
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


After some time, on the same street near the house.

When the man and woman were returning from their destination, loaded with the goods they had bought in bags. Suddenly someone snatched one of the bags from the man's hand at the corner, using the dim light in the place to hide himself. Unfortunately, the male was at high alert to respond quickly and with ease, and grabbed the thief by the hand.

"Uh… let me… please… I won't do it again…" It was a terrified little girl trying to escape his hand while her pale face in the dark told of her misery.

The big man never allowed her, despite her repeated attempts at pleading. Even while trying to react violently, her little limbs will not reach him.

There was an altered look in the big man's eyes for the first time. The woman who was accompanying him did not pick up the bait and was very cautious, scrutinizing everything.

Rash, who was disguised as a little girl. Choose the right time to move while the street is completely empty. His attempt to steal the bag was nothing but camouflage. His actual goal was to show himself to them so they would kidnap him.

He is not like Nightmare, who can expect a lot of things and has amazing abilities. Only, he thought of giving the kidnappers what they want on a plate of gold. Any homeless child could be a treasure in the eyes of these people.

He begged more to let him go. This is easy for him, he lived his life while watching a lot of this kind of drama. The little girl spoke pleadingly, "Please sir... have some mercy and let me go..." He cursed because he could not bring out tears no matter what he tried.

Since the man had said nothing for some time. The woman came forward and asked herself, "Little girl, why did you do that thing if you were so scared... and what are you doing here this late?" She already checked the place and found nothing suspicious. Then she assayed the girl in front of her. She found the child a little slender at about eight or nine years old. Her clothes were not ancient, but there were some bruises visible on her face and hands.

The little girl was trembling with fear, trying to gain their mercy and began telling her story, "I was hungry and had eaten nothing for two days... and... and..." She hesitated, "I ran away from the orphanage because the manager there hit me so hard, look here... and here... and in my back too..." She seemed uncertain, but the desperate situation made her say everything.

The woman found the story a little logical, which made her more cautious. Although they are a gang engaged in kidnapping children, their operations were not without prior planning. And the appearance of this girl in front of them thus made her find the matter more strange. The man with her started talking with signs, "Appaa.... aboo…"

"Domi, don't be too hasty..." The lady answered, making his face change. She was more confused now, the situation could not be delayed, and she had to decide quickly. The problem is that Domi is a tough character and cannot be easily controlled even by her. He is now in a state of calm because of the calming-drug he took, but if he really wants something, only the leader can stop his eruption.

She knew what Domi was thinking, but was afraid that this was just an orchestrated trap. The house was not far away, yet she sent a message from her phone. The phone was their way of exchanging information.

Only seconds for the order to come. She sighed and ordered Domi to leave the little girl alone, "Dome. Let her go..."

When she could not complete the sentence, the look on Rash and the big man's face changed. Rash, who was desperate and cursing inside, said: 'Stupid woman... just kidnap me... I won't shout.' Domi, on the other hand, was indifferent, and took the little girl by force, 'That's good. That's good. Don't listen to her.'

His behavior upset the miss. Yet she had no choice but to pretend she was trying to help and comfort the girl, even if it was for camouflage purposes, "Well... little girl. Don't be afraid... just stay calm and I promise that I'll give you a lot of food if you do."

Rash was excited upon hearing that. Well, he was thrilled because he had eaten nothing since he left the hospital, anyway. Even though he didn't act willingly, he stopped screaming.

At the front door of the house.

"What happened? You are late..." in his thick voice and dulled tone. The person who opened the door inquired, only to be taken, that they brought a little girl with them. He gestured to them to enter quickly and closed the door with haste. A look of anger appeared on his face. Without a word, the lady understood what it meant to respond briefly, "I could not stop him..." She was pointing to Domi, who did not care about Pedro's tempestuous gaze.

Rash examined the man. <Name: Pedro ~ level: 7> His appearance does not suggest he is a gangster unlike Domi. But Rash noticed the weapon in his clothes, which made him a little nervous.


<Name: MGW Handgun ~ Caliber 6 mm>

<Description: A lightweight automatic handgun fitted with a silencer. Unprotected and can shoot against people. Capacity 15 bullets in the tank.>


Rash did not find the description surprising. Most of the weapons are equipped with silencers these days, and this is the government's plan to reduce pressure on citizens in the event of fast-intervention.

The problem is that there are two types of weapons in circulation.

The first type, the protected weapons, usually have a special symbol for them and you find them distinctive in green and white. This type was designed not to work against people, made for private use and granted with a license from the government for people to protect themselves from monsters as the last choice.

The second type, and it is all other than the first one. These weapons are classified as dangerous and can be fired at whatever the target. They are not usually granted to ordinary people, and their use is restricted to security forces.

Pedro exhaled. If Monica can't stop Domi, then only the boss can. Domi and the boss are brothers. Although he is very good at doing business, he suffers from mental disorders sometimes. And for this reason Pedro did not agree to bring him from the beginning, but the Boss is the one who decides in the end.

There is a fourth person in the place, but he isn't any better. Their group of four is at his disposal until the boss returns from his trips.

He cast his gaze upon the girl, it's already too late and can't do anything about it now. Even if it was a trap, they swallowed the bait.

Pedro thought about it again and came up with some possibilities: First, she might just be a normal girl, which is more likely. Because it is not possible for the authorities to leave a little girl as bait for a gang. Second, what worried him if she is an ability user. It's the worst for them in that case, and yet it is unlikely.

One thing he is absolutely sure of, if their location had already been discovered, the government would not have waited so long to take action. Only charge one high level and everything may end in an instant. Perhaps their weapons are useful against some low-levels abilities users, but there are many who can deter it easily.

Of course, he did not lose his vigilance and took the necessary precautions for the success of the mission. It's a very important operation this time, not just in terms of money, but what they will get in return is much better. Then he asked the girl, "Little girl. How Old Are You?"

"Eight years." The female child answered, her eyes looking down, trying to act polite.

'Eight years means it's impossible to be an ability user.' Pedro narrowed his eyes and thought to himself. He did not ask about her name or other things. They are not important anyway. But he waited for the leader's decision through the phone.

He hinted to Monica to take care of her like they did to the rest of the boys, "Go on and offer her some food." She nodded and took them towards the kitchen. There she prepared a quick meal and served it to Rash, who sat on the wooden chair, observing everything. Domi was behind, still did not take his eyes off him the whole time. His behavior was not normal, and his hands kept scratching and itching on his body.

Rash acted as if he had noticed nothing. Now is not the time to move. He is sure they will do nothing to him, even if suspicion hangs around. However, that will not last for long.

Monica prepared dinner for both of them. She put a plate in front of the little girl first, and a second on the opposite side of the table, "Here, come and eat. You too." She ordered Dumi while she watched from her place. Rash examined what the plate contained, <instant noodles containing a sleeping-drug> which made him feel uneasy.

Here, he should not eat too much and pretend to fall into a deep sleep. To his surprise, the first spoon he took made him change his mind. <You are under sleeping effect> <You have resisted.>

"So... the skill works like this, too." He thought to himself and took the plate with his little hands and swallowed everything inside. Within moments there was nothing left. He ordered another plate afterwards, making Monica amazed at his ability to eat so much, and perplexed at the same time. She gave him another serve without hesitation.

Domi, who was in front of him, did not take long to fall asleep on the table while still holding the spoon in his hand. It appears the dose that was put on his plate was higher. Rash ignored him and continued to enjoy his food. This time he took more time and did not stop examining the place and monitoring the things that he could use in his plan.

After filling his stomach completely, he imitated what Domi had done and fell asleep as well.

Monica left Dumi on the table, then carried the little girl in her arms and took her to another room. Rash felt strange. How could she not notice his weight, though? Does the skill camouflage the weight as well?

She ran into the other person in front of the room, sitting on the sofa while he was working on his cellphone. Rash couldn't see him for bluffs to be asleep, but he knew he was a man through his voice. "Yo, Mony~ Pedro told me "you had a problem." He spoke while he was yawning, then looked at the girl in her arms, "No doubt about it. She's a little girl after all."

"It's as you guessed, Jimmy. The last time was about a month ago, That's why I didn't want to bring him outside... Huh." Pedro and Jimmy are not doing well with Domi, and they were busy with other work which forced her to take him outside. If she had known that this was going to happen, she would not have brought him, even if it meant putting him to sleep for several days.

Jimmy understood what she meant and rose from his place to open the door for her, with a small bow and a fresh smile, "The lady first," it's his nature to behave like this with Monica. Monica did not mind his actions and entered the room without turning on the lights, chose a suitable place and put Rash in it, thinking he was drowning in his sleep. She did not care to cover him, as the temperature was moderate in the room.

She looked at the three boys one last time to make sure they were completely in their sleep. She was not doing it for their comfort, but it considered them a valuable commodity in her view. And valuable goods should be treated politely.