
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 29

He looked like a cute child with the playful smirk in his face." Yes milord I have learnt my lesson and I'll never disobey you again." She said.

He raised his fingers and touched her hair ; it was soft like silk. He couldn't get enough of her ,he wanted more.

He removed his hand from her waist and help her tie the laces of her dress. "You can go Reina." He said coldly turning his back to her.

She gladly headed to the door and was about to open it." Reina." She turned to look at him.

He didn't move from his position. "What you know about me , keep it a secret." He told her.

She nodded and said.." I will." Before dashing out. He heard door closed softly, he had to control himself around her.

He knew that he could thrust her; she was not like the rest woman who were only with him either for sex or mostly for the throne. He really cared about her she was his little kitten and he didn't want to scare the small kitten away ,he had to be gentle and patient with her.

He told her the truth about himself;well technically, the half truth about himself. He didn't want to hurt her.

He turned when he heard the door and saw Steven enter ." Your Highness." He bowed.

"Steven What's the matter?" He asked.

"Your aunt and cousins have just arrived at the palace." He responded.

"There's nothing new in that, she always comes when she's not wanted and brings trouble along with her." He said coolly.

"There's more." Steven said.

"More? Is she yet in another skim to make sure that her son is the future king and not me?" He enquired.

"Yes your highness." Steven said. "She also brought lady Eliza with her." He added.

Alex smiled on hearing this." Good, with Eliza here I can finally get back at that woman who always believed she was above everyone and deserves to be the future Queen." The evil glint was back in his eyes. "Did she take the bait?" He asked.

"Yes, your Highness." He responded." And I believe very soon that she make it known to the Court. "

"Excellent. I'll be looking forward to it ,Poor aunt Ruth doesn't know what's coming to her. She think that she has finally won." Alex tilted his head and stared at the the bed that he and Reina had lay on few minutes ago." What of Reina? "He enquired.

"Lady Leyla is with her." He said." Do you want me to call her for you?" He asked

If there was a anyone Alex could thrust it was Leyla. "No that won't be necessary. She'll be fine with Leyla."

"Your Majesty I hope you know what you're doing?" He heard best friend stern warning." By bringing lady Reina here you have openly declared that she'll be your wife; and people who are greedy for the throne will use her against you. I think that they'll want to harm her in order to get to you." Alex smile suddenly fell and his face turned to stone cold.

"Am aware of that." He said coldly." And I won't back down. Let them cone I'll be waiting for them." He walked a few steps and stood at the corner close to the large French window that overlooked the view of the garden he saw two figures walking in garden headed for the bench in the middle .one was a tall woman wearing dark red clothing, he smiled when he saw the other woman who was were a light green dress." Its seems like my enemies have started to execute their evil scheme." He said when Steven walked up to him.

Steven looked at where the Prince was looking. He saw lady Reina and lady Leyla sitting on the bench chatting causally. He also saw the approaching figure of a blonde who was making her way to the pair." Its seems like lady Eliza is at it again your Highness. "He told him.

Alex looked at the blond with angary in his eyes." She forgets that this is not the academy where I can tolerate her. "

"What do you want me to do with her your Highness?" Steven asked." Should I kill her."

Alex shook his head." As much as it is tempting, I still need her." He thought for a moment. "But that doesn't mean that I still cannot punish her. Steven." He called out.

"Yes your Highness." His ever loyal friend replied.

"Release killer, I think it's been long since he had a proper snack." He said evilly.

Steven froze when he heard this." Milord he could kill her and could even hurt lady Reina in the process."

Hus smile broadened. "Killer knows not to touch what's mine and besides my sister is there to protect her. "


Reina was still laughing at the joke Leyla just said when she heard an all too familiar voice. "Princess Leyla."

They both looked froward to see Eliza making her way to where they were.

"Eliza." Leyla said when she reached where they were." What are you doing here?"

Reina wasn't surprised that Eliza would know Leyla. She would have been shocked if she didn't, Eliza was nothing but a power hungry woman and people who loved power and wanted it had to know people in their higher positions.

"Oh you know ,I came with auntie Ruth to visit the king and stay for a few days." She turned to look at reina and eyed her from head to toe." Lady Reina I didn't expect to see you here." Her voice sounded like they had been rest of friends." What are you doing here?"

"Lady Reina is staying with us for the holiday." Leyla replied.

"But I thought that people who were not related to the king and those who were not from elite families don't say at the palace?" She inquired. "What's with the sudden change of rules?"

Reina felt like slapping her senselessly. She was about to reply when Leyla spoke." Eliza , there is nothing wrong with lady Reina being here, she is related to us because she is Alex friend and to us friends are like family. And there was never any stupid rule of allowing the people who are below of class to not stay at the palace; because if they were we would not have had any servants working for us as they are among the lowest. And as a member of the royal family it is our duty to show hospitality to both the rich and the poor "She said sternly." So please if you have nothing to do but waste our time with your irrelevant words , I'll advise you to leave us in peace."