
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Stealth mission

We had finally arrived back at the throne room of the castle and everyone was still kneeling to me then RInako walked up to me and bowed

"Welcome back lord Arzo, was the mission a success?" Rinako asked

I nodded "Yes, I eliminated the leader of the jade serpents and their organization has crumbled, they will no longer be able to do anything more without a leader." I said

Rothar stepped forward "My lord, may I ask, what is that staff?" he said

I held up the new staff "This staff is called dragonbane and the leader of the jade serpents said it is one of the five legendary weapons made by the gods." I said

"A weapon made by the gods?" Rothar said

Tokod chuckled "They must have been pretty weak gods if their weapons couldn't match your strength, lord Arzo." he said

I smirked "Hm, of course they could not match my strength, but now I must decide what to do with this." I said

"Lord Arzo, may I request to take it?" Rothar said

"And what do you plan to do with it?" I asked

"I shall study it and learn all of its magical abilities, in time I may even be able to modify it so it will become even more powerful for you." Rothar said

I nodded "Very well, I'll leave it in your hands, be sure to update me on the progress you make." I said then I floated dragonbane to him

Rothar took dragonbane "Thank you, my lord, I will be sure to deliver to you a much more powerful staff." he said then he took his leave

Rinako stepped to me "My lord, may I ask what you plan to do now?" she asked and I turned to her "Now that the leader of the jade serpents is gone, what shall we do now?" she asked

'Huh, that's a good question, at the moment I was only thinking of getting rid of the leader of the jade serpents and now that it's done, I didn't really plan that far...maybe I can take suggestions.' I thought then I turned back to the others "Our mission to kill the leader is finished but now we must decide what to do next, do any of you have any suggestions?" I asked

Syndra and Ommes both raised their hands so I pointed to Ommes first "My lord, it's my understanding that there may be other dragons here in this world as well, and I request that we deal with them." Ommes said

I nodded "A fair suggestion, what is your's Syndra?" I asked

"I would like to deal with the human kingdom, I am still curious as to your plan with them." Syndra said

I nodded 'the people of this world might catch on to us if we do any more things out of their watchful eye...so what if we put them under watch instead.' I thought then I tapped my staff on the ground "I have made a decision on what we shall do next, we shall deal with the humans." I said

Syndra nodded "A grand decision lord." she said

I looked at Ommes "I apologize Ommes, we will have to deal with the dragons later but fret not, they will be dealt with." I said

Ommes bowed his head "It is fine, my lord, I can wait." he said

Tokod looked back up at me "What is your plan for the humans, lord Arzo?" he asked

"I have realized that the human kingdom might have eyes and ears all over this world, which means that if we are spotted doing something by them then they may take action against us and I can not have that, I still need to use them for my own goals." I said

Tokod nodded "Then how will we keep their gaze off of us?" he asked

I smirked "Simple, we will keep our gaze on them instead." I said

"What do you mean by that lord?" Isola asked

"We will place someone inside of their own people to keep them at bay, they will watch them and relay any information they find on the humans, the humans would be too cautious around them to make any moves on us." I said

Isola nodded "A brilliant plan lord Arzo." she said

Rinako nodded "I agree but I must ask, who will be the one to watch over the humans?" she asked

"I have someone in mind for this mission but before that, we must end this meeting here, I am sure everyone is tired from the battle, so rest, we will resume our meeting on another day." I said

"Yes, lord Arzo." All of them said then all of them stood up and left the throne room while I sat on my throne.

Rinako turned to me "My lord, are you not tired as well?" she asked

I nodded "I am but I must learn a bit more of the human kingdom before I initiate my plan." I said

"My lord, I request that you rest for the night." Rinako said

"I refuse." I said

Rinako stepped in front of me "Lord Arzo, I am your personal servant and it is my job to look after your health and well being, as well as obey any order you give me, and I must demand that you rest, it would be unwise to continue to work when you are exhausted." she said

I sighed "Very well, I will rest for the night, bring me any important news that others give you." I said and she nodded then I decided to teleport myself to my room since I didn't feel like walking and once there I took my cape off and made my staff disappear 'I will admit this, Rinako was right, I am exhausted, once I've taken my nap I must get back to work.' I thought then I laid down on my bed and went to sleep for the night


After Arzo had left the throne room Rinako left the room and entered the room where the maidens were resting along with others who were also dressed in maid outfits

Zoe looked over at Rinako "Rinako? what are you doing here?" she asked

"Forgive the intrusion but I have come to request something for you and the other two maidens to do." Rinako said

Scarlet walked over "Is this also a request from lord Arzo?" she asked

Rinako shook her head "No, this is a request to help his lord." she said

Celia had walked over as well "A request to help lord Arzo? what is it?" she asked

"Lord Arzo is currently resting but before he turned in, he said he wished to know more about the human kingdom before he initiated his plan." Rinako said

Zoe snapped her fingers "You want us to go to the human kingdom and learn what we can for him." she said

Rinako nodded "Yes, this will shorten how much work he has to do and allow him to initiate his plan faster." she said

Scarlet nodded "If it's for lord Arzo, then we shall accept this request and complete it to the letter." she said and the other maidens nodded

Rinako bowed "Thank you, I will await your return in the throne room." she said then she left the room

-Three maidens-

Scarlet, Zoe, and Celia wasted no time and quickly left the castle and made their way to the kingdom and once they got to the wall they ran up it and made it to the other side without getting spotted

"Where do we look first?" Celia asked

Zoe thought for a moment "I say we try to find out if they have an adventures guild, next we will study the city itself and find out all we can then we will move onto the castle." she explained

Scarlet raised her hand "I think we should divide the tasks, it will make it go much faster." she said

"I agree, we shouldn't stay here for too long, we must make this go as fast as possible so we can return to lord Arzo's side." Celia said

Zoe nodded "Very well, who will take care of what?" she asked

"I'll take the castle." Scarlet said

"I would like to study the city itself." Celia said

Zoe nodded "Then I shall find the adventurers guild, make sure you aren't spotted and if you are, get rid of them immediately." she said and both of them nodded then they split up


Scarlet ran across the buildings at speeds no normal human would see even with enhancement magic as she made her way to the kingdom and once she got there she saw it also had a small wall so she simply jumped over it and continued on her way through the castle and she made sure to study every room she passed by until she ended up in the throne room which was very similar to Arzo's throne room and before she moved on she heard voices so she quickly hid and watched as a man dressed as a king with a golden crown and bright orange hair walked into the room with another man dressed in regular clothes and he had green hair and was also carrying a sword

"Tell me, how are we looking with damages?" the king asked

"Over thirty houses and buildings were destroyed, everyone who was inside of the barrier is dead, we are looking for anything that might tell us what happened but we aren't having any luck at the moment." the swordsman said

The king shook his head "To have such a thing happen in my kingdom, I feel ashamed as a king to not be able to stop this sooner." he said

The swordsman shook his head "Do not blame yourself, lord Zhao, no one could have known this would happen." he said

Zhao sighed "I know, I am just glad that you were there to destroy the barrier before anything more happened, Artor." he said

Artor nodded "Yes, though I can't help but think that this might not be the last time these people make trouble in the kingdom." he said

Zhao nodded "I agree, which is why I have increased security in the castle, we can not risk these people coming to attack the royal's or myself." he said

"I'm sure this decision will keep everyone safe, shall we return to your room?" Artor asked

"Yes, I am quite exhausted, these meetings with the royals are beginning to take a toll on me." Zhao said then he and Artor left the throne room

Scarlet jumped down from the roof where she was hidden "So that is the human king, I'll be sure to inform lord Arzo of this." she said

"Who is lord Arzo?" a voice behind her said making Scarlet quickly summon her scythe and swipe behind her missing the man dressed as a shinobi who also had a black mask and a hood over his head who quickly jumped back and dodged her scythe

"Damn, I missed." Scarlet said

The man stood back up "Who are you? and who is this lord Arzo? I've never heard of a noble who has that name." he said

Scarlet twirled her scythe "It doesn't matter, you'll be dead soon so there's no point telling you, human." she said

"You're a cocky one, fine then, I'll beat you and make you give up any and all information you possess." he said pulling out two kunai's for each hand

Scarlet was the first to move as she quickly rushed at him and swung her scythe but the shinobi quickly ducked under it and ran forward then he threw a kunai at her back so Scarlet spun around and hit the kunai away then she ran at him again and spun her scythe around multiple times to try to hit him while he tried to dodge but got slashed a few times on his body then Scarlet tried to stab him by bringing her scythe down right on top of him but as she did he quickly teleported away and once Scarlet turned around she saw him do the hand sign for tiger

"Ninja skill: Shadow clone." he said then multiple clones of himself appeared

Scarlet chuckled "You think you'll be able to beat me with numbers alone? pitiful human." she said

All of the clones quickly ran at her so Scarlet made her scythe glow then magically split apart into two small scythes in each hand then she ran at the clones and started slashing all of them making them disappear but then one of them tried to attack her back so she quickly turned and slashed him upwards with her right one then downward with her left but her back was open again so all of them moved and quickly dogpiled her so Scarlet had her scythe fuse back together then she slashed all of them away with one wide slash but while she was busy with the clones sh realized that other knights and soldiers had appeared around her

"An intruder! arrest her!" one of the soldiers said as Scarlet got her scythe ready to fight but before she did anything multiple knives appeared everywhere and started swirling around her then appeared Celia who had a mask on

"You were told to not be spotted." Celia said

Scarlet huffed "This is not my fault, that damn human caught me off guard." she said then she turned around and put her back to Celia's "What's the plan? do we kill them all?" she asked

Celia shook her head "No, there's already too many witnesses, if we kill them then it might damage lord Arzo's plan, we must escape." she said

Scarlet nodded "Okay, how do we escape?" she asked

"first, we need to silence a certain human." Celia said then she made one of her knives invisible and sent it straight at the shinobi who was hiding in a dark corner then he was stabbed in the throat by the knife

"How did you know about him?" Scarlet asked

"I was watching for a while and we can't have him talking to others about what he already knows, next we need a distraction." Celia said suddenly multiple balls were thrown into the room and they all exploded into smoke

Zoe walked to Celia and Scarlet also wearing a mask "I gave you two one order, ONE!" she said

Celia shook her head "It was Scarlet's fault, she's the one who got caught first, I was only trying to help her out." she said making Scarlet huff

Zoe sighed "We'll deal with this mess up later, right now let's go." she said then she and the other two escaped the castle and made their way back to lord Arzo's castle

-Lovalon kingdom-

After the maidens escaped the soldiers were escorting the shinobi to the medical ward while Zhao and Artor looked over the throne room

"This person, whoever they are, was easily able to infiltrate the castle, we aren't dealing with a normal assassination attempt nor a jealous noble, what we are dealing with is clearly something else entirely, but what." Zhao said

"Your highness, I believe it to be best to sleep in the safe room tonight, we can't risk another attempt like this." Artor said

Zhao nodded "Yes I agree, let's head there at once." he said then he and Artor made their way to the safe room with a heavy metallic door deep underground "I shall see you in the morning Artor, stay safe." he said

Artor bowed "Yes your highness, have a goodnight." he said then the door closed and Artor locked the door then took his leave 'A man who is easily able to put up a barrier on our kingdom and infiltrate the castle is not a man that should be trifled with, though to protect the king, I must do all I can to defeat this threat and ensure victory, for the Lovalon kingdom.' Artor thought