
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 39- trust me

Eliza was furious with what have just happened, and what was lady Reina wearing.

"Aunt, did you see the way he talked to you." Eliza pointed out." He has never spoken in such a manner before and these days he seemed to be possessed. "Eliza wasn't going to leave out another shocking aspect." And didn't you see what Reina was wearing; it is very shameful and could affect the reputation of the family if people were to find out. "

Ruth expression was very calm and still and this made Eliza worry.

"Aunt? Are you okay?." She placed her hand on Ruth shoulder.

Ruth closed her eyes." Am okay Eliza. " she said nonchalantly, opening her eyes gently. "We won't do anything about her outfit or Alex behavior ,for now what we should doing is keeping a close eye on Reina, and hopefully when Lucius comes the mystery will be cleared and we will know our next move." Eliza looked horrified at what she told her.

"But aunt, what if they grow found of each other?" She didn't want to even imagine it.

"Let it be Eliza, I promised you that you'll be the queen of this kingdom; so no matter what Reina does she'll never become the queen because you will." She said.


Alex had finally slowed down the horse pace, he hadn't spoken since they had left the palace and she couldn't find a way to break the IceCube.

She had to try." Hm, your Highness were are we going?" She asked again for the third time.

His dark aura was still in check and she was becoming fed up , if he didn't want to speak why did be bring her here?

She suddenly felt angry and hurt because of his silence." Your Highness." She called but he didn't answer.

She turned angrily to face him not minding the way the horse behaved because of her movement. The cold expression and death in his eyes was enough to tell her to keep her mouth shut and to enjoy the awkward ride.

He they rode deeper into the forest until Reina was not sure how far they went.

He pulled the reins halting the horse, he jumped brown and turned to help her down.

"Your Highness." She said still seated on the horse." Were are we going?" She asked.

His hands outstretched and eating for her to enter.

"Your hig-" she was feed up. She sighed and entered his hands, he pulled her down gently.

She looked at his blue eyes and was lost in their beauty for a second; his eyes were very beautiful.

He let go of her waist and started walking with her following him but she made sure to keep a respectable distance. She didn't want to walk beside him, seeing his cold mood.

They walked in what seemed ages to her , her feet were killing her and she was really hungry and could hear her stomach growling for her to feed it.

He finally stopped. And turned to look at her." We're here." He said.

She looked around there was nothing but trees, rocks, and a huge rock that they were standing in front.

"Ahh,Your Highness were are exactly are we?" She asked.

He smirked at her." You'll see." He said.

Reina was sure that he had finally lost it." Your Highness, there's nothing to see but forest except for this huge rock." She stated the obvious.

She came to stand besides him , maybe she'll get a better view but everything was the same as every.

He stretched his hand for her to take it." Don't be scared my kitten ,trust me. "He told her." Take my hand."

She placed her hand in his large hand and she felt his grip tighten. He dragged her towards the rock.

Was he going to bash her head against it , his cold aura and his silence; did he bring her out here to kill her." Wait." She said but he didn't wait but continued to drag her toward it. She struggled to free herself but his grip just tightened around.

"Your Highness?" She called and could feel tears bubbling to the surface. She tried to kick him but he anticipated her move and turned and lifted her in his hands , she felt the blood drain from her when they were already face to face with the rock. She closed her eyes when he took another step and waited to be hit by the cold and hard surface of the rock. She felt nothing and slowly opened her eyes and her eyes flew open when she saw were they were , they were in a cave.


James Drummond green eyes looked at the invitation letter he had been seating his his study when the letter had arrived." The king is holding a party in honor of the late Queen and we have been invited." He said to the his wife who was sitting in the chair opposite him.

She huffed before taking a sip of her tea. "I thought that he has invited us for another reason; why do you look surprised as if you haven't been invited to the castle before?" She asked.

"Am just worried about Reina." He said.

"I know that you love her , but she's not a child anymore and she is capable of taking care of herself." She said.

He sighed he looking at her. "I know that she is very much capable of taking care of herself, but I don't want her to be involved in the affairs of the palace, you know that it is dangerous for her because the palace is filled with people who are hungry for power and I don't want that it affect my little girl."

"You're acting like the king had invited us to discuss the marriage between her and the prince." His wife said jockey.

This seemed to make him worry even more. "I hope not, it is bad enough that she is in the castle; but marriage between her and the prince. Never."

"Hm, a marriage between her and the prince would be very benefiting to us." Jade said her eyes sparkling at the thought of being the mother in-law to the future king and the wealth and benefit that she would have.

Seeing the expression in her eyes James rolled his eyes in disgust." Do you ever think of anything except for money and power?" He asked.

"Money and power rules the world dear ,if you don't them power you cannot be respected and you'll be looked down upon by the society." He could hear the monopoly in her voice as she said this.

"Just remember one thing jade , Reina is my daughter and I will not use my own flesh and blood as a bargain in exchange for money; so if you are thinking that I'll let reina marry into the royal family then you are very mistaking." He told her.

She looked at him in full fury." What if she loves the prince? "She asked.

"Then I'll gladly allow her to marry him. But if it is by force I will never allow it." He got up from his chair and walked out of the room leaving her stewing in her rage.