
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 12

She looked around and saw that she was back in her room. She touched her head. "Ah my head hurts." She said standing up from the bed. She strolled towards the door looking at her dress. She hadn't worn this dress, she thought. She got to the door ,instead if opening she decided to lean in it as she did heard footsteps approaching.

"Am sure she's still in the forest and I'll prove you wrong." She heard a man's voice speaking.

"Don't jump into conclusion yet ,we haven't checked her room yet." A woman's was heard loud and clear,she backed away from the door when their footstep came close and tiptoed hurriedly to her reading table seating down and picking ,whatever book that was on the table she hurriedly opened it to pretend to read , she grasped as and stood up as the doors of her chamber swung open. Turning face to face to see the intruders who thought it was nice to barge into her room without her permission.

Adams jaw dropped open as he stared into the angry green eyes of lady Reina. Walking into the room to where she was standing, he could see she was not quite happy with the intrusion.

"La-ady Reina." He bowed his head at her.

"Sir Adam." Reina said looking him closely,before Turing her gaze to the woman standing next to him." Lady Eliza. " she said.

"Lady Reina." Eliza said looking very pleased and happy to see her and this scared Reina.

"Would you and sir Adams be kind enough to tell me what you're doing in my chambers at this auspicious time of the night." She said folding her hand firmly to her chest.

"W-well you see lady Reina. Adam stammered." Did you go to the forest today?" He said.

Why in God's teeth would she go into the forest ?and why and for what reason was he asking her? She was about to say something when a voice spoke from behind them, which she recognized in an instant.

"No Adam, lady Reina was with me through out the hole evening." Alex said entering into the room along with a man she didn't recognize.

Eliza was the first to acknowledge his presence Bowed her head ,and was quickly followed suit by Adam and Reina.

"My lord what are you doing her?" Adam asked surprised.

"I should be asking you that question Adam,but to satisfy your curiosity I was taking a stroll and I bumped into Mr Charles on the way. And we were about to go when I heard noises coming from lady Reina's room. And on my arrival I find the door wide and ,you and lady Eliza in here with lady Reina." He said staring pointedly at Adam." Now back to you,what are you and lady Eliza doing in Lady Reina's room?" Alex asked.

"W-well you see your Highness, we heard a rumor that lady Reina was seen wandering in the forest so I thought maybe that we should check on her to see weather the rumor was true or not." Adam said making his voice sound believable.

"Yes my lord." Eliza cut in." We heard from a very unreliable source, that he saw lady Reina in the forest tonight. And we couldn't believe that it was our Reina, that is why we are here." She said nervously.

Alex continued staring pointedly at them ,a corner of his lips twisted up into a half smile and a dangerous glint was in his eyes. Reina recognized it and smiled to herself.

"Oh really? I didn't hear of such rumors. It must have been a misunderstanding, and you two just came to verify if opening it was true." He paused and smiled at Eliza who smiled back at him." I now know that you too care for her and wanted to ensure her safety. " he said and Eliza and Adam looked at each other with relief.

"But." He said." But I am still confused and I hope that you'll answer my questions to help me understand the matter more clearly. "

"Of course your Highness." Adam said confidently.

"Good." Alex said." No one in the school have heard about such rumors and am sure that Mr Charles here haven't heard the news if not I would have been informed about such information. So could you please kindly feel me of the person that gave you such false news." He said.

And with this Adams face paled." Well you see my prince, the person asked that the information and his identity should be confidential." He said timidly.

Alex sighed as if bored l." Is that so?" He said to Adam then Turing to Eliza ."Lady eliza I would like to know where this mysterious person meet you both." He said giving her a devastatingly handsome simple that made Eliza blush nervously and melted to his will.

"W-well ,you see your Highness. He met me and Adams when we were together in his room." She said foolishly without realizing what she had said. For a moment before sapping back to reality.

Alex grinned widely. "So you're telling me that a mysterious person came to you when you where in the comfort of his room?" He said looking at Eliza.

"No your Highness, we were doing anything of such sort." She said looking sheepishly.

"I didn't say anything, Eliza." Alex said." But since you mentioned it, you were in my dear cousin Adams room in this time of night wearing nothing except your polonaise." Alex said looking at her his grin still in place.

Eliza face reddened with recognition, she had been so busy trying to prove Adam wrong about the words said by Angus .that she forgot to dress properly.

"Your Highness." Adam began."lady Eliza was with me because, I had wanted her to see some jewelries that my mother asked me to show her." He looked at Eliza who smiled.

"What you both were doing is not my problem." Alex said and looked at the man standing next to him." But I still need the name of the person who is spreading vicious rumors. "Alex said.

"Milord the person asked us to keep it confidential." Adams said.

"Well if you,decide not to tell me the name then it means that it was the two if you that spread the rumor." Alex said .