
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The plan

"Grand impact!" I said pushing back the three succubi again just as they ran at me, and once I looked to my left I saw the other two flying at me "Portal!" I said creating a portal and sending them to the same place as the others.

'They just won't give up. I would use a spell to bind them, but there's no way they'll stay still long enough for me to capture them. I just need to last long enough until the others arrive with the cockatrice.' I thought

"Binding spell: red tendrils!" Elintia said causing multiple small red magic circles to appear that each shot out a red tendril and they all came at me

"Barrier!' I said creating a shield around me to block the tendrils

Elintia giggled "Come now, lord Arzo. why are you making this so difficult? we are your loyal servants, and all we want to do now is please your every need. will you truly not allow us to show our master how much we love him?" she said

"You are simply not thinking clearly, Elintia. you must return to your room before you lose yourself completely." I said

"Lord Arzo, you are mistaken. I have never thought so clearly in decades. I had already been so satisfied with using the humans and other races as toys that I rarely ever threw myself to you, but now with nothing holding me back. I can finally give you my all!" Elintia said pulling the tendrils back then she fused them together and made one huge tendril which proceeded to attack the barrier causing it to crack

Once the barrier broke and the tendril came at me, I rose my staff at it "Dragon's breath!" I said shooting a huge blast of flame at the tendril, destroying it.

"His barrier's down! get him!" Elintia shouted making all of the other succubi run at me

"Flash!" I said creating a bright light from my staff blinding the succubi then I made a fireball appear in my hand "Wall of flame!" I said spreading the flame in front of me blocking them

"Paralyse!" Elintia said as she stabbed me with her nails and I felt my body go limp

'Damn, she must have snuck around the flame while I was busy casting. I can't move my body.' I thought as I fell to the ground then the other succubi got through the flame and each of them got on my arms and legs to keep me down

Elintia walked around and straddled me "It's as I said, lord Arzo. we succubi always get what we want, and what we want right now is you. so why don't you give me a kiss?" she said slowly leaning down to my face


Rinako read the paper that was given to her by Mapelis "You desire a special plant that is exclusive to this world?" she asked

Mapelis nodded "Yes. we have already preserved and grew the plants that were from our world, I believe it is time we search for a plant that is exclusive to this world only. a single exotic plant will do." he explained

Rinako nodded "I will present this request to his lord. you will have your answer after." she said

Mapelis bowed "Thank you, Rinako."

Just then, Celia and Zoe burst through the door's "Rinako!" Zoe yelled

Rinako turned to them "What's the matter? do you have a request for lord Arzo as well?" she asked

Celia shook her head "No! Lord Arzo is in trouble!"

"What?!" Rinako nearly shouted then she quickly ran out of the room as fast as she could

"I will go and retrieve the cockatrice and the centaurs. you will go with Rinako." Zoe said and Celia nodded then also ran out of the room while Zoe followed shortly after


"So why don't you give me a kiss?" Elintia said slowly leaning down to my face

I tried to move my body in any way I could, but both the paralysis and the other succubi were making that too difficult. I could already feel the paralysis wearing off but the succubi were too heavy for me to simply lift off. I looked back up to see Elintia extremely close to my face, too close.

"Seduction kiss." Elintia said but right before she kissed me, I heard the doors burst open and the next thing I knew, Rinako had kicked Elintia away from me and did the same to the others.

"Elintia, I will not allow you to do what you want to lord Arzo." Rinako said as she stood in front of me to protect me and I was able to stand back up.

Elintia growled "Rinako. how dare you hog lord Arzo all to yourself!" she said

"Return to your room, Elintia. along with the other succubi." Rinako said

"Not until I had a go at lord Arzo!" Elintia shouted as she rushed at Rinako but was quickly blocked by a wall of knives

The knives moved in a ring and Celia appeared from the middle "Elintia, you and I both know you don't stand a chance against both of us." she said

Elintia growled "That doesn't mean I won't try!" she said as she ran at us so Celia used her knives which clipped Elintia's clothes and stuck her to the floor.

"That will keep you still long enough." Celia said

"It will keep me still, but what about the others?" Elintia said with a smirk

"they have already been dealt with. you were too busy being angry with us to pay attention." Rinako said

"What?" Elintia said so she looked behind her to see that the other succubi had been turned to stone by the cockatrice that was brought here by Zoe along with the centaurs "Damn it. I shouldn't have lost focus on my surroundings."

"And now, you'll be turned to stone." Zoe said as the cockatrice walked over to Elintia

Elintia smiled "I may have lost this time, but one day I'll get to have my fun with lord Arzo. just you wait." she said and with that, the cockatrice used its petrifying glare to turn her to stone

Rinako turned to me and kneeled "I apologize for not arriving quicker, my lord. if I had been here at your side then I could have stopped the succubi before they got too close. I have failed you." she said

I sighed "This isn't your fault, Rinako. if anyone is to blame it's me. I was the one who sent you away and underestimated just how restless the succubi were. do not blame yourself for this." I said

Rinako nodded "As you wish." she said then she stood back up

Zoe walked over to me and bowed "My lord, what do you wish to do with these five?" she asked

I thought for a moment "Move them to the secluded room and put some of the humans you captured in there as well. once everything has been set up, release them from their stone and leave them there for a while. hopefully, they will calm down by the time we take them out."

Zoe nodded "It shall be done." she said then she along with Celia, the centaurs, and cockatrice left with the stone succubi.

"Now that that's finished we can continue." I said then I sat back down on my throne "Has anyone else brought out a request?" I asked

Rinako pulled out the paper from Mapelis "The dryad has a request." she said handing the paper to me

I looked over the paper "The dryads wish to retrieve special plants only exclusive to this world?" I said then I felt a connection come from one of my people "Return this paper to the dryads with my signature. I have something else to deal with at the moment." I said floating the paper to Rinako

Rinako bowed "Yes, master." she said then she left the throne room

Rinako returned to the dryad's room and gave the paper to Mapelis "Lord Arzo has granted your request."

Mapelis smiled "I am glad that lord Arzo has granted such a meaningless task. let him know he has my internal gratitude." he said

"I will."

Mapelis turned and walked to the other dryads "We have permission from our lord. let us go explore." he said and the others nodded then about ten of them left the room to explore the lands.

Rinako returned to the throne room just as I had finished talking to Stitch "Mapelis and the dryads are grateful for you allowing them to explore." she said

"That's good. as long as the others are satisfied, that is all that matters." I said

"Were you speaking to someone, my lord?" Rinako asked

I nodded "Yes, I was talking to Stitch. he said he encountered a monster that called himself a kaiju." I said

"A kaiju? I have never heard of such a race."

"Neither have I. this seemed to be a new race of this world only. if we are able to find this race of kaiju's, then we might be able to add them to our ranks. since they are a new race of monsters and are only of this world, they must have some strength to them." I said even though I lied a bit

Rinako bowed "Would you like me to send scouts to search for the kaiju's?" she asked

"No, not you. I want you to have the maidens retrieve a beastman that is good at tracking and a few elves in case of an attack." I said creating a request paper for the maidens "Give this to the maidens. the details are on there."

Rinako took the paper and bowed again "Yes, my lord. it will be done." she said walking out of the throne room

'Kaiju's huh. I wonder if they are the same as the kaiju from the movies back on earth. having one on our side will really increase my might. I can't pass this chance up.' I thought

-Lovalon Kingdom-

Perylua ran through the hall of the castle at speeds that caused a huge gust of wind to pick up behind her and blew everything around. she ran until she had arrived at a door with a boy standing beside it then she stopped right in front of him.

"How fast was that, Issac?" Perylua asked

Issac smiled, Issac was a small boy with dark orange hair and blue eyes. he wore a simple red coat with black shorts. "It was only twenty-three seconds. you're really getting faster, Perylua." he said

Perylua giggled "That's awesome. I bet I'll become so fast that lord Arzy will be impressed."

"Arzy?" Issac asked

"Oh, Arzy is my lord and master, he's also the only reason I'm here today to." Perylua said

"You seem to think highly of Arzy." Issac said

Perylua nodded "Yep. now, let's try this again. I want to be even faster before I return to Arzy." she said getting into running position.

Issac nodded "Okay. you can go ahead and I'll start counting." he said

"Right!" Perylua said then she was off running through the castle again

A hooded man walked around the corner and to Issac "Excuse me? are you prince Issac?" he asked

Issac looked up at him "I am."

When Perylua returned to the door she saw that Issac was missing "Issac? where did you go?" she said

Perylua continued to look around and she even checked the room, but she still couldn't Issac. Perylua instead began sniffing around on the walls and the floor as well, until she found that there was another person here besides Issac.

"Someone took Issac? I hope they didn't take him too far, or else Arzy won't be very happy with me. whelp time to go find him." Perylua said walking in the direction of the scent.

Artor had a piece of paper and was reading it out to Zhao "And that is how we intend to replace the buildings destroyed by the demon lord." he said

Zhao nodded "I see. this way our gold won't take too much of a hit with repairs, and we'll still be able to get it done soon enough for people to move in. well done, Artor." he said

Artor bowed "thank you sir. we will begin repairs as soon as possible." he said

Before Artor could leave the throne room, he saw multiple hooded people walk into the throne room so he threw the paper away and quickly went for his sword.

"Who are you?!" Artor asked

A hooded man stepped forward holding his hand up "Calm yourself, we mean no harm. we simply wish to talk to your lord." he said

Zhao looked them over "Let them through, Artor." he said

Artor sheathed his sword and stepped to the side "Very well."

The hooded man stepped closer to the throne while the others stayed back "Lord Zhao, we understand that you came into contact with demon lord Arzo, correct?" he asked

"Yes, how did you know that?" Zhao asked

"We have kept an eye on your kingdom for some time. we know you agreed to an alliance with him as well, correct?"The hooded man asked

"If you already know all of this then why have you come?" Zhao asked

The hooded man smirked "We have come with our own proposition. one that you can't refuse." he said

"What is it?"

"Our master has a plan to kill the demon lord."

Zhao was shocked "Killing a demon lord is not something anyone can do. what makes you think your master can?" he asked

"Because our master has been creating a plan that will ensure the death of the demon lord, they are already close to perfecting it. all they need is your cooperation to top it off." The hooded man said

"Why my cooperation?" Zhao asked

"Do you truly believe the demon lord will simply leave you alone? he is toying with you. when you have outlived your usefulness to him, he will destroy both you and your kingdom." The hooded man said

Zhao sighed "I know he will destroy my kingdom soon, which is why I have already taken the liberty to summon the S-class adventures back to the kingdom to defend it while its citizens escape. after that, I will die along with it." he said

"You don't have to die with your kingdom if you work with our master. he will kill the demon lord, and with him dead, his army will also crumble to dust leaving your kingdom and its people unharmed and safe." The hooded man said, "Join us, and we will ensure your kingdom stays as it is without the demon lord's shadow looming over it."

"What of that monster that the demon lord left here? surely she will warn him of this." Zhao said

The hooded man smirked "Do not worry. we have already taken care of her. do we have a deal?"

Zhao thought for a moment until Artor spoke up "My lord, I suggest we should at least hear them out. if their plan to kill the demon lord is as good as they say, then we will be able to protect this kingdom and its people will live." he said

Zhao nodded "Very well, we will listen to your plan and decide then."

"Alright. the plan is very simple." The hooded man said

Perylua walked until she arrived in the garden where she continued to sniff the air "The scent stops here? but where is Issac?" she said looking around

"So, you've come." A man said as he stepped from behind the fountain and in his hold was prince Issac who was struggling to get free.

"Who are you?" Perylua asked

"Who I am doesn't matter, not when you're going to die." The hooded man said then out stepped ten other hodded people.

Perylua looked around "Oh, you brought friends! how nice. though I don't think you'll be able to kill me. sorry." she said

"That's what you think. but we know we'll kill you and take the prince." The hooded man said

"Nope, now I can't let you do that. Arzy needs the prince alive just as much as I do. since he's my friend and everything. so I hope you don't hate me for this, but I need to make you guys disappear." Perylua said

The hooded man simply laughed "Kill her!" he said so everyone shot a mixture of fireballs and ice spears at Perylua making a smokescreen

"PERYLUA!" Issac yelled

The hooded man laughed "That really was easier than I thought. we're done here. let's go."

"Wait, I thought it was my turn." Perylua said causing the man to turn around and see that she didn't have a scratch on her "You can't leave before my attack. that's cheating!"

"How are you alive? you shouldn't even be standing." The hooded man said

Perylua giggled "Sorry, but that's my secret. anyway, isn't it my turn to attack?" she said

"I won't give you that chance. kill her now!" The hooded man yelled making everyone else start shooting her again which caused another smokescreen

"Issac? can you do me a favor?" Perylua yelled from inside the smoke

"Uh, sure?" Issac said

"Close your eyes and count to...um, thirty should do." Perylua said so Issac did as told and started counting while keeping his eyes closed "Now I can attack."

Issac heard the explosion stop which meant the people around had stopped shooting, then he heard some weird squelchy sounds as people began screaming mixed with more explosions.

"What is this thing?!"

"Get away from me! GET AWAY!"

"Someone help!"

"She's a monster!"

Issac felt himself moving back which meant the hooded man was walking backward "What is she? she's not human!" he yelled when suddenly he released Issac from his hold as he screamed out in terror and was suddenly silenced.

Once Issac had reached thirty he opened his eyes to find that everyone was gone. like they had vanished in midair without a trace, and Perylua was walking to him while smiling as usual "Where did everyone go?" Issac asked

"As I said, I made them disappear. they won't be bothering us anymore." Perylua said then she reached her hand out and helped Issac to his feet "Now come on, we still have the rest of the day to play."

Issac nodded "Right, yeah." he said with a nervous smile but followed Perylua back into the castle regardless.

The hooded man had just finished explaining the plan "And that is how we will kill the demon lord Arzo. will you agree to join us after hearing that?"

"That is quite the plan. a very bold one as well. and you're sure it will work?" Zhao asked

"Of course. we, along with our master, are very confident it will work." The hooded man said

Zhao sighed "Very well. if you are so sure it will work then I will work with you in secret to ensure my kingdom will live on." he said

"Thank you, Lord Zhao. you have made the right decision." the hooded man said then one of the hooded people walked to him and whispered in his ear making him nod "It is time for us to leave. we will contact you when the plan is set in motion." he said then he along with the others left the throne room

Artor looked to Zhao "Are you sure this is the right decision?"

"What other choice do we have? it is either this or our kingdom will be destroyed. at least this way we have a chance to survive. but just in case, have an escape plan ready for the civilians." Zhao said

Artor bowed "Very well, my lord."

Perylua listened from around the corner "Looks like something fun is going to happen soon. I wonder what those hooded people were talking about. maybe I should tell Arzy about this. but before that, I need to get back to Issac." she said then she ran through the halls and returned to Issac


As usual, I was checking requests from the other races when Celia and Zoe came into the throne room "Maidens. what news do you bring?"

Celia and Zoe kneeled before me "My lord, we have discovered where the kaiju race resides." Zoe said

"Good. I will leave to visit them myself to decide if they are worthy of being added to our ranks." I said

"Would you like us to accompany you, master?" Celia asked

I nodded "Yes, you two will protect me if things go south. before we leave inform RInako that she is in charge of the request until I return."

Zoe nodded "It shall be done." she said then she stood up and left the throne room while Celia followed me outside

"Lord Arzo. permission to speak freely." Celia said so I waved my hand "If the kaiju deny joining us, shall Zoe and I dispose of them?"

"No. just because they don't want to join us doesn't mean we should wipe them out. if they deny my proposition then we shall leave them be. though if they do plan to attack us in any way then we shall wipe them out without mercy." I said

Celia bowed "Very well, my lord."

Once Zoe had joined us outside I got the location of the kaiju from her and used my teleportation to send us straight there. Once we had arrived I saw a number of different skin-colored people with horns and a tail. then they all looked at me as some of them backed away with children in arms.

"Greetings, I am demon lord Arzo. which one of you is the leader?" I asked