
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Lord Arzo vs. Ferrant

I stood at the opposite side of the room starring at Ferrant who himself had spiky green hair and he also had a tattoo of his group's symbol on the side of his face, he also wore an open leather jacket and pants with a white shirt underneath 

Ferrant smirked "So you're here to kill me? and since you called me that name that means you know who I am." he said 

"I have been hunting for you for quite some time, I questioned and killed some of your men just to get to you, and now that I'm here, I will end you." I said pointing my staff at him 

Ferrant simply chuckled "You were a fool to come looking for me." he said 

"I think not." I said then my staff began glowing "Fire magic: Twin lion blaze." I said shooting two flaming lion heads at Ferrant but right before they hit he held out his hand to his left making a staff fly right to it then he used the staff to block my attack 

Ferrant chuckled "How do you like my own magical weapon? It's called Dragonbane and it's one of the five legendary weapons made by the gods themselves." he said then he tapped the staff on the ground "You might as well surrender now, no one has ever beaten one of the legendary weapons nor me." he said 

I stared at the staff to see it was golden all over with six gems inside of it, three each were sitting on each side of it 

I looked back at Ferrant "You say it was crafted by the gods?" I asked then I twirled my staff and pointed it at Ferrant "Let's see if its power can measure up to them." I said 

Ferrant chuckled "Your funeral." he said then he tapped his staff on the ground making a brown magic circle appear then the rocks underneath me began flying into the air carrying me with them "Earth magic: rock coffin." he said 

I was flung into the air by the rocks and even though I jumped from one to the other I couldn't escape from this spell and the next thing I knew I was trapped in the middle of a bunch of rocks 

I focused on my staff "Grand impact!" I said pushing all of the rocks around me away sending them flying everywhere but I knew my allies would be fine then I saw Ferrant floating up to my level 

Ferrant chuckled "I'm impressed, there aren't many who can escape the rock coffin." he said 

I shrugged "It wasn't that strong of a spell anyway, you should have hit me with something stronger." I said 

"Pfft, you want me to hit you with one of my stronger spells? you must really want to die." Ferrant said then one of the gems began glowing "Alright, I'll indulge you but if you die, that'll be your fault." he said 

I smirked "Show me what you've got." I said 

Ferrant raised his staff "Void whip!" he said then a plasma whip came out of the staff which he shot at me so I used my arm to block but he just wrapped the whip around my arm then he turned around and pulled me forward slamming me into the ground below 

He lifted me back into the air and whipped me around where I was slammed back into the ground over and over again until he had finally stopped and I simply stood back up with only a few scratches on my body then he disconnected the whip and made it disappear

I looked up at him "Is that all you have? I'm still not impressed." I said 

Ferrant looked irritated "You're really starting to piss me off." he said then the second and third gem began glowing "Choas missiles." he said shooting multiple black bullets out of his staff 

"Interesting." I said then I quickly flew up and dodged some of them 

I flew all around the barrier dodging the missiles but even though I made some of them explode by making hit other things, Ferrant was sending more at me which was starting to annoy me so I flew at him and focused on my staff

"Disruption!" I said sending out a wave at him and the next thing he knew, he couldn't make any more missiles then I turned to the missiles coming at me "Swap." I said teleporting me behind the missiles while they flew off and hit Ferrant 

When the smoke cleared I saw Ferrant with a shield around himself "Nice try but it'll take more than my own spell to finish me off." he said then the wind around him began surging "Wind magic: Rising tornado." he said creating a tornado right where I was "Flame magic: flame barrage." he said shooting fireballs into the tornado

Ferrant laughed out loud "How do you like that? I bet you regret asking for a stronger spell now, I'm still willing to show you mercy, that is if you're still alive." he said then the tornado had finally ended and he saw a body burned to ash fall out of the sky and hit the ground "I guess that's the end of you, a shame." he said 

I flew behind him "Magic burst!" I said making my staff cause an explosion which knocked Ferrant to the ground 

Ferrant looked up at me confused "What? how?" he asked 

"I simply made a clone of myself while I was escaping your missiles and hid him away until I needed him, a shame you weren't able to catch on to which spell I used when I teleported." I said making Ferrant irritated as he floated back into the air "Also your magic still isn't strong enough to impress me, I have fought weaker things that could cast that level of magic as infants." I said 

Ferrant looked more than pissed "You want the full power of this staff? then I'll give it to you." he said then two other gems on the staff began glowing making it five gems in total then he pointed his staff at me "Remember, you asked for this, Elemental nova!" he said gathering up multiple elemental powers then he shot all of them at me 

"Enhancement magic: greater element defense." I said making my body glow for a few minutes then I was hit by his spell but it didn't feel like it hurt at all thanks to my magic "Black hole." I said absorbing the magic all around me 

I looked at Ferrant's shocked face then I pointed my staff at him "Release!" I said shooting his own spell back at him and I could see him put up another barrier so I quickly teleported behind him and put my hand on his shield "Disruption." I said making his shield disappear then I teleported away before he was hit by the spell 

When the smoke cleared Ferrant was covered in burns and bruises "I'm not through yet!" he said then he brought his staff close to him "Fifth Gem magic: Divine punishment!" he said making a bright cross made out of light appear above him then he sent it straight at me 

I watched as he came down towards me then I lifted my staff at it "This spell is powerful but.." I trailed off as my staff began glowing making a magic circle appear underneath me "It's nothing to someone like me, Devil's devastation!" I said then multiple red beams shot out from the circle and they all converged on the end of the cross 

Ferrant glared at me then the sixth gem on his staff began glowing "I will not lose! I haven't lost yet and I don't plan on it now! taste the full power of Dragonbane!" he said then he raised the staff into the air "Sixth gem magic: Summon Angel!" he said then each of the gems shot light out of it and each lights circled around each other until they created a small tornado then the tornado disappeared to reveal an angel woman 

The angel wore a suit of armor while her helmet covered her eyes and she also held a spear then she lifted the spear and jabbed it into the back of the cross increasing its power and it was actually pushing back against my spell 

I smirked "So you finally show the staff's true power, sadly for you I have grown bored of this fight so I think it's time we ended it for good." I said then I made another magic circle appear "Devil magic: Death corruption!" I said sending multiple red orbs at the cross and once it hit it spread all over the cross until it eventually reached the angel's spear and spread all over her

Ferrant looked up at the angel and cross in shock "What did you do?" he asked 

"I simply used a spell that will end this game, for good." I said 

"There's no way, the angel is the most powerful being in the world, there doesn't exist a single spell that can defeat it." Ferrant said

"But there does and I just used it." I said then I lifted my arm "Now watch as your precious angel crumbles away into nothing." I said then I snapped my fingers making both the cross and the angel exploded into small light particles 

Ferrant merely stared in shock "T-this shouldn't be possible." he said 

I sighed "I am absolutely disappointed, I was hoping human magic had come far enough to rival mine but it seems that even with magic, you humans are still the weakest race." I said then I pointed my staff at him "Now it's time for you to die." I said 

Ferrant quickly turned to me "Wait, you don't have to kill me, I'll give you anything you want just let me live." he begged 

"Why should I expect you to hold up to the promise?" I asked 

"Because you have already demonstrated your strength to me, I have no reason to attack you now, and even if I did I know what would happen, so please just let me live and I will never raise a sword against you, you have my word." Ferrant said 

I smirked "Well, that is an interesting offer." I said and I could see hope fill his eyes "But I will have to decline." I said and just as quickly his heart was filled with hope it disappeared just as fast "You seem to have forgotten my goal, my reason as to why I came after you in the first place, what was the first thing I said when we met?...oh yes, I have come to kill you, leader of the Jade serpents." I said then his face turned to one of pure terror as my staff glowed "Now perish, tendrils of death." I said 

Multiple black tendrils shot out of my staff and each of them wrapped around a part of Ferrant's body sucking the life force out of it until he was nothing but a dried husk then I let the tendrils go but not before taking the staff and placing it in my hand 

'So this is one of the magic weapons of this world, not only that but he said it's one of the five legendary weapons made by the gods, whether that's true or not is up to me but I won't lie, this weapon does have extraordinary powers so I think I'll keep it.' I thought then I looked back down at the town to see my servants had destroyed all of it, there wasn't a single building left standing anywhere then I floated down to them and tapped my staff on the ground getting their attention as they all kneeled before me 

"Well done all of you, you have successfully killed every human in this entire area, you have done me proud." I said 

"Thank you, lord Arzo." all of them said 

"Now it is time we returned to the castle." I said 

Before we headed back Rothar stepped to me "My lord, may I ask what we are going to do about all of this damage?" he asked 

I looked around "Leave it, we came here to kill the humans not to clean up, leave this mess for the humans to deal with." I said and Rothar nodded then he and his mages conjured up and magic circle which teleported all of us away 

-Outside the Barrier-

A man dressed in heavy armor walked to the barrier as everyone else stared at it in confusion, fear, and amazement while the man simply stared at it then he turned to the people 

"Do not worry, This barrier poses no threat to the knights of the Lovalon kingdom, we will have it down so you can return to your normal life." the man said then he turned back to the barrier and pulled out his sword then he stabbed it into the barrier and the sword actually broke it making the barrier disappear right before a group of people inside disappeared then the man stepped forward and looked at the destrucion "What kind of monster could do such a thing?" he asked nobody