way on the long journey to her grave site which is very far from the kingdom." He said.

"My daughter and wife both died by your hands. You killed them and now you're coming to ask me weather they are dead." It took every fibre in his blood not to attack this man.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't hear about your daughter , what's her name again..?" He snapped his fingers ,as if trying to remember. He smiled at him. "Oh yes Reina, your daughter. She looks very much like you but doesn't have your skin colour; I heard that her skin is as white as exquisite as Sofia's." He said." And what a coincidence, she has the same name as your dead daughter. "

James balled his fist." Reina is me and Jade's daughter and my wife skin is also White and exquisite as my daughters'."

"That doesn't mean that she is Jades' daughter." He said.

"Prove it then." James demanded.

"I'll prove it to you on the day we are at the palace, everyone on will be there including your daughter." The man said standing up full height. "And if I find out that she is Sofia daughter ,I won't hesitant to kill her on the spot."

James looked at him with fury written in his eyes." I will gladly prove you wrong." He said.

"Let's wait and see." He said.

"If you continue with this your behavior, I'll report you to the master." James said.

The man gold eyes blazed with fury. "You should watch what you say James. I took away your happiness once and I'm not afraid to do it again." At that James rushed to attack the man but he jumped out through the window before he could reach him. James watched as the man ran through the mansion into the forest. It would be pointless to follow him and he didn't want to waste his time and energy chasing him ; he had bigger problems to deal with.

He sighed heavily and sat on the chair that was close to the window. Reina was in grave danger , he had to find a way to protect her from that mad man , he'd almost lost her and he didn't want to completely lose her.

He had to runaway with his family again, he had rum away with her to this place but know they have found them and he feared that history was going to repeat itself thirteen years ago he had made a promise to his love , that he'll always protect Reina even if it meant losing his life.

He heard the bedroom door open and turned to see jade walking into the room ,her eyes widen in shock as she saw his facial expression. She rushed to his side and sat on the ground next to his chair and took his arm.

"Honey!" She shook his arm." Honey what happened? Why the long face?" She asked.

He signed pinching the skin between his brows." We have to leave here jade." He said.

"What! We're moving!" She exclaimed.

"Shh, keep your voice down. "He cautioned.

"But you said that we wouldn't have to move, that we were safe here." She said bringing her voice low key.

"I did but situations have changed and we have been found." He said.

"What!" She shouted and heard a growl from her husband. " sorry." She murmured.

"Listen , I've planned everything in case we would be found out ; all we have to do is to get Reina from the palace." He said.

"Can't we just leave reina at the castle? She'll be safe there." Jade spoke softly.

"No , she'll be exposed to more danger if she stays at the palace ; we have to act quickly before we are discovered." He said.

"What of Reina's schooling?" She questioned.

"Forget about that I'll find her another school as soon as we are settled."

Jade didn't like the idea one bit , she didn't want to leave her too soon. "Can't we just stay ? Reina isn't showing any signs yet , maybe she's completely normal know ?" She said.

But it seemed to angary him." Jade no , it is too risky, if they have a hint that she is not your daughter, they'll kill her in the spot. You have to understand; yes I know that she isn't your flesh and blood , but she is still my daughter and I am your husband which makes her your daughter. Please jade for once think like a mother would. "He placed his plan on her cheek.

She felt tears building up in her eyes and angary rising up in her throat." Think like a mother! Think like a mother!" She angrily brushed his hand away and stoop up looking at him tearfully. "James that girl deprived me of being a mother the day she took away my son, it's bad enough that I have to tolerate her every single day , but to become her mother it is impossible." She stormed off angrily.

"Jade!" He got up from the chair." Jade!" He called out but she continued walking until she was out of sight. He sighed when would she understand that what happened was just an accident and had nothing to do with reina.