
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 11

Alex had posed her scent because of the rain, but the hairpin was had already lost her scent because of the rain , but nothing would hurt with trying. He sniffed the hairpin hoping to catch her scent,but it didn't work he continued sniffing .

He smelled the faint scent of her flowery scent ,he'd finally got her scent he thought and ,stood up sniffing the air and walking back into the forest.

He kept walking around in the forest before he caught the strong smell of her flowery scent she was close,he started running and following the direction of the scent passing trees ,until he stood face to face with a huge rock. The scent was very strong now and he looked around and saw a red haired figure on top the stone.

"Reina." He shouted and raced to her side climbing on top of the stone , he listened carefully his heart in his stomach. He sighed relief when he heard her faint heartbeat, she was still alive but was unconscious.

He picked her up and disappeared from the forest and appeared back in her room in the school. He dropped her gently in her bed,undressed her and bathed her cold body , before wearing a clean and dry nightgown

He sat down next to her at the edge of the bed looking at her sleeping face. What had she been doing there in the middle of the forest? Had she gone out to see a lover? No she couldn't have a and even lover and even if she did he'll would make sure that she forget him. It was all so confusing , but maybe it was because of the kissed they had shared that prompted her to run into the forest?.

Her face looked innocent and pure while she slept, her face half covered by her auburn tresses ,her eyes were closed and her lashes made her look even more innocent her pale skin had become more pale.

Brushing the hair off her face he leaned down and kissed her forehead. He couldn't think about any other woman apparent from her, she was everything to him , he would not let anyone try to take her away.

He looked at her lips and he felt himself harden , those delicious lips in his her , her slim but sexy body under his, if he had the chance he would have taken her in his arms and made her moan and scream his name with pleasure.

She coughed a small sound which he heard clearly.

"Reina?" She opened her eyes and looked around the room.

"Where am I?"


He walked through the shadows until he reached a door. He knocked quietly and stood still and waited ,the door opened quietly.

"What is it?" The person behind the door asked in a voice less than a whisper

"I have some important news to tell you." The person outside said quietly.

"Could you not wait until the morning? Leave I have important work to attend to."

"But milord, thid news is very much important and I promise it will not waste your time."

The person behind the door sighed before opening the door for the man to enter. On stepping into the room he now understood why the lord was not pleased with his coming ,and now knew the so called matter of grave importance.

"Milord." He bowed his head to Adam before he turned to the woman in the bed." Milady." He bowed his head.

Seating on the bed was lady Eliza, she was wearing a polonaise and didn't bother hiding her body to keep him from knowing what they have been doing.

"Well,what is the news." Adam asked irate. If this man wanted to keep his head,then the news better be worth it ,he thought angrily.

"Lady Reina ,have yet to return to the school." He said

"So? What use is she to us? She can go and burn in hell for all I care." Lady Eliza said looking at the man closely.

"Milady." He said." I also found out that prince Alex have gone out to look for her." He said.

"What?" Standing up as if she there was fire on were she was sitting." What did you just say Angus, that prince Alex went out to find that foolish girl."

"Yes milady." Angus said bowing his head.

"Impossible." She said looking stunned. "This have to be a joke ,prince Alex has never cared for a woman like this before. Why is he doing it now?" She asked on one in particular.

"That would be all Angus." Adam said and the man bowed his head before leaving.

Eliza walked up to him to stand in his front." Adam this cannot be true, we can't trust a word that Angus said." She exasperated.

"We have to Eliza." His face looked like he was in deep thought.

"What if he's lying Adam ?,what if lady Reina didn't go into the Forest?" She place her hand in his arm.

"He's not lying Eliza, I saw he walking through the Forest with my own eyes."

"What if you saw the wrong person in the Forest?. You know some people looks alike maybe it was another person not Reina." She looked desperate.

He sighed frustrated, this woman was a big problem to him, she never believed anything that was to her if the thought her own theory was correct. The only way she would every believe was to prove her wrong,and that he would gladly do.

"Eliza ,I am sure that is was Reina that I saw in the Forest tonight. And if you still have some doubts, then I suggest we go to her Chambers to see if she is still here." He said finally.

She nodded in agreement. "I agree Adam, the only way we would know that lady reina is in the forest,and that price Alex have gone looking for her. Is by checking both Reina's and prince Alex's room." She said.

And he gave a nod." Yes we would still need to confirm whether Alex is still in the forest looking for her." He said gladly as they headed for the door.