
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Stitch vs. Wargo

Wargo Moved faster than either of them could react and threw both of them through the wall back outside. once outside, they were able to get a better look at Wargo. his skin was blood red, he didn't have a shirt on. and only had pants held by a rope around the waist, and he had a tail.

'He moved faster than I thought. if he uses his full power out-right, then I may be forced to go all out as well.' Jon thought as he grabbed his cloak by the collar

"Jon, we're surrounded!" Leon said, making Jon look up and see that the goblins, ogres, and trolls had indeed surrounded them "What do we do?"

Wargo stepped forward and put his hand up "None of you interfere, these two are mine. interfere, and I'll kill you myself." he said making all of them step back.

Leon chuckled "Well, at least we don't have to worry about the others anymore. but how are we gonna defeat him?" he said

"Can you perform another one of those slashes you did back at the kingdom?" Jon asked

"Huh?...oh, you mean my god destroying slash? I think I have one, or two left." Leon said

"Seeing as it destroyed a black dragon, I would assume it's strong enough to kill him as well." Jon said

"Maybe, but there's only one way to know for sure. do you think you'll be able to hold him long enough for me to slash him?" Leon asked

"That won't be a problem." Jon said as he unsheathed his sword

Wargo cracked his knuckles "Are the two of you done talking over there?" he asked

Leon smirked "I'm surprised you let us talk." he said

"It doesn't matter what kind of plan you come up with, it'll fail in the end." Wargo said

"We'll see about that." Leon said

Leon and Jon ran forward at Wargo while he did the same. Once they were close enough, Leon jumped over Wargo while Jon continued running forward, so Wargo quickly turned and used his own arms to block both of their attacks. Wargo then swung his leg at Leon, kicking him away but only a few meters, and Jon took this chance to try to strike him but when he swung his sword, Wargo ducked under it and proceeded to turn around and punch Jon right in the chest.

Wargo chuckled "Is that all you've got? you're no better than the villagers. I might as well end you both right now." he said

"Hm, you only took one hit and you're already underestimating us?" Jon said

"Of course I am, it's clear that I'm stronger than both of you. the evidence is your injuries." Wargo said

Jon checked his chest "What injures? I don't see a thing." he said

Wargo raised an eyebrow "It seems I have to put a bit more power into my attack. alright, this next one will keep you down for good." he said

Wargo proceeded to run straight at Jon, so Jon ran at him as well but once they had gotten close to each other, Jon threw his sword to the right. making Wargo's arm snap in the same direction.

'What the hell?!' Wargo thought then Jon wrapped his arms around him and trapped his other arm "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Do it!" Jon shouted

Leon had run behind Wargo as the gem in the sword began glowing "Gem magic: god destroying slash!" he yelled, swiping his sword horizontally to avoid Jon's arms.

Wargo cried out in pain for a few minutes, then he began laughing as he broke out of Jon's hold. then he grabbed Jon's arm and flung him into Leon.

"Did you really think that would work? though I will admit, that hurt a lot. but sadly, it wasn't enough to kill me." Wargo said as Jon and Leon got back up and he walked toward them "Now that I know what you're capable of, I know I can't leave you alive any longer. or else you might ruin my plans for the capitol."

Wargo was about to run at them until he was shot by an arrow which only bounced off his skin. When he looked in the direction it was shot in, he saw Elis and Col. Col was busy fighting off a few goblins and orcs, while Elis grabbed another arrow to shoot at Wargo.

"There are others? how many humans got past my defenses? no matter, I'll just have to kill them to." Wargo said then he began running at Elis and Col.

Wargo didn't bother moving around the goblins and orcs. instead, he just rammed through them and knocked them out of the way. once he reached Col he pulled his arm back to punch him so Col put his sword up to block, but once the fist connected with his sword he broke it into two pieces. then his fist hit Col in the chest, knocking him into the wall behind him and knocking him out. Elis was finally able to shoot another arrow at Wargo. but again, it only bounced off his skin.

"You're annoying." Wargo said, he then grabbed Elis by the throat, and Elis kicked and struggled to get out of his grab, but it was futile as Wargo squeezed his throat. and a loud crack was heard as Elis's body went limp, then Wargo threw him away while chuckling "That's one down, now for the other." he said turning to Col

Leon clenched his sword then he ran straight toward Wargo while shouting at the top of his lungs. he used his sword to slash through the group of orcs and goblins until he had finally reached Wargo

"Maximize gem magic: God destroying slash!" Leon shouted, swiping his sword at Wargo who had turned to block, but he wasn't able to deflect the sword, nor jump away in time as Leon cut his right arm off.

"You damn human! I knew I should have killed you first. I'm through playing around, now you die!" Wargo shouted, he then kicked Leon into one of the buildings and walked over to him. once he was standing over him, he brought his left arm up and made claws come out of his hand "Now, you die."

Wargo then brought his arm down on Leon but his hand stopped just at Leon's chest, and once he looked he saw string wrapped all around his arm and it lead back at Jon, who was standing behind him.

"As annoying as he is, I can't let you kill him." Jon said

Wargo lifted his arm back up "This string...this must have been how you made my arm move in the same direction as your sword. small and nearly invisible, unless you're really looking. though, how did you get it to wrap around my arm?" he asked

"Wouldn't you like to know." Jon said then he pulled some sting going in another direction and got his sword back in his hand "Come, I'll be your opponent now."

Wargo laughed loudly "You'll be my opponent? did you not see what happened to your friends? you will only be joining them in the afterlife if you choose to fight me." he said.

"We'll just have to see about that, won't we?" Jon said

Wargo simply smirked as he charged toward Jon and punched him with enough force to launch him back into a building.

"And with that, there are none left to oppose me." Wargo said. he was going to walk back and finish off the others, but then his body was wrapped in string which trapped his left arm

Jon charged forward behind Wargo and used his sword to try to stab him in the back. but when his sword collided, it stopped and wasn't able to pierce his skin.

'Damn, his skin is too tough for my sword. I need something sharper.' Jon thought. Wargo then spun around and kicked Jon away, then he broke out of his string.

"I'm surprised. you were able to survive my attack. not many can make that claim, but this next one will end you." Wargo said

Wargo then charged at Jon again, but this time instead of simply punching him, he grabbed Jon by the head and slammed him into the ground. Afterward, he slammed his fist into him over, and over again. until he lifted Jon by the head again, then he threw him up and as he came down, he slammed his fist into him and launched him into another building.

Wargo sighed as he turned away "That's finally over. now, what to do about my arm?" he said then he heard movement from the building so he turned back "That's impossible."

Jon stood back up with only a few bruises, his clothes were ripped and his hood fell off, revealing his true face. Jon's left eye was a button, while his mouth was not that of a human. his mouth had stitches across it and was a bit ripped. his hair was all red and stood straight up while his skin was snow white.

"That explains so much. you're no human, you're a puppet-man." Wargo said

"Hm, seems my hood fell off. I'll have to fix it later." Jon said as he dusted himself off

"Tell me, why is a puppet-man like yourself working with humans?" Wargo asked

"I was simply ordered to."

"Ordered? by who?"

"It doesn't matter if I tell you. you're going to die soon." Jon said as he grabbed his clothes ten tore them off to reveal his whole body.

Jon's whole body was taller than Wargo. his arms were able to reach the ground without even trying, and his fingers were much longer than they should have been. he was also dressed like a clown without a red nose.

"Does this mean you're going to fight me at full power?" Wargo asked getting into a fighting pose

Stitch laughed "It wouldn't be much of a fight. more like training for me." he said

Wargo charged at Stitch and went to punch his head, but right before his fist even made contact, it stopped. Wargo tried to move it in any direction but it wouldn't budge. Stitch then flicked his index finger up which made Wargo go flying backward but stopped without much injury

"You puppet-men and your invisible strings. I had heard a lot about you people, but who knew you'd be this much trouble." Wargo said but Stitch simply shrugged

Wargo then ran to the right and left trying to confuse Stitch. Stitch followed each of his movements and waited until he was close enough to clench his fist then pull it back, which caused Wargo's right leg to shoot up. then Stitch spun Wargo around and slammed him back into the ground.

Wargo stood back up 'I'm gonna kill him, and I'm gonna make it as painful as possible.' He thought

"Hey, are you done? I'm starting to get a bit bored over here." Stitch said

Wargo immediately turned around and charged straight toward Stitch, and when he went to attack, Stitch simply dodged it by stepping to the side. Wargo then tried to kick him, so Stitch ducked underneath it. Wargo threw another punch so Stitch jumped back and Wargo followed him, he then jumped in the air and tried to dropkick him, so Stitch caught his leg and threw him away.

"Damn it! stop dodging and fight me!" Wargo shouted as he turned around only to find Stitch sitting right in front of his face.

"You see, I would. but you're just not worth going all out for." Stitch said then he flicked Wargo on the forehead

Wargo went to grab him but Stich moved back "Why are you acting so immature?!"

Stitch shrugged "It's a lot easier to hide my true face when I have my hood on, without it it's a lot harder." he said

Wargo growled "This whole time, you and your friends have been nothing but annoyances! I will end you, once and for all!" he shouted as he charged at Stitch

"Wrong move." Stitch said. just as Wargo jumped in the air he suddenly stopped and couldn't move an inch "Now you're caught in my web."

"You think you strings can hold me for long. I can rip these right up and still kill you." Wargo said but no matter how hard he tried to move, the string wouldn't rip.

"If you're wondering why you can't move, it's because what you're wrapped in isn't string. it's wires, special wires that are much harder to rip than string." Stitch explained

"When did you have time to set all of this up without anyone noticing?" Wargo asked

"As soon as that boy and I were thrown outside. I knew that I had to have a backup plan just in case, so I silently set up wires across a number of buildings. but during the time they were loose and laying on the ground so no one would notice." Stich said as he showed a line of wire connected to his pinky finger "I was planning on making you my plaything at some point. maybe use your corpse as a new puppet, but I see now that keeping you alive will be a big mistake. so I'm going to end things here, for good."

Stitch pulled on the wire, causing the wire wrapped around Wargo to begin squeezing his arms and legs individually.

"Do your worst puppet-man. I die with honor knowing that most of my people were avenged." Wargo said

"Good for you." Stitch said. he then pulled on the wire as hard as he could which caused the wire wrapped around Wargo to chop off each of his body parts one-by-one, until his head was gone. then Stitch loosened the wire and allowed his body to hit the ground below "Now that that's done, I should probably inform lord Arzo of what I found here. but first..."

Stitch turned to the large group of ogres, goblins, and trolls. all of them looked at Stitch in fear as they slowly backed away

"I should kill you all, but you're nothing more than ants compared to this Wargo fellow." Stitch said making the monster relax a little until Stitch smiled a wide smile "That being said, I wouldn't mind making some of you my new puppets." he said making all of the monsters run away in fear as Stitch laughed

Stitch had finally stopped laughing once all the monster had fled through the gate and back to the woods "Alright, now to decide what to do about the humans. one of them died but as long as the boy is safe, that's all that matters. I should probably get them back to the kingdom. I'm sure people would ask questions if only the boy and I returned, so I'll have to bring the ones that survived. speaking of, what happed to the other human?" he questioned

Stitch went to the side of the wall to find the human named Lief had fallen asleep after killing a number of goblins and a few ogres "A least he's still alive." he said

Stitch used his string to gather them up and load them up on the cart they used to get to the town. after he reattached the horses and set off back to the kingdom after he repaired his hood and clothes using his string.

"Message: lord Arzo." Stitch said putting his out in front of him then a transparent Arzo appeared in the middle of it

Lord Arzo was out of breath "Stitch? why are you messaging me this time?" he asked

"I have some new information for you, my lord. but may I ask why you're out of breath?" Stitch asked

"It's nothing. we just had a problem at the castle." Lord Arzo said

"Should I return as well?" Stitch asked

"No, we were able to resolve it. there is no reason for you to return. tell me about the information you have." Lord Arzo said

"Very well. During my mission with the humans, I met this man who called himself a kaiju. I had never heard of this race myself and was wondering what you planned to do with them. he said the rest of his race is in hiding, though I do not know where." Stitch explained

"A kaiju? hm, I suppose I can have someone find this race of monsters. if I find them worthy monsters then I can add them to my ranks. and what of the boy wielding the weapon?" Lord Arzo asked

Stitch looked back at Leon "He is injured, but alive. I was able to keep him alive during the fight."

"Well done, Stitch. continue with your mission just the way you are." Lord Arzo said

Stitch bowed his head "As you wish, lord Arzo." he said then lord Arzo disappeared


I sighed "Those succubi, who knew they would be this much trouble." I said

(A few hours ago)

I was busy looking over one of the requests from the lizardmen when suddenly the doors to my throne room were opened and in stepped my two maidens, Zoe and Celia. when I looked over at them I was shocked to see that their clothes were ripped and their undergarments were clearly showing, but they didn't seem injured at all

'Wow, I didn't know how well built my maidens were. wait a minute, why are their clothes ripped in the first place?' I thought shaking away my "Other" thoughts

I put away the paper I was holding and looked to my maidens "Maidens, what happened?" I asked

Zoe kneeled to me "We went to deliver the succubi their new "toys", but when we did they tried to pull us into their room with them. we had to fight them off of us but sadly a few escaped during the brawl." she explained


Celia kneeled as well "They took advantage of the chaos and escaped through the crack. we are currently trying to track them down." she said

"How many got through?" I asked

"I counted at least five." Zoe said

"Who are you having track down the escapees?" I asked

"I gathered a few centaurs and cockatrice. using the cockatrice's stone glare, we may be able to subdue them. the centaurs will be used to lure them in." Celia said

"Good. see to it that they are captured as quickly as possible." I said

"Yes, lord Arzo." both of them said

Zoe and Celia stood back up to leave the room, but as they did I was able to hear small movements around me. it was then I understood what was about to happen

"Barrier!" I shouted putting up a shield around myself just as multiple scantily-clad women with bat wings and red skin jumped at me and clawed at my barrier

just then, Celia and Zoe turned back around to see the Succubi had tried to get to me, so they ran back to me and summoned their weapons.

"Lord Arzo!" both of them yelled

"Stay back, both of you!" I yelled back making them stop in place "Go and get the cockatrice along with the centaurs. find Rinako and bring her here as well. I will keep them at bay for as long as possible." I said

Celia took a step forward "We can not leave you to deal with them alone, my lord!"

"I will be fine, just go!" I yelled

Zoe grabbed Celi's shoulder "Come, we must obey our master's wishes." she said as she ran back to the doors along with Celia

Once they were gone I made the barrier explode and push back to succubi who had a look of pure lust in their eyes.

"Lord Arzo, please allow me to please you."

"No, my lord. allow me to accompany you to bed."

"Lord Arzo, leave these others behind. allow me to bring us somewhere more private."

I looked at the succubi, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to give in to their magic. but I held strong, for I had a job to do.

"Succubi, return to your room." I ordered then one of them lunged at me faster than I could react and as she stared into my eyes, a memory came to me of her "Elintia, you must order the succubi to return to their room." I said

Elintia chuckled "Please, my lord. all we want to do is please your every need. you are the greatest demon lord to ever exist. getting to please you is every succubi's dream, and I'm not one to stomp on others' dream." she said then she leaned in for a kiss

Thinking fast I put my hand upon her chest "Grand impact!" I said forcing her back

Elintia used her bat wings to stop in mid-air "Mm, come now, my lord. you're only making this harder than it needs to be. I haven't had a good time in a while, you can at least allow me one round with you."

"Sorry, but if you will not willingly stand down. then I will force you to." I said banging my staff on the ground.

"You will try, and you will fail. we succubi always get what we want, and what we want right now. is you." Elintia said then she flew at me while the others ran

'I really wish I hadn't sent RInako away.' I thought as I got ready for battle