
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 24

The rest of the ride was filled with silence, most of it was spent with Alex always looking at her as if he wanted to eat her up and it made her blood boil. This shameless and irritating man he couldn't even keep his eyes to himself, anyway let him stare like the creep he was ,she wasn't going to answer him least she'll end up on his lap again.

In the other carriage that was trailing ahead of Alex. Daniel couldn't help but wonder at what had possessed his Highness to forcefully carry lady Reina. He looked at the stature of a person that was sitting opposite him, Steven was a the prince right hand man and best friend ,and he was among many envied his position. He wished he could kill Steven and get his position as the Right hand man, that would give him more power, and who didn't love power. Clearing his throat he said.

"Steven don't you think that his Highness is really attached to Lady Reina?" Steven turned to look outside.

His companion continued to ignore him, but he was not giving up easily. "I mean, he has never had to force a woman to go with him anywhere, and on the contrary the woman is the one who will happily go with him as if she had been waiting for a lifetime for the opportunity to come. But in this case she not only bluntly refused to go with his Highness but she made his Highness to take her forcefully." Finally seeing him paying attention as Steven turned to look at him. "And the way the girl was kicking and cursing , I could tell that she was angry and not one bit scared of prince Alex and what baffled me was that his Highness didn't even seem to mind with the way the girl was acting." He said.

"His Highness knows what he's doing Daniel, and I'll advise you to keep you thoughts to yourself ,it'll be best for you .' He said coldly and sternly.

Daniel gulped." I was only expressing my worry for his Highness, I think that his relationship with lady Reina wouldn't be-"

"DANIEL." Steven growled as his face turned cold and he looked like he was about to cut his head into two pieces.

Raising his hands like he was surrendering." OK OK you got me I'm keeping my mouth shut now." He said and quickly turned to look at the window." Hm the whether sure is lovely, do you know that my mother always tells me tha-." He continued and Steven couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the babbler mouth. 'This was going to be a long ride'. He only hoped that God would give him the patience to tolerant him and not snap his neck in half.

They reached the palace and Reina couldn't but open her mouth in awe ,it was breathtaking it looked like Cinderella's dream castle. Alex stepped down from the carriage and turned and held his hand out for her to take it ,she took it absentminded and he guided her through the staircase as they ascended.

Steven and Daniel had also step out from their carriage and had joined Alex and reina.

She would have gladly refused him but was she looking at the palace and she missed her step and almost fell when Alex pulled her up.

"Are you alright? "He asked with a worried look.

'Am fine." She said and felt the pain in her leg." I think I sprained my ankle. "She said.

"Can you walk?" He asked.

"I think so." She pulled his hand away and took one step but stopped and winched as the pain in her leg increased. He reached out to carry her." Oh no your Highness I can walk there's no need for you to trouble yourself." She said pushing his hand back.

"Fine then." He said looking at her and raising a brow." Go ahead I won't stop you."

She gulped and looked up at the grand stairs it was so damn long and they haven't even walked half of it. She hardly walked two steps before she hissed and bent down to hold her leg ,it was giving her to much pain.

Without another word Alex reached down and carried her into his hands. Making Daniels eyes widen in complete shock he looked at Steven his expression was the same as ever.

Alex moved up the stairs with a complaining Reina in his hands." My lord, please put me down , am too heavy and your hands must be tried."

Alex chuckled." You seem to always know how to surprise me. Don't worry you're not heavy I feel like am carrying a little kitten in my arms. "He hand a devilish glint in his eyes and he looked devastatingly handsome and it make any woman's heart to flatter and Reina heart was flattering like crazy. He had referred her to be a kitten gosh this man was crazy and she just kept her mouth shut not wanting him to refer her to a dog or something else.

He reached the top and Reina had begin to struggle in his hold."Your Highness we have reached the top of the stairs please put me down." She said and he looked down at her she looked flustered and he couldn't help but want to tease her more.

"I can see that , but I feel like your leg is still in pain." He said coolly.

"Your Highness I can assure you that my leg is alright." She insisted.

"Your Highness if I may say." He heard a voice but didn't bother to look at the person.

"What is it."

"I think that lady Reina is right and she is in good shape." Alex tilted his head to look at him coldly and Daniel wished that the ground should open up and sallow him. The look in Alex face told him that he was in big trouble.

Reina turned to look at the man who had spoken and was surprised to see his face which was pale had become White like chalk. She could feel Alex was staring daggers at the man. "Milord the man is right my leg is totally OK and I feel much better now please put me down." She pleaded.

And then Alex lost it he walked with her towards the large doors which immediately opened and entered the palace he was surrounded by maids and grauds who had come to do his every demands. "It seems like I'll have to discipline you with the way you talk and agree with other men." He said quietly for only she to hear.

She looked at him frightened. "What are you going to do to me?" She said.

He smirked." Just you wait and I'll show you." He said and she could help but gulp at the expression that was on his face. She thought he was bluffing but she knew Alexander knight and he never bluffed. Oh no she was in trouble.

*"Hi guys just to be clear this book is 18r and is not suitable for young reader. And please guys show your love and support by voting with your power stones. Your power stones and reviews are my motivation to keep writing so please don't forget to vote for me.

I love you all
