
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


-The next day-

I awoke and immediately got my cape back on as well as summon my staff then I teleported myself back to the throne room where Rinako was waiting along with the maidens and others then they all kneeled to me

Rinako bowed "Lord Arzo, I trust you are well-rested." she said

I nodded "Yes, it would seem that all I really needed was a good night's rest, now then, let's get to work." I said then I sat on my throne

"Yes, lord Arzo." Rinako said

Scarlet looked back up "Lord Arzo, we understand that you wished to know more about the human kingdom. so we took it upon ourselves to sneak into the kingdom and learn all there was to learn." she said

I raised an eyebrow "Really? well done maidens. tell me what you have learned." I said

Celia raised her hand "Before that, my lord, we also have other news." she said then she looked to Zoe

Zoe glanced at her then at me and sighed "When we infiltrated the humans' kingdom, I gave the order to not be seen by the humans. sadly, Scarlet was caught and seen by many of them." she said as Scarlet looked down in shame

"What?" I said then I looked at Scarlet "Explain to me how you were caught by the humans', Scarlet." I ordered


"Look your master in the eye when he addresses you, Scarlet." Rinako said

Scarlet flinched and immediately looked up at me "R-right, I...was careless. I didn't expect to get caught and overestimated my abilities. and for that, I apologize greatly for being seen and almost caught by the humans. whatever punishment you give me, I will accept for I deserve it."

I sighed "Before that, allow me to explain this. we are in a new world with new things and new enemies. we don't know what to expect and we don't know how strong our enemies are, which means we can not afford to overestimate ourselves. they may be humans yes, but they are new humans who also have magical abilities." I said then I stood up "Do not underestimate the humans and do not overestimate yourselves, for that you may end up getting yourself killed and that is something, I. will. not. allow." I said

I tapped my staff on the ground "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" I shouted

All of them nodded "Yes, lord Arzo." they said

I sat back down at looked at Scarlet "Scarlet, by getting caught by the humans. you almost ruined my plan for them, and or that I will have no choice but to send you back. you will not be summoned back until I feel you have served your time, understood?" I said

Scarlet nodded "I understand lord, you will no hear complaints from me. know that when I return I will do whatever it takes to make up for my mistake." she said

I made a small magic circle appear and reached my hand in to pull out a ring with three jewels. a red one, a yellow one, and a green one. the red jewel began glowing and so did Scarlet as her body turned into light and disappeared. I also saw the other two maidens look disappointed at the spot where Scarlet once was.

I looked at the other two maidens "I trust Scarlet shared her own information with you two?" I said and both of them nodded "Good, now. tell me everything you know."

Zoe stood up "After searching, I found out that the humans have an adventures guild. the adventures are ranked as E-class, to S-class. I also learned that there exist only three S-class adventures, though their identities and abilities are unknown to me." she said

I nodded 'interesting, I didn't expect to find an actual adventures guild in this world, but this is set in some sort of medieval period so I should have expected it. if I play my cards right then I'll be able to use the adventures guild to my advantage.' I thought

I looked at Celia "And what have you found Celia?" I asked

Celia stood up "I explored the kingdom itself and found that the humans are in a very nervous state ever since our attack on the Jade serpents. also, a majority of them speak of one name that they clearly hold in high regard. a knight by the name of Artor." she said

'A knight who the people look up to? since the people of the kingdom think of him so highly, it must mean he is strong. but I wonder how strong.' I thought

I nodded "And what of the information Scarlet possessed?" I asked

"Scarlet was tasked with studying the castle itself, she informed us of who the king was. his name is Zhao, and he had a knight with him whose name was Artor. we can assume this is the same knight the people look up to." Zoe said

I nodded "You have done well, though I can not say the same for Scarlet. hopefully, her time in the realm will allow her to think about what she can do to make up for this failure. in the meantime, we will execute our plan to put the humans under our watch." I said

Alastor phased through the ground and bowed "Lord Arzo, I will gladly carry out this plan to watch the humans." he said

I shook my head "No Alastor, someone else will be on this mission." I said

Alastor looked back up "Oh? if I may ask. who will carry out the mission?" he asked

I raised my staff as it began glowing, making a magic circle appear. then someone comes through the magic circle. they were dressed like red-riding hood, their sleeves went way past their own arms. they also wore black with red polka-dotted leggings, and they were also very short. they only reached my own hip and as she came through the circle a memory came to me.

she looked around then at me and I could clearly see her human face and black hair with red tips "Am I...back?" she asked

I nodded "It has been a while, Perylua." I said

Perylua turned back around and looked at everyone still kneeling to me then she gasped and moved faster than everyone expected as she moved to the doors to the throne room then she opened the doors and stepped outside and looked around while I followed her.

"So it's true, we're in another world." Perylua said

I nodded "Yes." I said then I noticed she started shaking "Are you okay?"

"YEAH!" Perylua yelled surprising me "I can't believe this is real! a whole new world. there's gonna be so many fun things to do now, I can't wait!" she said

"Yes, there will be plenty for you to do but for now I have a mission for you." I said

Perylua turned to me "Really? what is it? what is it?" she asked

I raised my hand "In a moment. first, we need to travel to the destination." I said

Rinako stepped beside me "Do you mean we are going to the humans' kingdom, my lord?" she asked

I nodded "Yes, now that we know everything to know about their kingdom, it's time to head there and meet the king." I said

Tokod walked to me "Then may I suggest we make a grand entrance? one fit for someone of your status. lord Arzo." he said

"Yes, but let's not try to intimidate them too much." I said then I looked at Perylua "Follow me to the kingdom, I'll explain your mission on the way." I said

"Okay." Perylua said as we all walked back inside the castle

I returned to my throne "Tell me Tokod, what did you have in mind for an entrance?" I asked

Tokod chuckled "I was thinking, we could have you ride on a dragon into the kingdom, and on the dragon would be people who will accompany you to the kingdom." he said

I nodded "An entrance fit for someone like me. that will do for now." I said

Ommes stood up "I would be honored to carry you into the kingdom, my lord." he said

I nodded "Now, I need to decide who will accompany me." I said as I looked over all of them "Rothar, Tokod, Syndra, and Rinako shall join me." I said

"Yes, lord Arzo." All of them said

I stood back up "Now, let's go meet the king." I said then I walked to the doors while everyone, including Perylua, follows. and once we were outside Ommes walked forward and began transforming into his giant black dragon from

Ommes got down low enough for everyone to get on and once we did, he flew off in the direction of the kingdom

-Lovalon kingdom-

Artor was walking through the castle until he ended up in the throne room. where the king and a number of other royals were having a meeting. a group of royals on one side and another number of royals on another side. Artor joined the king's side as he sat on his throne.

"I'm telling you, it was that damn Bozia kingdom. only they would pull this type of stunt on us, I say we go ahead and strike them back." A male royal said

"We have no proof it was actually them. if we go off and attack them, then we'll be doing nothing but causing a pointless war." Another male Royal said

"Come now Horik, we all know Bozia has had a bone to pick with us for the longest time. do you really think they wouldn't do this?" another royal said

Horik shook his head "I'm not saying it wasn't them, I'm saying that we have no proof it was them."

Zhao raised his hand "Horik has a point, we can not, and will not. attack anyone until we get solid proof it was them, is that understood?" he said and every royal stayed silent "Good, now onto more pressing matters." he said then a guard had immediately burst through the doors and kneeled to Zhao

"Your highness, I have urgent news." The guard said


"A dragon sire, a dragon has been spotted flying this way." the guard said making the royals gasp

Zhao stood up "Ready the defenses. we can not allow this dragon to attack our kingdom." he said

"Yes sir." The guard said then he ran out of the room


The soldiers of the kingdom all got their ballista's ready by calibrating the aim, and once the dragon was in view. they fired, but all of the arrows only hit a magical barrier and made them shatter on impact.

"Reload the ballista! take that dragon down!" A guard yelled

The soldiers immediately began reloading the ballista's, but it was too late as the dragon had just flown over the wall of the kingdom and landed right in front of the walls of the castle, making everyone run for their lives as the soldiers and guards all ran out and surrounded the dragon


'I'm not surprised they attacked on sight, I knew they were gonna attack us. now to tell them we mean no harm and hopefully, the others will keep themselves from attacking them.' I thought then I got off of Ommes and so did everyone else.

I looked around at the guards and soldiers "Greetings, I am demon lord Arzo and I have come to meet with your leader." I said but none of them backed off as everyone joined my side

I looked over and saw Syndra reach for her knife "Do not take any action against them, understood?" I said and everyone nodded so Syndra put her hand back down then I turned back to the guards "As I said before, I have only come to meet with your leader. I have not come to cause any harm." I said

Eventually, a man had appeared from the wall and stepped before me "Are we to truly believe you mean no harm when you came here to our kingdom on top of a dragon?" he asked

I looked at Ommes then to the man "If he is the reason you are so troubled then I shall send him away." I said then I looked back at Ommes "Return to the castle." I ordered

Ommes nodded then he flapped his wings and left the kingdom, heading back to the castle.

I looked back at the man "There, now may I meet your leader?" I said

The man turned back to the wall "Very well, follow me." he said

I followed the man past the wall while the soldiers and guards followed us until we had arrived at the throne room where there were many other men and women, and on top of the throne was who I was assuming, King Zhao.

"A monster?"

"Why are we allowing something like that here?"

"No monster should be allowed to simply walk around in our kingdom."

I looked around at the people 'Sounds like these people aren't a fan of monsters, they also sound very stuck-up. typical rich men.' I thought

Zhao raised his hand making the royals quiet down "I understand you wish to meet with me." he said

I nodded "Yes I did, I am demon lord Arzo and I have come to discuss a deal with you." I said

"Before that, I have a question." Zhao said and I nodded "Are you the one responsible for the barrier and the destruction?" he asked

"I am." I said making everyone in the room gasp and murmur

"I would request that you explain why. we have not attacked you nor have we heard of you. yet you launch an attack on my very kingdom." Zhao said

"I did not attack the kingdom just to strike you, I was simply conducting an experiment with a group of humans. maybe you heard of them, they call themselves the Jade serpent." I said

"Impossible, he got rid of the Jade serpents?!"

"That organization had been a throne in our side for a long time."

"To think it was a monster who destroyed them."

Zhao raised his hand, silencing the royals "You destroyed the Jade serpents?" he asked and I nodded "And you chose to cause as destruction as you could to my kingdom?" he said

"The destruction was not on purpose, I can assure you that. it was just a result of our battle." I said "Now, enough of this talk of the Jade serpents. I have come to make a deal and you will hear me out." I said

Before Zhao said anything else, one of the royals stepped forward. he was very fat and had red hair.

"Why should his highness, or any of us listen to what someone like you has to say?" He said and I simply stared at him

"Victor, silence yourself." Zhao said

Victor chuckled "Why should I? I am simply saying what the rest of us are thinking. making a deal with another kingdom is bad enough, but a deal with a monster? I will not stand for it." He said but I stayed silent then he scoffed and walked to me and proceeded to grab my shirt "Any and all monsters should just stay away from humans, especially those claiming to be some sort of demon lord." he said but I did nothing

I finally sighed "Rinako." I said

Rinako grabbed Victor's wrist "Do. not. touch. my. master. human scum." she said making Victor let go

"What the hell? let go of me, damn monster freak." Victor said as he tried to pull his wrist back but it wouldn't move an inch

Rinako looked at me "My lord, shall I punish this human for getting his filth on your clothes?" she asked

"Wait!" Zhao yelled making everyone look up at him "Demon lord Arzo, as the king. I apologize on Victor's behalf and request you let him go." he said

I thought for a moment "Very well, I will look this over, this once." I said and Zhao sighed "but I will not let him go unpunished." I said then I turned to Rinako "Break it."

Rinako nodded then she squeezed his wrist as hard as she could, and you could hear the bones in it crunching as Victor yelled out in pain. then Rinako let go and let him fall to the ground holding his wrist in pain. I looked around at the other royals to see they had averted their eyes.

I looked back at Victor "You should be very grateful to your king, it's because of him that you still breathe. but know this, touch me again and not even he will be able to save you. now leave my sight." I said and Victor stood up and immediately sped walked out of the room

I looked back at Zhao "Now that that's finished, let's continue our deal." I said

Zhao nodded "Very well, I will hear out this deal of yours." he said

"It is simple, I propose an alliance between us." I said surprising Zhao

"An alliance?!" Zhao said

I nodded "Yes, an alliance. I will assist your kingdom when it is in danger and in turn, we will not attack either one." I said

Zhao seemed to think for a moment "Will you really help us when we need it?" He asked and I nodded then he sighed "Very well, I accept your proposal." He said

"A good choice." I said then I tapped my staff "Now then, as part of the deal. I will put you under the watch of one of my servants." I said then Perylua stepped forward "This is Perylua. she will stay here to keep watch of your kingdom and will warn me if something bad ever happens."

Perylua waved at everyone "Hey there, my name is Perylua. I hope we all become good friends and have lots of fun!" she said but no one responded

"With this, I shall take my leave." I said then I turned and began walked out of the castle

Perylua waved at me "Bye Arzy!" she said

I returned outside with the others where I tapped my staff on the ground causing a small wave to shoot out. eventually, Ommes had returned to the kingdom and landed in the same spot, and got down so we could get back on then we headed back to the castle.

-Lovalon kingdom-

Perylua turned back to the king "Okay, it's time to begin my mission...what do I do again?" she said as she cocked her head

Artor rubbed the back of his head "Uh, is this one alright? she seems a bit clueless." he said

Perylua thought for a moment as tilted her head back and forth then she stopped "OH YEAH! I'm supposed to watch out for any bad guys or danger. I can't believe I forgot." she said then she hit herself on the head "I'm such a clutz."

Zhao raised his hand "Would you like a room to rest in?" he asked

Perylua shook her head "Nah, I don't really get tired. besides, right now I want to explore the castle and find something to play with. watching whatever's going on here is boring, so I'll see you later." she said then she seemed to have disappeared right before everyone eyes

Perylua used her speed to quickly move out of the throne room and once she did she stopped and simply skipped through the halls until she came upon a door and opened it to find a small boy sitting at a table with a woman dressed as a maid.

The boy turned to Perylua "Um, who are you?" he asked as the maid also looked at Perylua

Perylua smiled widely "Simple, I'm your new friend." she said then she stepped into the room


We had finally arrived back at the castle and I returned to my throne as everyone neeled to me

"The plan went as well as I thought." I said

Tokod looked back up "Excuse me, my lord, but I am still curious as to your plan with the human kingdom." he said

"As I said before, we will keep the humans under our watch instead." I said

Syndra looked back up "I understand keeping the humans under our watch instead, but I am still having trouble understanding the rest, lord Arzo." she said

"Then I will explain it to you." I said then I sighed "As you know, I have kept Perylua there to keep watch of the humans but she is also there for another reason, to ensure we have leverage against them." I said

Dmaus looked up at me confused "you mean, a way to make sure they will not attack us?" he asked and I nodded

Isola scoffed "Will the humans really be that foolish?" she said

"I have no doubt they will plan to attack us at some point, it is only a matter of time. I am also confident that they will use the adventures to attack us as well, which is why I have a plan for them to but they will have to wait." I said then I stood up "Believe me when I say this when the humans' attack. that is when we will crush them without mercy and they won't even get the chance to defend themselves as long as everything goes according to my plan."

Tokod smiled "And a brilliant plan it is, my lord." he said

Syndra nodded "Those humans will be crushed easily by your might, lord Arzo." she said

Ommes chuckled "That is our great demon lord for you, he is always thinking five steps ahead of everyone else." he said

Rinako kneeled to me as well "I speak for everyone when I say, we are eternally grateful to be allowed to serve such a great being such as yourself, demon lord Arzo." she said

I smiled widely at the praise "Thank you for the great praise, my servants but now is the time for the next phase of my plan, so rise!" I said and everyone did

Rinako stepped to me "May I ask what the next phase is, my lord?" she said

"It's simple." I said then I turned to Ommes "We're going to deal with the dragons."