
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 2

Royal Academy, Kent

August ,1806

Alexander knight hadn't know what to expect on his coming to the prestigious royal Academy. Apparently not a red -haired raven beauty with eyes es clear as green jewels, skin as soft as silk even to the sight and lips so beautiful he could weep.

She looked like a cat stranded in the middle of a sea of people. Her auburn tresses cascaded about her trim waist which in turn flared out into voluomptous curves .Holy Christ.Have he every seen a creature so beautiful but lost and who other than him to be her Knight in shinning armour.


Reina had thought she had had it in her to come to the Academy. Well all her efforts grooming herself, putting finishing touches to how she would act all went down the the drain ,she was as confused as a caged animal in a strange site.

She screened her lashes and saw it,a young man about six foot four, dark haired and dark skin approaching her.

"Hi you look kind of lost ". He said as he approached. Glancing up Reina gasped softly as she encountered eyes so blue it were as if she was staring at the bright pool of water she had often played in when she was little.

" Hi."she said when she had found her voice "I'm kind of lost would you mind directing me to the headmistress office?".

" You mean madam Gavin ?"he asked .

She glanced up and found that he was grinning. Good Lord! He was making fun of her.

Determined to draw the line .she said

"Look ,if you aren't going to be of any help ,you can just leave.Better still, if you won't go, I will." She turned and was about to march out angrily.

Suddenly strong set of fingers encircled her slim arm and stopped her dead on her track.

Alex hadn't known his next move before it happen, it was like his hands suddenly had a mind of their own .Well she was about to walk out on him and he hadn't wanted to allow that happen .

But the red-hair whirled around and said in a voice that looked as if it had been dragged around the rough floor and only survived the journey.

"What in blazes do you think you're doing ?." She said

He instantly released his grip from her arm and said "Look I'm sorry we started wrongly , but I turly wanted to help you .For the record, I don't do that seeing I'd just been ungentlemanly with you ." He said .She was trembling alright, but he wasn't sure why.

She hadn't known what to expect when he'd done that , but the sincerity she saw in his eyes couldn't be mistaken.

"Okay." She said in a voice she wasn't sure was hers and fell into step behind him


Reina watched as he guided her past various corridors in the hallway and was vaguely aware when he thrust her through an open door .She encountered grey eyes fixed on her .Slowly a woman who seemed to be in her mid-forties got up and offered her hands.

"Greetings Mademoiselle Drummond, I hope the journey to the Academy wasn't too tasking ?." She said.

Waking from her reverie she said "No." And glanced at the polished table to find her name ascribed in bold letters. "Madam Gavin's ." she said.

"Where are my manners? Please take a seat."

Reina sat down wearily on a Plush leather chair .Almost all at once ,Madam Gavin started lecturing her on how she would learn her role as the future countess of straffen .When the gruelling lecture was over she was given the keys to her room for her stay as princess Royal.

Coming out of the office ,her gaze locked on the stranger who'd help her find the office. He pushed up from against the wall and grinned revealing a dimple that all but knock out all the oxygen in her lungs .

"I take it you're done ?." He said.

"Yes ." she said and added"I never even asked you of your name ?."

"Alexander Knight." He said stretching out his hand."Alex for short ,and you are ?."

"Lorreina Drummond, Reina for short ." she took the hand and was assailed by the lemon-lime scent of his shampoo and stiffened slightly.

Alex didn't know what had hit him ,her soft plan were both soft and warm all at once.The faint floral scent of her shampoo were like a soft caress as it flared his nostrils. She seemed to have felt the impact it had on him and withdrew her hand like someone stung by wasp.

"Thanks you anyway." Her voice shook as she spoke and he was convinced that that handshake had an impart on her as it had with him. What would it be like if he got her alone? How would her mouth taste? He pushed the thought out of his head suppressing a groan

"There's going to be a welcome ball tonight will you be attending ?" He asked before he could stop himself.

Reina only nodded and turned to go and this time he didn't stop her .