
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Once Rinako had finally returned with the corpse of one of the guards from the human hideout I couldn't help but cover my nose at the smell, it was so bad I was sure I was going to pass out if I smelled anymore and Rinako noticed

"Is something wrong my lord?" Rinako asked

I shook my head "No, it's nothing, it's just been a while since I had to smell a rotting corpse." I said

Rinako nodded "If you like, we could do this outside where the wind will blow the smell away, I am sure that your nose isn't used to the smell of death since your three thousand year slumber." she said

"No, the faster we get this done the faster we can dispose of the body." I said and Rinako nodded then I stepped to the body and summoned my staff "let's get started." I said then I pointed the staff over the body "Scan." I said then the body glowed then something on the body glowed "Projection mark." I said then the thing that glowed floated up into the air

Rinako walked forward "Master, what is it? did you find something that might point to the humans' organization?" she asked

"I think I have, look at this." I said and Rinako looked over to look at the symbol of a green snake "This must be the symbol they use to identify each other, now we just need to know its name." I said then I put the symbol onto a paper I brought with me to know what it looks like then I walked to the doors of the throne room "Rinako, dispose of the body, I must go and meet with others to find out what the green snake means." I said and Rinako bowed then I left the room and went to the library where I tapped my staff on the ground then a bunch of lights flew toward me and they all dimmed to reveal fairies

"Hello lord Arzo!" all of them said

"Hello, my faires, I have come for a certain book about this mark." I said pulling out the paper with the symbol on it and all of them faires read it themselves

one of the fairies flew forward and she had pink hair braided into two long ponytails then a memory came to me of her name as she read the paper "We are sorry lord Arzo but we have no information on this symbol, our books only have information of things from our world, we still have yet to gather enough information of this world to even make one book." Bryla said

"That is alright, I was expecting this but I had to confirm my doubts were true, do you or your friends know where I can gather information on this subject?" I asked

Bryla thought for a moment "We do know of one place that my faires have explored that might contain what you need lord, but forgive us for we do have bad news." she said as she bowed her head to me and the others copied her

"What is this bad news?" I asked

"the place of which I spoke of also has yet to be fully explored, we were planning on sending more faires there to explore more of the place but something has stopped them, a magic seal meant to prevent creatures from going too deep within the area." Bryla explained

"I see, as long as this magic seal is up then we can't know for sure if this place has what I need." I said then I looked back up at the faires "Raise your head faires, I do not blame you for this new development, it seems someone will have to go to the place themselves and release the seal so we may get what I need." I said and all of the faires looked back up at me "For now I want you all to continue on your work to explore this world and find out everything you can about it but I also want you all to be careful, I can not afford to lose a single one of you." I said then they all smiled

"You're so thoughtful of us lord Arzo, we're happy you care so much for our well being, do not worry lord, we will make sure we are careful to not get caught nor hurt during our exploration, you have our word." Bryla said and all the other fairies nodded

"That's what I like to hear, I'll be taking my leave now." I said as I turned and walked back to the door

"Goodbye lord Arzo!" all of the faires said as I stepped through the door and appeared back in my throne room

Once I had walked back into my throne room I looked back at the paper but then I felt a cold chill and got suspicious as I looked around then another memory came back to me as well as a face and this one was very different from others

"I know you're there, trying to scare me is useless, I order you to show yourself." I said then something glowed in front of me and revealed a transparent man who wore a suit and had a cane as well as a top hat

the man bowed "My apologies lord, I just couldn't resist trying to give you a cold shiver up your spine as I do with most humans." he said

"Alastor, my spirit, do you not have better things to do than waste your time here?" I asked

Alastor chuckled "Sadly no, my lord, I was growing quite bored so I decided to pay you a visit, is there something you want me to do?" he asked

I nodded "You have a power which allows you to pass-through any seal as long as it's not meant to keep spirits and ghosts out, right?" I said and he nodded "Good, then I have a job for you, there is a place that the fairies can't get to since it is sealed, I want you to go there and find out all you can about this symbol." I said showing him the symbol and he studied it and nodded

"Not a problem lord Arzo, I'll ask the faires the location and head over there right away." Alastor said then he went through the floor and disappeared

Rinako walked through the doors to the throne room as soon as Alastor was gone "Lord Arzo, I have disposed of the body, since it was of no more use to the vampires I simply threw it into one of the melting pots the dwarves use." she said

I nodded "Good, now we'll wait for Alastor to return with news from the sealed off place the fairies mentioned." I said as I walked to my throne but while walking I yawned out loud "Hm, it seems even though I slept for over three thousand years my body still gets tired after a while." I said

"Would you like me to stay here and wait for Alastor to return lord Arzo?" Rinako asked

"Yes, I must retire to my room, bring me the information that Alastor has discovered as soon as he returnes." I said and Rinako bowed as I walked through the doors and to my bedroom 'today has been an eventful day, first I get thrown into the life of a demon lord, and next, I find out this guy is some kind of super-powerful being who has thousands of followers under his belt, I'm not gonna lie, I love this life and as long as I keep up the act, I'll be able to live this life to the fullest.' I thought as I laid down in my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep


After he had gotten the location from the faires he flew his way to the spot to find an abandoned building that's pretty far from the human kingdom and once Alastor flew through the walls and entered the building he found it wasn't as abandoned as it looked from the outside, it had furniture and tables neatly placed everywhere, it didn't even look dusty at all

"Hm, it seems the whole abandoned building is just a ruse to throw others off, these humans are very smart but not smart enough to actually make it look like an abandoned building." Alastor said as he floated around the room and searched for something that would help identify the symbol until he found a hidden door that is covered by boxes but a little of it was still sticking out "And this must be where they hide all the good stuff, let's take a peak." he said

Alastor phased through the floor and felt something manipulate his figure but only for a moment as he passed fully through

"That must have been the seal which prevented the faires from passing through, they should have made it so ghost and spirits can't pass through it either, foolish humans." Alastor said then he made his way further into the secret room then he suddenly heard talking so he made himself go invisible

"What do you mean your hideout was invaded?" one voice asked

"I mean exactly what I mean, the hideout was invaded by these two vampires, they came in and killed all of our men, they probably killed the slaves to." the other voice said

"That is no good, we needed those slaves to put to work so we could get more stones, oh well, we can always get more." a female voice said

Alastor entered the room to find four people, three men and a woman all gathered around a table and they all had their own armor while the third man had the strongest and heaviest armor and he also had a huge blade attached to his back

'this human looks like he's a tough one, I could use one of their bodies to kill him but that's not what lord Arzo wants me to do now, but I will still inform him of this one.' Alastor thought as he flew around the room and once he went behind the female he noticed the same tattoo on the side of her neck so he knew he found the right place

the second man shook his head "To think you would lose all your men and your hideout to two measly vampires, are you sure you're cut out for our group?" he asked

the first man unsheathed his Kitana a bit "Keep talking like that and you'll be the next one I slice up." he said then the second man made electricity come out of his hands

"Just try it, I'll leave you as nothing but a sizzling pile of ash before you even get the chance." the second man said

before either of them could do anything the third man coughed loudly "Will you two shut it? we're here to discuss the information our boss sent to us." he said

the woman nodded "Yes, we don't have time for games so just sit down and shut up." she said and both of them reluctantly sat down

the third man pulled out a piece of paper and placed it on the table "This is what the boss wants us to do." he said and everyone took a look at the paper

Alastor took a look at the paper as well and saw that they were ordered to investigate a mysterious shift in magic power and that it came from the forest of Falris and the paper also included a map and it was a perfect match of the woods that the castle was inside and even the paper had the mark

"So the boss wants us to go and look for some powerful magic object that seems to be in these woods?" the first man said

the second man smiled "Awesome if it's really powerful then I hope the boss will let me use it myself, it's been a while since I got something powerful." he said

the woman chuckled "After how you used the staff, I doubt the boss will ever give you something powerful again." she said which made the second man pout then she looked back at the paper "once the boss gets his hands on the magical object in those woods then we'll have five magical weapons at our disposal, the jade serpents will go down as the greatest organization in the world, not even the king himself will be able to stop us." she said

'it seems I have gotten more than just a name, I'm sure that lord Arzo will be more than pleased with this much information, time to head back.' Alastor thought then he phased through the ground and made his way back to the castle


Rinako waited patiently for Alastor's return but while waiting a man walked into the throne room and he was wearing a suit of armor but it wasn't big or anything special, it was just normal size, he also had gray hair and a horn coming out of the middle of his forehead

he looked at Rinako and sighed "Oh great, you're here, where is lord Arzo?" he asked

"His majesty is resting in his room, if you have anything to say then I shall deliver it." Rinako said

the man smirked "Nah, how about I just go and wake him up, the last thing I want is to say what I want to someone like you." he said as he turned around

"I will ignore your comment and tell you to not wake his lordship up, he needs his sleep." Rinako said and the man just laughed

"That guy slept for three thousand years and still feels tired, he really is very strange." he said then he turned back to Rinako "and for the record, I don't like being ignored, what'll it take for me to get you angry I wonder." he said

Rinako looked at him annoyed "If you have no more business here then you can leave." she said

The man smirked then walked closer to Rinako and just stopping at the staircase "I could but I have a better idea, I want to ask a question." he said

"I refuse to answer any of your questions." Rinako said

"Come now, I'm sure this question might catch your eye." he said then he walked further up the steps and stared at the throne "What do you think of me becoming the new demon lord?" he said

Rinako glared at him "I suggest you change your question, for what you asked could definitely get you removed from the castle and killed." she said

the man simply smirked "Well then, I'll tell you what will happen when I become the demon lord." he said as he walked back down the stairs "My first order of business is to get rid of every lowly being in the castle." he said and Rinako continued glaring at him and he knew this "I'm sure you know the type, vampires, elves, beastmen." he said then he put on a fake thinking face "Oh yes, and who could forget human." he said looking back at Rinako

Rinako had heard enough and instantly rushed at the man and went to kick him but he quickly blocked it using his arm but she still achieved in damaging his arm

"Oh, did I strike a nerve?" he said

"You know better than anyone to not call me that name and you know how much I hate being called that, I would kill you here and now." Rinako said

"Really? you would kill an innocent demon like me? that makes me sad." he said then he pushed her leg away "at least I know which buttons to push if I want to have some fun, You'll be great fun as always human." he said which earned him a punch to the gut and he ended up coughing a bit from the punch

"Do. not. call. me. that. name." Rinako said with a murderous glare

he finally stopped coughing and smirked "Alright, I guess I'm done here anyway, I'll see you later Rinako." he said then he walked back through the doors and left, and just as he left Alastor phased through the door and appeared before Rinako

"You look upset, did I come at a bad time?" Alastor asked

Rinako shook her head "It is nothing, I was simply talking to someone who annoyed me." she said then she sighed and calmed herself down then she faced Alastor "Do you come with news for lord Arzo?" she asked

Alastor nodded "Oh yes, I have news on the organization and even more which I'm sure he'll be glad to hear." he said

"Give me the information and I'll deliver it to his majesty." Rinako said and Alastor nodded then he gave her the information about the organization and the plan they had for the woods and castle and Rinako nodded the whole way through "well done Alastor, I will deliver this information to lord Arzo immediately." she said then she walked to the doors as Alastor phased through the floor and left


I was sleeping peacefully in my bed and it was a very comfortable bed indeed then a knock came to my door and I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eye and looked to the door

"Enter." I said and in stepped Rinako and she bowed before me

"Forgive the intrusion my lord but I have news of the organization." Rinako said

"Give me the information." I said

Rinako nodded "The name of the organization is jade serpant and they do have a leader giving orders to his own men by passing around envelopes to those who bare the same symbol which means he is hidden well somewhere, where he is hidden is unknown." she explained

I nodded "That is disappointing, but getting the information on him might be easy if we can find one of their members and make them talk." I said

"I do have more news on that subject lord." RInako said and I nodded giving her permission "Alastor has also found out that four of the jade serpants members are planning on coming here to look for a powerful magic weapon, I suspect that some have felt a shift in magical power the second we arrived in this world and the leader of the jade serpants must have felt this shift as well and ordered his members to come here, we can capture one of them and get all the information we need." she said

"That works well in our favor, it saves us the trouble of going out and searching for one of their members, tell the others and Alastor to keep their eye on these four people, I want to know their plan for when they eventually come here so we will be able to defeat them with ease." I said

Rinako nodded "Yes my lord, will you continue your sleep?" she asked and I nodded "Very well, then I shall take my leave, have a nice rest lord Arzo." she said then she left the room and closed the doors behind her

'the jade serpant, I don't know why but I can't wait until I meet their leader, I want to see just how strong my powers truly are but before that, I need my rest.' I thought then I laid back down and went back to sleep