
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


We had returned to the castle and I sat back down on my throne

"Now that the dragons have been dealt with, we should focus on our own problems." I said then I looked at Rinako "Call the maidens."

Rinako bowed "Yes, my lord." she said then she left the room

I sighed 'The plan to make the dragons attack the kingdom was a bold one, I'm glad it went so well. but the most unexpected thing was seeing the other S-class adventures there to, at least now I know who they are and what they look like so I'll be careful with them.' I thought

Rinako returned with the two maidens "They are here, lord Arzo."

"Maidens, have the others made any request, or need anything?" I asked

Zoe stepped forward "The Dwarves have requested better materials for making weapons and armor, they believe this world may have new or better materials. compared to our old one." she said

I nodded "Granted. have the dwarves be sent to the mountain crater we found Marcelo in, they can begin their mining there." I said

Zoe bowed "Yes, my lord." she said then she left the room

Celia stepped forward "My lord, I regret to inform you that the succubi have become very restless. they demand new "toys" from this world." she said

'Right, the succubi. I read about them in the book from the library, but I still can't believe they actually exist in this world. I should probably agree to their demands, there's no telling what they'll do if they get too restless.' I thought then I sighed "Organize a group of spies and have them kidnap a few humans from poor villages. and remember, we can not afford to get caught."

Celia bowed "Yes, my lord." she said then she to left the room

"Rinako." I said making her turn to me "Have someone keep an eye on the succubi, we can't have them going berserk if they don't get what they want. we may need to lock them up if it does come to that." I said

Rinako bowed "It will be done." she said then she left the room as well

I sighed 'This is gonna be a long day.'


Jon had returned to the adventures guild where someone suddenly slung their arm over him

"There you are." The man said

Jon turned to them and saw he was wearing some gray-colored, light armor. and he had green hair bangs "What do you want?" he asked

"Well, I'm new to the neighborhood and I had heard you took down a dragon, and you're only an E-class? that's impressive." he said then he pats Jon on the shoulder "Say, why don't you join us on a quest?"

"I'll pass."

"Come on, the payout is pretty big and we kinda need the more people and the gold." The man said

Jon shoved him away "Find someone else, it's not my problem." he said then he walked away from him

The man simply shrugged "Alright, but if you change your mind. we'll be right over here." he said then he walked away to

Jon walked up to the desk "I'm here for more quests." he said

"I apologize, but there are no quests available for someone of your rank." the worker said


"Perhaps if you wait a bit, I'm sure someone will hire you." The worker said

Jon sighed "Listen, I'll take any quest you can give me. whether it's high rank or not." he said

"I can not do that, we must follow the rules." The worker said

Jon sighed "So, how long until a new quest comes in?" he asked

"Usually it would take a few days or weeks." the worker said

Jon shook his head "I can't believe this." he said

The same man from before then appeared next to him "Having trouble finding a quest?" he asked

Jon glanced at him and sighed "What kind of quest are you doing again?" he asked which made the man smirk

The man brought Jon to a group of three people, one of those people was Leon who was seated next to two other people.

"Let me introduce you." the man said then he pointed to another man who wore simple leather clothes and had a bow and arrows "This is Elis, he's our rogue and archer. he's a damn good shot to."

Elis waved at Jon "Hey there, glad to be working with you." he said

"And this one over here." the man said pointing at the other man who wore a shoulder guard but simple leather clothes "His name is Lief, he's our defensive man. if you want a wall to hide behind, he's your man."

Lief showed off his shoulder guard "Heh, nothing gets through my defense." he said

The man then pointed to himself "And you can call me Col, I'm the warrior of the group. and I'm sure you've already meet Leon here." Col said

Leon waved at Jon "Hey Jon, I'm surprised we're working together again so soon." he said but Jon ignored him

"Alright, we're done with introductions. what's the quest?" Jon asked

Col pulled out a piece of paper and placed it on the table "We're gonna deal with a few ogres and goblins. a nearby village has been having problems with them so we'll be heading there. it's a simple quest and won't take any time at all and the payout is worth it." he said

"Alright, let's just get this done." Jon said

Elis walked to the door "We'll be heading there by cart, it's pretty far away so make sure you have everything ready." he said then he walked out the door along with the others and Jon followed them shortly

Lief was at the front of the cart guiding the horses while everyone else was in the back "Is everyone ready?" he asked and everyone nodded "Then we're off."

All of them left the kingdom and headed for the village, it was quite the journey so by the time they got there it was evening and the sun was barely over the horizon.

"Looks like we're almost there, it should just be over this hill." Lief said but once they had gone over the hill, instead of seeing a village, they saw a huge wall that blocked the view of the village

"What is this?" Elis said as he got out of the cart as did everyone else

Col walked closer to the wall "This wall looks like it's been here for a while, maybe the villagers built it."

Lief looked around "I don't know, something doesn't feel right." he said

Suddenly a group of ogres and goblins shot out of the grass around them, the ogres were much bigger than normal humans while the goblins were shorter. the ogres also had massive clubs and maces.

Elis quickly brought his bow out and trapped an arrow "We're surrounded?! how did we not notice?!" he said

Lief punched his fists together "We'll worry about it later, right now. let's beat these guys down." he said

Leon brought out his sword while Jon and Cole did the same, one of the ogres ran at Lief and swung his club at him which Lief was able to block effortlessly then he punched the ogre away, and just as one of the goblins were about to jump on his back, Elis shot an arrow and killed it before it could. Elis then shot another arrow at an ogre running at Col while Col was busy cutting up some goblins.

"Gem magic: enhance." Leon said making his body glow for a few seconds then he moved faster than the ogres and goblins could see and easily slashed a number of them

"Annoying." Jon said as he easily jumped over a swing from an ogre then slashed behind him and cut the ogres head off

Just as the numbers of the goblins and ogres were decreasing, the gates to the massive wall had opened and out stepped a giant blue troll holding a sword.

"A troll? wasn't this quest supposed to only include goblins and ogres? and why did it come out from the wall?" Elis said then a number of other giant troll's also came out from behind the first troll

Lief punched away another ogre "Guys, I'm not liking these numbers. a few ogres and goblins, we can handle. but that many trolls might pose a problem." he said

Col nodded "I agree, we should retreat while we can. we'll regroup and figure out our next strategy, Elis, we need a smoke bomb." he said

Elis nodded then pulled out a ball from his pocket and threw it on the ground, creating a cloud of smoke which they used to quickly escape from the battle. after they escaped, they made their way to the woods to hide and watch over the wall that surrounded the village.

Col shook his head "Goblins, ogres, and trolls? this quest is completely different from what we were shown." he said

"Not only that, but we haven't seen a single villager. we can probably assume that they are trapped inside of that wall." Elis said

"Then we need to rescue them." Leon said

Lief patted him on the shoulder "We need to find a way inside first." he said

Jon looked at the wall then he stood up "I'll check the surroundings to make sure we're alone." he said then he left and they let him go

Jon went pretty far from the group and once he confirmed he was far enough, he made a magic circle appear on his hand.

"Message: lord Arzo." Jon said then a transparent Arzo appeared on his hand "Lord Arzo."

"Hm? Jon? why are you messaging me?" lord Arzo asked

"Please, lord Arzo. you do not have to call me by my fake name." Jon said

"Very well, why have you messaged me, stitch?" lord Arzo asked

"I had joined this group of humans on a quest to slay a few goblins and ogres, but the situation has changed." Stitch said

"Have you messaged me to have me send some people to eliminate a few mere goblins and ogres?" lord Arzo said

"Of course not, my lord. I would never ask you to handle something so pointless, I only ask for guidance. for you see, the wielder of the sword is also here and if he dies, I won't be able to get what we need from him." Stitch said

Lord Arzo thought for a moment "You are right, if the boy ends up dying then we lose any information we could have gotten from him. my order to you is this, protect the boy at all costs." lord Arzo said

"And what of the other humans?" Stitch asked

"They don't matter, only protect the wielder of the sword, understood?" lord Arzo said

Stitch bowed "Yes, lord Arzo." he said then the transparent image of Arzo disappeared and Stitch returned to the group.

Col looked over at Jon "Oh hey, you came back just in time. we were just about to initiate our plan to get behind that wall." he said

"And what plan is that?" Jon asked

Elis showed him a grappling hook with a rope attached to it "Lief is gonna throw this over the wall where we'll then use the rope to get over." he said

"And if the ogres and goblins attack?" Jon asked

Lief gave a thumbs up "I'll cover you, if they show their ugly mugs then I'll take them out." he said

"Is everyone ready to go? once we get behind that wall, there's no telling what we'll run into so we'll have to be careful." Col said and everyone nodded "Alright, let's get moving." he said

Everyone quickly moved to the far side of the wall where Lief took the grappling hook and threw it over the wall then he pulled on the rope to make sure it was secure. after he did the others quickly used the rope to climb up and over the wall, as they were doing that a few goblins and ogres had walked from another side of the wall and spotted the group.

Lief smirked "Looks like we have company, leave these guys to me." he said then he ran at the goblins and ogres and began fighting them.

"Let's go while Lief is dealing with them." Col said jumping over the wall along with everyone else

Once they were on the other side, they quickly hid behind one of the houses as they saw a huge number of trolls, goblins, and ogres.

"There are so many of them, how will we find the villagers and sneak past all of them at the same time?" Leon asked

"We're gonna have to split up, traveling in such a large group is dangerous." Col said then he moved behind the building "Elis and I will travel to the gate and check the buildings, the two of you will go in the opposite direction and check the buildings over there, got it?" he said

Leon nodded "right, good luck." he said and Col nodded then both he and Elis made their way towards the gate

Leon turned to Jon "Guess we better get moving." he said but Jon stayed quiet as Leon ran past him and went in the opposite direction.

Jon and Leon searched every building they ran past but had no luck finding the villagers until they had moved closer to the middle area and saw a huge building that was guarded by about five trolls, all armed with armor and swords.

"That one." Leon said pointing at the building "That has to be where they're keeping the villagers, we just need to find a way inside." he said

"Why don't you just use your sword's magic?" Jon asked

Leon grabbed his sword "I would, but the magic is limited and I can't use it infinitely. eventually, the sword will need to recharge and I won't be able to use its power until it's back to full power." he said, "We'll need some sort of distraction if we want to get through."

Jon sighed "Wait here." he said then he walked away

Jon walked all the way to the far side of the wall where he made a magic circle appear and placed it on the wall, and once he was far enough from the circle he snapped his fingers and made it explode but the explosion didn't do anything to the wall itself.

Jon walked back to Leon "there, I made your distraction." he said

Leon looked back at the wall "What did you do?" he asked

"Doesn't matter, now let's get moving." Jon said so he and Leon made their way to the now unguarded building and once they made it to the door, Leon used his sword the pry it open along with Jon's help. once it was open they quickly made their way inside before any of the trolls came back

Jon and Leon made their way through the building and searched each room for the villagers, sadly none of them had the villagers so they made their way to the last room in the building

"This has to be it, the villagers weren't anywhere else so they have to be here." Leon said then he walked forward and opened the doors, only to find a single man sitting in a chair with a bored expression on his face, the man also had two horns coming out of his forehead but one of them was broken.

The man opened one eye and looked at Leon and Jon "Now this is a surprise, never before had I expected someone to get so close to me and past my guards." he said

Leon pulled out his sword "Who are you?" he asked

"Hm, I guess I can at least grant you my name, I am called Wargo." Wargo said

"What are you?" Jon asked

Wargo chuckled "I am of a race long forgotten. we were called Kaiju and we were a mighty race until some humans started hunting us down and exterminating us. now our race is only a small handful." he said then he stood up "While the other Kaiju's continued to hide away from humans, I chose to reveal myself and take revenge on the humans for what they did. now all of humanity and the other monster races will know of the power of Kaiju's." he said

"We'll stop you before you have the chance to hurt anyone else." Leon said

Wargo simply smirked "Will you now? I guess I can use you as training before we go attack the capital. let's see how you humans fair compared to the ones in this village before." he said

"What did you do to the villagers?" Leon asked

"Let's just say, the villagers didn't really put up much of a fight. I hope you two last longer than they did." Wargo said as he walked forward to Jon and Leon.