
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

First kill

Around eight thirty in the evening.

After a hard day's work, Juliana opened her door very softly. Today, she quit work ahead of time. In her hand were some things she bought on the road, mostly for preparing her daughter's favorite meal. Juliana does not have anyone in the world except her daughter Heidi, and despite all the hardships she has faced in the last two years, as soon as she sees her little girl, she forgets all her troubles and be more liveliness, such as the battery that recharges once linked with the current.

As a daily routine, she went straight to Heidi's room, first. She wanted to open the door quietly to check if she was sleeping or not, but the door was not closed. She thought she might have forgotten it was open before leaving in the evening, to look through it. The scene in the room frightened her, and she almost fell on the ground had it not been for her firmly clutching the door.

There on the bed her completely disabled daughter was shuddering so hard that the bed was shaking constantly. The blanket that was covering her body was on the ground, and she could see her daughter in full shape from the entrance. The body was not what it was in the morning, and there were many places that had drastically changed.

No one knows her daughter's body better than she, for she is the one who does everything from washing, cleaning and bathing... But she almost doubted the girl in front was her daughter had it not been of the same clothes she was wearing.

The shock did not take much to get back to her senses and rush to the bed, trying to understand what was going on. Heidi was unconscious. Juliana was very frightened and even the things were in her hand were thrown around in the room, without her conscious.

She can afford anything, to live a life of poverty after she was rich and to have to work all day for a little money. To spend most of her income on her daughter's expenses and does not even leave a little for herself. All of this was very simple in her view, and she did not mind at all. But if anything happens to Heidi, she does not know what will happen to her.

Wanting to know what had happened, she searched for the artificial intelligence, Luna. To ask about the situation, and why didn't send her notice while she was at work?

It was only then that she noticed the shattered table and the debris of Luna in the place. Not only that, there was a plastic doll in the place.

She panicked, no one else has the key for her house and Heidi is a disabled girl who can't move. This means that someone broke into the house and did something strange that made her daughter in this state.

The mother struggled to stay calm, and her priority was Heidi's condition. She quickly called the hospital to send an ambulance promptly. Usually she takes her daughter by herself to do periodic checks, but the situation is now urgent and it is likely that she cannot deal with it on her own. Especially since the girl is in a strange state.

Juliana called the police afterwards and informed them of the situation while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. She tried to do anything that could ease the suffering of the girl, but she did not seem to be able to do any. Her trembling hand came close and touched her daughter's face, to pull it back with haste.

The temperature was so high; it was higher than any time Heidi had fever in the past.

When she checked again, she noticed strange things going on. There was hair growing on her daughter's head. Her daughter was severely burned and lost most of her hair, so how could this happen?

The ambulance took only a few minutes to reach their home, as the hospital was not far away, and the ambulances had their designated roads and high-flying speeds. In a jiffy, two attendants took the girl on a special stretcher, she and the mother, and left in the same haste.

Heidi was admitted to the intensive care unit immediately, and a dedicated team was appointed to intervene in her urgent case. As stated in the contract. But doctors had difficulty diagnosing the condition and could not understand the situation, with the devices attached to her body showing ridiculous results.

{Damaged cells in the patient's body are being regenerated.}

Damaged cells in the body can be naturally regenerated during the treatment process. Modern devices of medicine can figure the areas in the human body that suffer from defects and the speed of treatment with great accuracy, such as the speed of healing of broken bones and the time that the body needs to recover after the operation. But what happened in front of them is something that they had never before seen. This diagnosis is impossible to do with Heidi's disabled and disfigured body.

That night, Komori Hospital was boiling. Heidi's case has left many doctors baffled, and many specialists gathered to analyze it. On the other hand, Rash's sudden disappearance from the VIP room with no one knowing, and his whereabouts are still in an unknown state until this moment.


Contrary to Komori Hospital. The room where Rash was in was very serene, even the sound of the needle falling on the floor could be heard. Total darkness prevents him from seeing things, which has led him to rely on his hand to locate things.

Rash did not stay calm after Monica left. Rather, afterwards began the mission for which he had come. In an attempt to come up with a plan to get the three children out of the room, but soon he found it was impossible.

No windows or any other hole, and the only exit is through the only door in the room.

'The heck' He cursed and breathed deeply, and put his hand on his temple, trying to find another way.

The children were sleeping soundly, and he did not inspect them, for he knew they were alright. Being asleep was in his favor, because they were very young and might cause trouble if they happened and woke up.

There was nothing useful in the room, so he stuck his ear to the door and tried to listen to the conversation outside. The room apparently faces the living room and there is always someone guarding or maybe more.

This time, he could hear some shouting in the hallway.

It appeared as if they were arguing about what happened with Monica and her failure to control Domi. Rash could distinguish their voices, Pedro was angry and shooting loudly, Monica was upset at his screaming and Jimmy apparently is the one trying to calm the situation between them.

Rash remained in his position for some time. In such cases he has to learn patience, and choosing the right time is all it means for success. Their internal conflict was in his favor, and it is good for a dispute to happen between them now. As this will make them easier to deal with.

After a while he heard Pedro talk again. It seemed that he was speaking on the phone, and his voice was no longer that angry person, but rather like a meek lamb this time. Rash didn't know who he was talking to, but he expected him to be a big character to behave like this.

{ "Something unexpected happened," Pedro said.


"Domi picked up sweet candy from the street," Rash speculated that the sweet candy is meant to describe him.


"Monica made him sleep, though, I don't think it will take much and I can't handle him. Couldn't you come sooner?" He appealed.


"Well... as you order," Pedro hung up.}

The call took a mere two or three minutes, and the sentences they used were full of distorted meanings. This is the nature of the work and to avoid any kind of eavesdropping. Rash understands it being the victim they are talking about. The call gave him no useful information, and he is now confused about what to do. Nightmare said nothing to help him, though.

Pedro, who was standing in the middle of the room with a smartphone in his hand, looked at Monica and Jimmy sitting on the sofa to tell them what the boss had said. He sighed and stated briefly, "The boss cannot come tonight either, because things have become a little complicated. Regarding Domi's situation, he has told you, Monika, to handle him. I will be in my room if something happens." Then Rash heard his footsteps gradually drift away.

Moments later, he heard the sound "Tik-Tok" coming towards him, causing him to return swiftly to his bed. The door was opened after, it was Jimmy inspecting the room. Even though there are just a few kids inside, they still check it every so often.

About an hour later, he heard a loud noise outside. 'An emergency has happened?' He thought and wanted to know more, to be surprised by the opening of the door again. He heard Monica's voice whispering, "I'll let you this time, but you have to listen to my words in the future. Is that clear?" She was addressing Dumi and seeking to control his actions.

It was easy for Rash to understand what was going on now and realized that his time had come.

Dumi put his big hand around the little girl's belly and carried her with one hand as if it were a garbage bag, and then they left towards the kitchen. There, he placed the girl on the table on which they had dinner. His condition was completely unstable, and had it not been for Monica's constant supervision, he might have pounced on the girl at once.

Monica strapped Rash's mouth to a piece of cloth while he's still pretending to be asleep all the time, "Even though she's deeply asleep, you have to control yourself. We want her organs, so your brother warned you not to kill her."

Hearing them talking about him this way made Rash sweat profusely. At least these words were not new to him. In his life he heard a lot of this type until he became numb. Of course, the current situation is very dangerous, and if he could do nothing, it might be his demise.

Monica didn't stay there with them, although she doesn't care what will happen to the girl, but she doesn't want to see or hear the process. After she locked the door and left, Domi undressed quickly, Rash used his negligence to glimpse the door. After finding the door-knob, he activated the telekinesis skill and crushed the lock from inside so that no one could enter. Facing one person is hard enough.

Domi noticed nothing, and it took only seconds until he was completely naked, alone in the kitchen with a little girl. He approached the table with his hands trembling with excitement. He did not even concern himself with gently taking off the clothes. Rather, grabbed them firmly in his desire to tear them to pieces.

The moment he bowed straight, the little girl in front of him turned into Monica, which made him confused for a second, as if he felt delirious. Rash did not give him a chance and hit his phallus with a strong lower kick, using the hero kick. The attack made Domi scream in pain, "Wooooooo....", how not when the blow had probably shattered his testicles?

<You have dealt 20 critical damages to target>

"BE QUIET. DOMI." Monica's cry could be heard from outside, since he could not speak, so she thought it was just a cry of ecstasy.

Rash knows he doesn't have much time to deal with the situation, and Domi's naked sight in front of him while gripping his testicle in his hands made him feel disgusted. These guys don't care for getting that far, even with just a little girl? What if she was a real girl in this place, would she simply be raped before killing her?

He was so angry that he was being treated that way. The adrenaline in his body made his movements more deadly. He jumped from the table to stand in front of Dumi, although he was crouched, but his enormous body made Rash look like a little fellow before him. The big man did not let him do what he wanted but was quick to counter-attack.

Unfortunately, Rash was nothing but bait from the start, the moment he tried to catch him. A kitchen knife pierced his neck from the back side and out the other side.

Rash knows he will not likely have a chance at a direct confrontation, so he used telekinesis to control the knife and deliver a direct hit. He knows there is no going back now, kill or be killed with that simplicity.

He did not know the impact of the stab, so he did not hesitate to hit the guy's foot to make him fall to the ground. Dumi, who lost his state of mind from the severity of the pain while trying to deal with the situation, could not respond to any attack. Rash delivered another punch to his mouth to prevent him from screaming more. It was good that the two screams he shot were not loud because his throat was choked with a knife.

It all happened in an instant. When Domi's body started to lose its momentum, the earlier events gradually returned to Rush's mind, causing everything to turn pitch blackness in front of him.