
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


After our meeting in the castle, I rode on Ommes along with Rinako and Tokod as we headed to where Ommes believed where the dragons were. and where they were seemed to be deep in the mountains.

I looked around "Are you sure the dragons are here, Ommes?" I asked

Ommes nodded "Yes my lord, I have been sensing them ever since we came to this world. may I ask, what do you plan to do with them?" he asked

"Hm, what do you think I should do, Ommes? you were the one who requested we take care of them." I asked

"Well, if possible. I would like if they were also made into servants." Ommes said

"Why should I? don't I already have enough dragon warriors?" I said

"Well, it would increase your army and might. you would be even more powerful with more dragons at your side." Ommes said

I thought for a moment "I will admit, having more dragons on my side would be more useful and increase my power. but I will not decide to just take in more dragons until they can prove their loyalty to me, understood?" I said

Ommes nodded "Yes, lord Arzo." he said then he began flying to the ground and landed, allowing the rest of us to get off

I looked around "This is where you sensed the dragons?" I asked as I turned back to see Ommes transformed back into his human form

"Yes, my lord. this is where I sensed them and I can still sense them now." Ommes said

Tokod walked around "Well, your senses must be off because I don't see anything for miles. leave it to a dragon to get a location wrong." he said

Ommes glared at Tokod "I never get a location wrong, especially when it involves finding other dragons." he said

Tokod shrugged "Well, there's a first time for everything. maybe you're dragon senses got dull during the last three thousand years." he said

"I am older than a few three thousand years, and my senses have never been wrong. so I suggest you check your facts before you open your mouth." Ommes said

Tokod chuckled "Oh right, I forgot that you dragons are nothing but old men and women. it always surprises me how none of you have died of old age." he said

Ommes walked over to Tokod and glared at him right in the eyes "I suggest you shut your mouth, I won't let you disrespect my dragonkin any longer. if you refuse to stop talking then I'll show you the true might of us dragons." he said as smoke began to fume out of his mouth

I shook my head "Both of you, be silent!" I yelled causing both of them to turn to me "We're here to find the dragons, not fight amongst ourselves. understood?" I said

Ommes stepped away from Tokod and bowed to me "Yes, lord Arzo. I apologize for how I acted." he said

I looked at Tokod "Tokod, I told you not to make trouble amongst my other servants." I said

Tokod bowed "I am deeply sorry, lord Arzo. as I said before, sometimes I just can't help it." he said

I sighed "I'll take care of you once we get back to the castle. for now, I believe we have company." I said as I looked up at the sky

Everyone else looked up as well to see that multiple dragons had begun flying around in the sky, then they began to land on the ground around us. so Rinako took up a fighting stance as she moved in front of me.

"Calm yourself, RInako. if they were to attack, they would have done it a while ago." I said

Rinako looked back at me "My lord, are you telling me they have been here for a while?" she asked

I nodded "While we were traveling on Ommes, I took the liberty to activate a detection spell. the dragons had been watching us for quite some time but never made the move to attack, which is why I never gave the order to attack them first." I said so Rinako went back to standing normally while the dragons continued to land around us.

Eventually, a large black dragon landed right in front of us. this dragon looked like it was wearing armor all over its body and it was huge.

The black dragon leaned down to our level "Who dares trespass on dragon soil?" he said

I stepped forward "my name is Demon lord Arzo." I said

The dragon huffed "A demon lord? I have not heard of your name. my name is Zevois, what business do you have with us?" he asked

I looked at Ommes "Ommes, I will give you this one chance to convince them. if you fail then I will do what I want, understood?" I said

Ommes bowed "I understand lord Arzo." he said then he walked to the black dragon "Zevois, my name is Ommes, and I would like you to join us." he said

"You want a dragon of my status to join you?" Zevois said

"Yes, I would like if you and the other dragons joined our lords' army, and serve under him." Ommes said making every dragon around us burst out in laughter except for Zevois

Zevois huffed "You are a fool to have come here and request something so ridiculous. dragons serve no one but themselves, and me, we will not become slaves to someone calling themselves a Demon lord. I have met many Demon lords and all of them make me tremble in fear, but this one makes me feel nothing. he is weak. nothing but a pretender. and you are a weak dragon to serve him along with everyone else." he said

"Ommes." I said making him turn back to me

Ommes bowed "My lord, please give me another chance. I am sure that I ca-."

"No Ommes, these dragons have chosen who they serve. now we will deal with them according to the plan." I said

Ommes sighed but nodded "Very well, lord Arzo." he said

I stepped past Ommes and to Zevois "Zevois, you have disrespected my name but I will give this one chance to apologize. do this and I'll make your death swift." I said

Zevois chuckled "You think you can kill me? as I said before, you don't scare me in the slightest. I'll burn you to a crisp before you even get the chance to try." he said

I turned to Tokod and Rinako "Tokod, Rinako, you both know what to do. and remember we only need at least five." I said

Rinako nodded "Yes, lord Arzo." she said then she turned and faced the dragons around us as Tokod did the same "Try not to go overboard, we don't need to kill them all." she said

Tokod waved his hand "Yeah, yeah, I'll control myself." he said then both of them rushed at the dragons where Rinako kicked one in the head while Tokod punched another one.

Zevois quickly looked at RInako and Tokod "What do you think you're doing?!" he said

I turned back to Zevois "while they are taking care of them. I will take care of you." I said but before I did anything Ommes stepped in front of me

"Lord Arzo, please allow me to take care of Zevois." Ommes said

"Why should I, Ommes?" I asked

"Because he disrespected you, myself, and my dragonkin, I will not stand for this. this dragon will die by my hand." Ommes said

I smirked "Very well Ommes, I grant you permission to end this dragon's life." I said

Zevois chuckled "Hm, I was hoping to show this false Demon lord just how weak he is, but I can settle for you instead. I'll show you the strength of a true dragon." he said

Ommes made his wings appear "When I'm finished with you, Zevois. you'll be begging for me to spare your life." he said then he and Zevois flew into the air where they began fighting

'Looks like everything is going according to plan.' I thought


"We're going to deal with the dragons." I said

Damus raised his hand "If I may ask, how are we going to deal with the dragons?" he asked

"Well, let me clarify. we'll more on the lines use them for our own goal." I said

"Use them how?" Najus asked

"The adventurers guild, that's what we'll use them for." I said

Najus crossed his arms "I am not sure I follow, lord Arzo." he said

I smirked "You will soon." I said then I turned to Rinako "Rinako, you and Tokod will accompany Ommes and I to the dragons. once we get there I want both of you to kill at least five dragons, no more." I said

Rinako bowed "Yes, lord Arzo." she said

I turned back around "But before that, I need to summon someone else." I said then I tapped my staff on the ground making a magic circle appear, then someone came out of the magic circle, and as they did a memory came to me.

The person smirked "Is it time for my fun, lord Arzo?" they asked

I nodded "Yes it is. you'll have your own job to do, and you must do it to the letter, understood?" I said

The person bowed "Yes, lord Arzo." they said


I looked back up at the sky to see Ommes fly straight down and smash Zevois into the ground, knocking him out. I turned back to Rinako and Tokod to see them pile up five dragons on top of each other while the other dragons kept their distance.

Rinako and Tokod walked to me and RInako bowed "My lord, we have the dragon bodies." she said

I nodded "Well done." I said then I turned back to Ommes "You have also done well, Ommes." I said

Ommes was breathing heavily but bowed to me "Thank you, lord Arzo. what shall I do with this dragon now?" he asked

I thought for a moment "Seeing as how he acted, I would think he is the strongest one here. adding him might have a bigger impact." I said then I nodded "Yes, this will do. Ommes kill him." I said

Ommes nodded "As you wish." he said then he revealed his claws and stabbed Zevois deep in the heart, killing him

I pointed at the pile "Add his body to the pile so I'll be able to make it go faster." I said and Ommes did as told and threw Zevois's body onto the pile

I walked over to the pile and raised my staff "Raise undead." I said making a magic circle appear underneath the pile

Then each of the dragons stood up one by one, their wounds disappeared and their eyes were glowing. even though they looked alive they were very much dead.

"Undead dragons, your mission is to head to the human kingdom and attack it. but do not kill anyone, just cause as much damage as you like. understood?" I said and the dragons nodded then they flew off in the direction of the human kingdom.

Rinako stepped to my side "My lord, if I may ask. Why have so many dragons attack the human kingdom?" she asked

I smirked "The more the dragons, the bigger the impact." I said then I turned to Ommes "Ommes, you and Tokod will return to the castle." I said

Ommes bowed "Yes, lord Arzo. what will you do?" he asked

"I'm going to make sure everything goes right." I said then I raised my staff "Come Rinako, Teleport." I said teleporting Rinako and I away.


Back in the Lovalon kingdom, in the adventurers guild. is a man who had bright orange spiky hair, a simple white shirt, and brown pants, and a cloak. the man walked right up to the desk of the adventures guild.

The woman at the desk looked up at him "Hello, do you need anything?" she asked

"I'm here to join the adventures guild." The man said

The woman nodded "Very well, may I have your name?" she asked

The man pointed to himself "You can call me, Leon. and I'll be the newest S-class adventurer." Leona said which made almost everyone in the building burst out with laughter.

"This guy actually believes he'll become an S-class adventurer, what a joke!"

"Look at how scrawny he is, I'll be surprised if he's able to defeat a goblin."

"S-class are for the best of the best, and he clearly isn't S-class material."

Leon turned around to the crowd "You all may doubt me now, but believe me when I say I will be S-class." he said but it only made them laugh harder

"Excuse me, sir." The woman said making Leon turn back to her "you are now registered as a new adventurer. wear this." she said handing him a medallion with the letter 'E' on it

Leon took the medallion "What's this for?" he asked

"It's so others know that you're an E-class adventurer." she said

"What?! no way am I wearing this, give me an S-class one." Leon said

"That's not how it works, once you have done enough jobs then you'll earn the S-class medallion. we can not just hand it to you." She said

Leon huffed then he stormed out of the building, but unbeknownst to him someone was watching him intensely

Leon walked around town just staring at the medallion "How am I supposed to prove to people how strong I am when I'm a damn E-class?" he asked himself

As Leon walked around, he started to notice people running away from the walls of the kingdom, and once he turned to see what they were running from he saw at least six dragons flying above the city.

"Dragons?! what happened to the kingdom defenses? shouldn't they be taking care of the dragons?" Leon said then he saw multiple guards run at the dragons but they were all swept away by one of them so Leon ran over to one of them "Are you okay?" he asked

While Leon was busy with the guard, he failed to see a dragon destroy one of the buildings, and make the rubble fall right where he was. by the time he noticed he wasn't able to get his sword out in time but was immediately saved by a man who wore a hooded cloak, black pants, and a simple white shirt. the man slashed the rubble into pieces and save Leon.

"Whoa, thanks for the save." Leon said but the man simply turned away and started walking to the dragon

"Wait! you can't beat them all by yourself." Leon said just as one of the dragons swung their claw at him but the claw never made contact as it was cut off by the man "Holy crap, this guy just sliced off that dragon's claw like it was nothing." he said.

Even though the dragon's arm was gone, he still went in to attack the man who jumped back and threw his sword at the dragon's eye, blinding him on his right side. so the dragon swung wildly trying to hit him, and instead of run away the man ran forward at the dragon and easily dodged its claws as he ascended up the dragon and to his sword. once he had reached his sword he forced it down and gave the dragon a huge slash across its body. once he was back down on the ground he charged up his sword making it glow blue.

"Sword skill: slash wave." The man said as he swung his sword and created a slashing wave which cut the dragon in two, killing it for good.

Once the dragon was dead the other dragons immediately targeted him as they all ran at him, but one of the dragons was grabbed by a whip and kept back, and once Leon took a look at who it was he saw a woman who looked to be wearing Egyptian clothes. then a very heavily armored man walked from behind him and to the dragon who was being held by the whip. when the dragon went to slash him the man simply blocked it using his arm then he slashed the dragon's arm.

"He's all yours now!" The heavily armored man said so the woman nodded then she pulled out another whip and jumped. wrapping the whip around the dragon's head and once she reached the ground she pulled hard enough to pull its head off.

After the dragon had fallen over dead, the other dragons went in to kill them but her all blasted back by giant fireballs which came from a mage floating in the air so two dragons flew right at them. the mage wore a large robe and hat which covered their face

"Wind magic: tornado blade." The mage said creating a tornado with sharp winds right where the dragons were "Flame magic: Obliterating flame." they said adding fire to the tornado

Once the tornado ended, the dragons were shown with multiple cuts and burns on their body. then they flew to the ground dead and the only one left was the black dragon.

The armored man sighed "So, who wants the big boss?" he asked

The whip woman hit him on the back of his head "Are you an idiot? that's a black dragon, we need to take it down together if we want to stand a chance." she said

The mage floated down to them "I can take care of it easily." they said

"It's mine." The cloaked man said as he walked forward but was stopped by the armored man

"Hold on, I know you're feeling confident just because you took down one dragon but you can't handle something like this alone." The armored man said

The cloaked man glared at the armored man "Get your hands off me." he said

"Those are some scary eyes you got, but you don't scare me." The armored man said

The cloaked man raised his sword "The perhaps you would like to join the dragon in death, you scum." he said

The armored man smirked "Those are fighting words." he said then he raised his ax "I'll gladly take you one." he said

While they were fighting, the dragon continued destroying the city so Leon stood up and took charge by running straight at the dragon. he ran right past the others and they were too busy with themselves they didn't even notice until he was already at the dragon. Leon continued running until he was right at the dragon then he finally pulled out his sword which had a golden handle and a jewel inside of it as well, and the jewel started glowing.

"What the hell is that kid doing? he'll get crushed." The armored man said but before he moved in he was stopped by the whip woman

"Hold on, do you see that? his sword is glowing." she said

As Leon's sword glowed he did to, then Leon jumped into the air and easily reached the height of the dragon, and once he was high enough he brought the sword up.

"Gem magic: God destroying slash!" Leon said as he brought the sword down and slash the dragon in half, surprising everyone. then Leon landed back on the ground and sheathed his sword

The armored man walked over "Holy crap kid, you defeated a black dragon with only one slash." he said

The whip woman nodded "Even I have to admit that I'm shocked, there aren't many who can defeat a black dragon like that." she said

"I could have killed it faster, but nicely done." The mage said.

Leon rubbed the back of his head "Oh, was it really that impressive?" he asked

The armored man nodded "Of course it was, say what kind of sword is that anyway?" he asked

Leon pulled out his sword and showed the group "It's a magical sword. it used to belong to my father but he died and now it's mine." he said

The mage studied the sword then gasped "I don't believe it." they said

"What is it?" the armored man asked

The mage pointed at the sword "This sword is one of the five legendary weapons made by the gods, I know it from anywhere." they said

Leon was shocked "Wait really?" he said

"How do you not know your own sword?" The armored man asked

"I thought it was some old hand-me-down, I didn't know it was some legendary sword." Leon said

The mage sighed "Well, now you do. I suggest you be careful, people would kill to have one of these weapons on their side." they said

"Right." Leon said as he put the sword back "Oh yeah, my name is Leon by the way and I'll be the next S-class adenturer." he said making the armored man laugh "Seriously? why doesn't anyone take me seriously?" he said

The armored man waved his hand "Oh no, don't get the wrong idea. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing because I think that's a noble goal. if you keep fighting like you are then you'll reach our status in no time." he said

"Wait, our status?" Leon asked then all of them pointed at their medallions which had the letter 'S' on it "Holy crap, you're S-class adventurers?!" he said

"Sure are, my name is Gawain." Gawain said

The whip woman pointed to herself "My name is Alyna, nice to meet you." Alyna said

"I'm Ela." Ela said simply

"I'll remember all of your names." Leon said

Gawain laughed "And I'll be sure to remember you. when you finally reach S-class be sure to hit me up and we'll go celebrate." he said as he pat Leon on the shoulder

"Alright." Leon said then all three of them walked away except for the cloaked man "oh right, I didn't catch your name either." he said

"it's none of your business." The cloaked man said

"Come on, we're both adventurers. we should at least get to know each other." Leon said

The cloaked man sighed "Fine, call me Jon." Jon said

"Alright, I'll be sure to remember you to, Jon." Leon said but Jon simply huffed and walked away


Jon was walked through the back alleys of the city until he heard a strange bird noise, then he immediately pulled out his sword and pointed it behind him.

"Whoa, you have to watch where you swing that thing. you might cut someone." The voice behind him said

Jon looked back and sighed as he sheathed his sword "Oh, it's just you Perylua. you shouldn't sneak up on me like that." he said

"Aw, but it's way more fun to sneak up on someone than simply walking up to them. sometimes I might scare them and that always makes me laugh." Perylua said

Jon shook his head "Why are you here?" he asked

Perylua thought for a moment as she cocked her head to the side ten she gasped "Oh yeah, Arzy told me to give you a message." she said

Jon looked back at her "Lord Arzo wants to tell me something. what is it?" he asked

"He said he wants you to get closer to that one boy with the magic sword. find out what you can about the other weapons and once he's outlived his usefulness, get rid of him. but if it were me I would play with him a bit more, he looks like a fun playtime partner." Perylua said

Jon shook his head "I do not want to get anywhere near that boy, but if it's an order from lord Arzo then I must follow it. at least when it's over I'll be able to make him into my own plaything, so I guess that's something to look forward to." he said

Perylua waved her hands "Can I play with him to?" she asked

Jon nodded "Sure, we can play with him together." he said

Perylua jumped for joy "Yay, I can't wait!" Perylua said

"Now, shouldn't you be getting back to your position?" Jon asked

"Oh right, see you later Sti-...no wait, you're going by Jon now. this is gonna be confusing for me." Perylua said then she disappeared and Jon continued walking


Once I had finished talking with Perylua I turned away from the kingdom "Looks like we have more interesting people to watch out for, the orange-haired boy, and the three S-class adventurers. things are starting to get interesting, come Rinako." I said

Rinako bowed "Yes, lord Arzo." she said then I teleported both of us away.