
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 30

"I'll advice you to leave us in peace."

Eliza looked like she had seen a ghost; was this the same princess Leyla? The same Leyla who could never hurt a fly had just gave her a warning and it was all because of this foolish little girl. She looked at Reina as she stood besides Lady Leyla she wished she could cut her into pieces , but she had been trying her absolute best ,for years to be in the favor of the Royal family or for them to at least like her. And now it seemed like they already like Reina who had just arrived . "Lady Leyla, am sorry for my ignorance. I wasn't aware that the rule was not existing and because I don't really see the lower class when I visit. Could you please find it in your heart to forgive me." She was trying to hold her angry as much as possible.

"It is not me you need to apologize to." Leyla looked at Reina." But it is lady Reina. You insulted her and her pride." She said.

Reina looked at Leyla. "Mila.. I mean Leyla, there is no need for Eliza to apologize: she understands her mistake already. So I don't need the apology." She was trying yo reason with Leyla.

"Reina my dear , don't be too humble ; I agree with you that Eliza has understood her mistake. But she has offended you by insulting you and where you come from and as the princess of this kingdom it is my duty to punish offenders." She stated.

Reina didn't like Eliza at all but she didn't want to stump so low to her level. But it was an apology how bad could it be.

"You're right Leyla, lady Eliza made a mistake and she should rectify it." She said calmly.

Eliza wished the earth could swallow her up. She couldn't apologize to this lowly peasant.

"Lady Eliza." Leyla voice called out." We are waiting. " she said.

Lady Eliza smiled walked up to were reina was." Lady Reina,Please." She walked closed to her when it looked like she slipped on the grass almost fell on Reina ,her arm almost touched the front of Reina's dress but reina stepped back and Eliza arm landed on her sleeve and she ripped it off before falling on the ground.

Reina was shocked and she looked at her left hand which was bare, Eliza had ripped off her sleeve on purpose' this witch, she wants to humiliate me'. She wanted to pounce on her.

Before she could do anything , she felt a hand on her shoulder."Lady Reina are you alright?" Leyla asked worried.

"Am fine." She replied. Eliza rose from the ground and Reina could see that she was trying her best to hide a smile.

"Lady Reina are you alright?" She asked . "I didn't know what happened, I must have slipped on the grass that I'd why i fell." She said deftly.

Reina would not let this witch win." Then maybe you should watch were you are going instead of accusing the grass which is clearly not the reason you fell!" She said wrathfully.

Eliza glared at her." Reina are trying to accuse me of purposely tripping and ripping your sleeve?" She asked.

"That's lady Reina to you." A voice said from behind them. They all turned suddenly to see Alex and Steven standing a few distance away from them.

Eliza eyes suddenly flew wide with horror. "Yo-your Highness." She bowed.

"Reina." Alex called her name , and waved her to come she came closer and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Are you alright?' He asked.

"Am fine. But my dress isn't." She sadly replied. Alex looked at Eliza who was shaking like a leaf." Why did you tear lady Reina's dress ?" He asked angrily.

"My lord I didn't do it on purpose; I missed my footing and fell an I didn't mean to tear her dress." She said timidly.

He angrily marched to where she was and gripped her neck. "Another lie that comes out from your mouth and your dead body will be seen as decoration in your fathers house." He said coldly. "Now answer my question and this time I hope you'll be wise and tell the truth."

"Brother Alex please let her go." Leyla's pleaded.

"Steven,take Leyla inside and make sure she stays put." He said to his friend who immediately took Leyla's hand.

"Your Majesty, please follow me." He said.

"Brother Alex please don't be harsh on her , she is only a child and children tend to make mistakes." She said as she followed Steven back into the mansion leaving Reina , Eliza and Alex who looked like he was ready to kill her.

"I did it because, I tripped." Eliza said sniffing and grasping for air as Alex gripped around her neck tightened." Please your Majesty, have mercy I didn't mean to do it please." She could hardly breath." Lady Reina." She called her name slowly in a hush whisper. "Lady Reina please forgive me I didn't mean to destroy your dress , promise that I'll buy you a new one exactly the same with this one please." She said as she held onto prince Alex hand trying to push it away." Please. "She whispered ,and she felt his gripe tighten and could no longer breath.

Reina watched as she was struggling for air and suddenly remembered her dream of her Sofia and Ethan, she didn't want a person to die because of her." Alex." She called softly." Alex please let her go. She admits her mistake and even promised to buy it; there's on need for you to kill her because of a dress." She said.

"Because of a dress?" Alex said letting Eliza go." Because of a dress?" He repeated.

He walked up to were she was." Eliza, let me make something clear to you, if you ever disrespect my guest again." He said looking deadly cold at her." Then I Alex will personally have your head hanged in the front of the place gate. "He said sternly and dragged reina along with him back into the palace and Reina could only hope that he wouldn't punish her.

Eliza watched as the two figure disappeared angrily grasping for breath.

"Reina, I'll make sure you pay for this embarrassment even if it's the last thing I do." She said.