
My Nightmare System

Rash is an orphanage boy who wants to live his life like any other. But.... Everything works badly for him, until he gets the system. Wait, why is the name of the system is Nightmare? Can Rash get himself a better life in the future?

Sala7ef_Ninja · Fantasy
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47 Chs

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"I... killed... someone." Rash muttered in a faint voice, unable to believe what his hands had done.

"I... really killed a human," He repeated

Domi's blood flowed profusely under his body until there was a large stain within a few seconds. Rash stood still, unable to move a single muscle. Watching the scarlet blood with his empty eyes.

Everything around him had completely disappeared, and the bloodstain remained the only thing on his mind.

This is the first time he has killed a person. The shock made him forget everything that came afterward; it made him forget that he was still in a dangerous area and that he had to control himself.

After a while, his hands shook, then the shiver spread all over his body that tremor made him regain himself. Then he took a long, deep breath, which made him feel as if it was the first time he had taken a breath in his life.

His mind repeated the events that took place again, but it was more stable this time. He did not want to run away from the truth, and he did not look for excuses to delude himself that he was right in doing it. Whatever the reasons, it is certain that he killed a soul with his own hands.


<You have defeated Domi: 38 XP acquired>

<Your level has risen.>


[Name: Rash Nightmare | Race: Human 95% Hybrid 5% | Level: 4 <10/80>

Class: The Hero Who Will Destroy Gallus

* As a hero, you won't die when your health is at the minimum.

HP: 420/420 | MP: 400/400

Strength: 21 | Vitality: 21 | Agility: 21

Dexterity: 20 | Intelligence: 21 | Wisdom: 20 | Luck: 3



His rise in level did not make him happy or sad. He had already seen the alert but felt nothing about it.

Nightmare, who was quiet all the time, spoke for the first time, "Eventually, if it is not today then you will have to do it another day... Being hesitant about taking someone's life is a positive and good thing. It means that you are still someone who respects ​​the human soul, and its value, not some sort of psychopath. But Rash, this is the path you have chosen and you have to overcome all the challenges and risks if you want to reach the top." He tried to comfort him more.

Rash did not say a word nor responded. Nightmare continued, "Domi, who is a mentally insane person, has committed a lot of crimes in cold blood manner. Do you think someone like him didn't deserve what happened to him?"

"Nightmare... I'm fine... I know what you want to say." Rash said in a calm and harmonious voice. Losing control of his feelings and his body reaction was something out of his control, and anyone would feel the same in his condition. In the end, he is still fifteen years old.

Now is not the time nor the right place for the counseling process. He lost control a little, but now he has returned to his normal state and is already thinking about his next steps. His idea of ​​closing the door from the inside was very good. What would happen if someone came in while he was distracted?

Domi was the strongest person in the group, and getting rid of him first is a huge benefit. If Rash had to face him head-on, his chances of winning would likely be weak. Of the three remaining, Rash looked at the door again and whispered to himself, 'Looks like none of them noticed what's going on yet.'

"Aba baaa.... abba...." he transformed himself to Domi and tried to imitate his voice, so that this would give him more time. Then he pulled the body and hid it behind the table after moving it to the side. Now he's certain that they cannot see the corpse, and he is ready for the next step.

He cast his gaze in the kitchen to fall on the guy's clothes. He did not want to touch it with his hands, so he searched inside it using telekinesis technique. There was a pocket knife of 7 cm long between the things and a handgun like the one he had seen before. He pulled the two tools, and they fell into his hands.

First, he checked the knife. With a small click, the blade exited from the handle forward to turn 12 centimeters in length. The blade from the steel was sharp-edged and had a pointed tip. Rash put him in his back pocket while his focus is now on the handgun.

Rash is not stupid to take on three grown-up gangsters in head-to-head combat. Even if he finds a weapon, there isn't much chance of winning. But he can nevertheless exploit the element of surprise and gain the upper hand.

This is not the first time that he has seen a real handgun, especially in the current era, as many people own protected handguns and use them for self-protection. Usually there is not much difference between the two types and the parts used to make them are the same, so Rash had no difficulty using it, especially since he has the appraisal skill that informs him of the parts accurately.

<Automatic Silencer> <Magazine> <Barrel> <Muzzle> <Trigger Guard> <Safety> <Magazine Release> <Hand Grip>...

The pistol in Rash's hand was outdated in design and did not contain much of the modern features that the new types would have. It weighs just over a kilogram and is painted gray on all sides. There are three positions for safety and it can fire one bullet at a time or completely empty the magazine with one click.

Rash grabbed the handgun tightly with his right hand and pressed hard with his fist, placing his left hand under the hand grip, then making sure that the safety was in the right position. Then he began simulating firing methods, as he had seen before. He need not learn to shoot accurately, and he did not think of fighting people outside with a gun, as long as he could scare them, it is enough for him.

Also, he did not forget to collect a few kitchen knives and line them directly under the door. When he was sure he was completely ready and everything in place, he sat waiting near the door making no further movement.

The kitchen was quiet and Rash remained motionless for several minutes, waiting for anyone to arrive. Monica is likely to come in a few moments when discovers that the situation is strange, especially since she cannot trust what Dumi would do if he stayed for a long time with a young girl.

Rash's patience was not in vain, only for Monica's voice to come from outside. She wanted to go in and check the situation when the door did not open. Her strange feeling made her shout from the outside, "Domi, open the door right now..."

Her voice alerted Rash, as he arranged for the handgun in his hand to make sure there was a bullet in the firehouse. Next, he turned the safety to first position and waited to make sure that Monica was in a suitable position. He has one chance to get rid of someone by surprise attack and wants to take advantage of the chance.

Not responding to Monica made her even more upset, but she didn't try to open the door again. Rather, she called out to their other buddy, "Jimmy, come and break the door."

"What happened?" Jimmy felt weird.

"The handle is stuck and Domi doesn't want to answer me. I think he has already killed the girl." It is not his first time to do this, and she will never think a person with his strength and toughness will be killed silently. For a short period without them noticing anything, even though they haven't left the lounge all the time. So her only thought was that Domi had locked himself up when he broke her orders.

Rash felt happy. Two birds are better than one, and it would be perfect if he killed the two together.

When Jimmy stood in front of the door, he examined the handle again to find it was very stuck. He didn't waste his effort with the door and took it off directly. With a blow from the soles of his foot, he kicked the door forcefully. The first one did not work, the same as the second one. He took a few steps back and took advantage of his speed with the weight of his body to hit the door so hard to break it with a powerful blast.

* Bang * bang * bang * bang * bang

Jimmy didn't understand what was going on and before he searched the kitchen or said anything. Rash surprised him with five silent and successive shots, all of which fell directly on his body. Because the distance between them was less than a meter, and of the momentum generated by taking off the door. Jimmy was not prepared to retreat or defend. Rash was not sure of his ability to shoot, so he used the largest number of rounds to make sure that his opponent got killed.

Jimmy fell to the ground in front of the door in disbelief, since the shots did not hit his private parts, so he did not die immediately. Monica saw everything and retreated quickly, sheltering behind the sofa in the hall. Rash realized that he had missed the opportunity to kill her, but that was because she was on the other side of the wall and was not in range of fire.

Jimmy started writhing in pain and Rash retreated as well, to take shelter from any counter-attack. He did not direct any other shots at Jimmy, as they are too valuable to waste and also to leave him as bait. Not to mention he can't move much even if he wants. Nevertheless, he could hear his groaning and desperate cries, "Damn... Domi? ... W... Why..."

Shock, denial, disbelief, anger, resentment... all of these conflicting emotions were fighting inside him, which of them would have the greatest impact on describing his emotions. How does he know that the person who shot him is not Dumi but someone else?

After hearing the noise caused by destroying the kitchen door. Pedro came down from his room to see the chaotic scene and what had happened to Jimmy and Monica hiding behind the sofa. His experience made him realize that something was wrong and hastened to hide himself as well, while inquiring more about the situation, "What's going on?"

"Domi shot Jimmy..." Monica seemed very unsure of what was going on, but she saw everything with her own eyes and hadn't found another explanation yet.

"What?" He didn't understand exactly, "Why?" To ask her the cause. Domi is not well with them, does not mean that he may reach this point of losing control of himself.

"I also don't know. It all happened in an instant for no reason." Now she seems concerned. The relationship between her and Jimmy is not just that of two colleagues in one gang, but of two fiancees. Seeing him on the ground squirming and writhing in pain made her feel insecure. She wants to help him, but she is also afraid.

"Damn it..." Pedro cursed badly and pulled out his pistol. He was worried the whole time about the progress of the operation, and the girl from the evening. Which made him nervous and distressed. When, he thought everything was going to be okay, only to be surprised by the situation turning out of control.

Nevertheless, he is a professional gang member and knows that anything can happen. He signaled to Monica with his hand and points her to the opposite side to protect his back. Meanwhile, he pushed the sofa towards the kitchen door to get closer. Now he has to get rid of the potential threat, so approaching him is not for Jimmy protection but more like bait.

Even Domi was not more skilled than him at using a pistol, so his chances are higher, especially since they are two people. After reaching a suitable place, he shouted, "Who are you? And why attack us suddenly? Speak, and maybe we can bargain. You are in a losing position if you don't." He is not stupid to think everything happened by chance. The first thing that came to his mind was the little girl. Even if he did not know the full story.

Monica heard his words, and as if she realized what was going on, and her eyes got filled with anger, malice and even hate. She hated herself for what things turned out to be, and that she might be the cause of what happened.

Rash could not see the outside, and Pedro's threat meant nothing to him. Perhaps he was right and his chance is slim, but there was always the option to back down. The kitchen window looks out onto the street, and he can take risks and run through it. In the end, he didn't, 'Pedro is trying to manipulate me psychologically? I can do that too.'