
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 25

Reina couldn't help but roll her eyes ,as she watched as the maids crowded Alex like little yapping puppies waiting eagerly for their master to arrive.

"Your Highness is there anything I can get for you? Like food." One said.

"Or water ?" Another chipped in.

They said crowding Alex , trying to out do the other so that Alex can pay attention to them ,but Alex attention was focused on the woman in his arms.

"There is nothing I need." He said icily. "You're all dismissed." He said.

And in a second the girls scattered , bowing hurriedly before leaving not wanting to incur the wrath of the prince.

Daniel was just watching in surprise at the drama that was still unfolding. He couldn't believe that the almighty Alexander the great was carrying a raging mad woman in his arms, Alex never carried any woman before and many would have killed just to be in his arm even if it was just for a second. He even remembered the times when some of the women would pretend to trip and would act like they sprained their ankle and they would dramatically cry in pain and ask for the prince assistance thinking it would get the prince attention. But to their shock the prince would ask him or Steven to help them. But this time he had carried lady Reina not minding her complaints , this girl was really something.

The IceCube of a person standing close to Daniel finally spoke." Your Highness. "He said." Your father must be waiting for is to make known our presence."

"You're right Steven. Father must be waiting." He smirked and looked at Reina." Shall we my dear?" He asked his eyes glowing mischievously. Not waiting for her to answer started walking through corridors.

She wanted to stop him and tell him to put her down but it was too late as Alex had already entered the courtroom , which fell into a hushed silence as soon as Alex walked into the room with Reina in his arms.

Reina couldn't help but turn red and she wished the ground could shallow her, as she saw the look of surprise in the faces of everyone present in the room. She prayed that Alex would stop being mischievous and put her down.

And her prayers were finally answered when Alex put her down gently, she looked up at the throne which was at the end of the large room and saw the king sitting majestically. As if on cue both she and Alex walked up to it stopping at the bottom of the stairs they both bowed.

"Your Highness."


The king beckoned Alex froward, and he climbed the stairs and stood a pace from his keen. The king extended his hand, and Alex knelt and pressed it to his forehead

Still on his knees the king regraded him warmly. "Thank you father." He said.

"Welcome back Alex." He glanced at the woman at the bottom of the stairs and looked at his son with questions in his eyes.

Noticing the look in his father's eyes Alex rose and said loudly for everyone in the courtroom to hear." Father ,may I introduce to you lady Reina Drummond daughter of the count of starffen." He said.

"Reina Drummond." The king called and she walked up to the king and used his hand to press her forehead as Alex had done. "I have seen you're father and he is a good man ,and I must say you are as beautiful as my son claims."

She glared at Alex before forcing a smile." I am faltered by your words your Highness but I am just your humble servant. " she said gingerly.

"I must say Alex your made a right choice. She is a gem." His father said satisfied and happy unaware of the tension that was between them.

Alex smiled and took Reina's hand. Making Reina to freeze as she felt the electricity that was passing through her body under his touch. "I am happy that you accept her father."

The king gave a nod." You both must be tired from the journey." He said." You both should go to your rooms and rest we shall continue our discussion at dinner."

Alex and Reina bowed and walked out of the room with Alex holding Reina's hand, followed by Steven and Daniel who were trialling behind them but at a respectful distance, Reina was shell shocked at what had just happened and she could even speak as she couldn't find her tongue.

She was not the only one surprised and in a state of shock. Daniel was lost in a maze of his thoughts 'Highness just introduced a woman to his father,HIS FATHER' Alex had never ever done this before in fact come to think of it his, Highness has never even brought a woman to the palace much less the courtroom. He had always had his women in his other houses not the castle.

"Steven." He called the man besides him." Steven? "He whispered.

He turned and looked at him." What is it Daniel?"

"You're asking me that question when it should be me asking you that. What have gotten into the prince? He had never had a woman in the castle much less introduced her to his father." He spoke softly not wanting the prince to hear.

"It doesn't concern me or you what his Highness does with his women." He said coldly." Don't put your nose were it does not concern you Daniel ,least you'll get into more trouble than you're already in." He said his voice sounding like a warning.

He walked ahead of him leaving standing. Daniel looked at him for a second before doubling his steps to catch up with him. He looked at the figure of the prince and Lady Reina he watched as the prince dragged Reina along with and lady Reina didn't seem to care. He was indeed amazed at this woman in front of him she didn't even know that she was already breaking the IceCube of a prince. He could help but chuckle at that imagine 'Am IceCube prince and his IceCube bodyguard' they were truly destined to be best friend.

The prince suddenly stopped and turned to look at him starring at him blankly. "What's so funny Daniel?" He asked and Daniel was immediately pulled back to reality.

"You Highness?" He looked at him confused.

Alex didn't look pleased one bit." I hate repeating myself, and since you seem to be lost in thought I'll repeat it for you." He paused and looked at his expression. "What's so funny?" He asked again.

And this made him swallow and stare at the prince ,he was dead for sure.