
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


-Isola, Damus-

The vampire siblings made their way to where the humans were spotted and stopped just at the tree line to observe the little entrance to their cave and Isola couldn't help but smile at the sight of new humans and Damus noticed this

"Sister, control yourself." Damus said and Isola quickly wiped some drool off her mouth

"Sorry, it's just been so long, I am glad that lord Arzo gave us this task to take care of the humans, I can't wait to feast on their blood again." Isola said

Damus shook his head "Although I agree with you we must remember our task, to take care of the humans and bring some back for the others, they are hungry as well." he said

Isola nodded "Yes, we should get started as soon as possible, let us teach these humans their true place once again, beneath every other being." she said then she turned into a group of bats and flew toward the hideout and Damus did the same and once Isola reached the door she looked at Damus "Would you like to do the honors brother?" she asked

Damus turned back and walked to the door then he simply kicked the door into pieces which made the guard quickly stand up and grab his weapon but before he could attack he was decapitated and Damus walked forward while Isola picked up his body

"Do you think I can get one alive? I want them to know where they stand with us other beings." Isola said

Damus rolled his eyes "Fine, the next one we find you can have but we will have to take this body back for the others." he said then Isola dropped the body and followed Damus

Damus and Isola went further into the hideout until they had reached a door and Isola went inside to find humans chained up to both walls and polls to keep them from moving and once the humans had spotted Isola and Damus all of them turned to them and put their hands together

"Please, save us, help us, we beg of you." one of the humans said

the female human put her hands together as well "please help us, we were captured by these horrible people and forced to do unspeakable things, they forced us to work and all we want is freedom, please help us." she begged

Isola looked around at the humans "You're all slaves?" she asked and all of them nodded then she smiled as her eyes glowed a deep red "Good, that makes it much easier getting humans back for the others, have them already tied up so they have no way to run." she said and all of the humans quickly moved back at seeing her red eyes

"Vampire, you're a monster, stay back." a man said but Isola stepped closer

"What's wrong human? I thought you wanted us to save you, so let us save you from this life and give you a new one as our cattle." Isola said then she grabbed the man by his neck "But before that, I hunger for blood and seeing as you humans are the only ones alive at the moment, I say you'll do." she said then she moved the man's head to the side to show his neck cleary then she revealed her own razor-sharp teeth and bit down on his neck and began to drink his blood

Damus walked over to Isola "Are you satisfied?" he asked

Isola lifted her head from the human who was drained of his blood completely "Yes, I am satisfied, that was refreshing." she said then she stood up and turned back to the rest of the humans

Damus stepped to the middle of them "You humans will remain here until we come back for you, it's not like any of you could go anywhere anyway." he said then he walked to the door along with Isola but once they reopened it they found a group of humans standing on the other side

"Who the hell are you? what are you doing here?" one of them asked then they all pulled out their swords and pointed it at both of them

"Sister, since you have finally had a taste for blood once again, do you think you can handle them?" Damus asked and Isola smirked then she moved faster than the humans could see and cut off their sword arms

Isola dropped their arms on the ground "Humans and their thinking that they can defeat us monsters with simple swords, I almost feel sorry for you humans." she said and once they turned around to her Damus easily took their heads off and left their bodies to fall on the floor

Damus walked past the bodies "We need to exterminate all humans in this cave, let's get this done already." he said and Isola followed

While they walked further into the cave they eventually found the rest of the humans and found them to be in the middle of a larger cave system that spanned onto multiple cave holes then the humans turned to them and they all pulled out their swords and crossbows then one man with a green snake tattooed on his arm stood up and looked at them

"I was wondering why my group of men hasn't returned, looks like we have a vampire infection." he said as all the other men slowly moved closer

Damus looked around at the people "If you surrender now then we will grant you all quick deaths." he said but all the men laughed and so did the one with the green snake tattoo

the man calmed down after laughing "You monsters seem to be a little too cocky for your own good, you'll regret that." he said then he pulled out two swords of his own and walked forward to the vampires

Isola smirked "Allow me, brother, I'll end this humans life so we can deliver their bodies back to the castle, the faster we get this done the faster our friends can finally have their share of blood." she said then she rushed at the man and right when she reached her claw forward the man used his sword to block it then he quickly moved it out of the way and got a clear slash on her side as she went behind him then she stood straight back up and touched the cut "this truly is something I didn't expect, to think a human would be fast enough to not only block my attack but to also strike me, the humans of this world must truly be much more powerful than the ones from our world." she said as she turned back around to face the man

the man put his swords back up "now you see why you shouldn't underestimate me, now come monster so I can end your life myself." he said

Isola quickly rushed at him again and went to slash him with her claws but he quickly dodged her attack so she stopped herself and turned around then rushed at him again and this time jumped at him and went for his head so he brought both swords down then did an airstrike to attack her and barely got her shoulders as she flew over then he quickly turned around and blocked a kick from her then Isola spun on her hand and tried to kick him multiple times but he blocked each one then she propelled herself into the air and did a spinning back kick but only hit the floor since the human moved back and Isola stood straight up and faced the human

"This is more fun than I thought, I have never met a human who could last this long against me." Isola said and the man chuckled

"I have to admit, you're the first vampire to have made me go all out like this, you're way stronger than you look." he said which impressed Isola

"Are you saying that you killed other vampires?" Isola asked

the man nodded "Yep, I killed a lot of monsters during my time and you'll just be added to that long list just you wait monster." he said then he positioned the swords in front of him again

Isola simply smirked "You called me cocky? look in the mirror human, anyway I think it's time we finished this, we wasted too much time already." she said then she looked above the human and at Damus who was busy sucking the blood out of the last human alive in the room "Are you filled brother?" she asked and the man looked up at Damus just as he dropped the body and wiped his mouth

Damus smirked "I am full and satisfied, I must admit though that was very refreshing." he said then his body started to glow with a red aura

Isola's body also began glowing with the same red aura then she looked back at the man "This might be your last chance to run human, I suggest you take it." she said

the man smirked then he put both of his swords into the ground and pulled out a hidden sword from his jacket ad it was shaped as a Kitana "You think I'm scared of a couple of vampires, I'll show you why monsters fear me." he said then he unsheathed the blade

Damus and Isola both transformed into much bigger vampiric monsters with sharp claws and teeth and their hair grew to cover their eyes as well then Damus jumped down and walked to the human from behind while the man held the sword at Isola

Damus growled "You were warned human and now you will die a painful death." he said then he got down on all fours and Isola did the same then they rushed at the man from both sides

the man closed his eyes and focused on the blade "Sword stance: ring." he said then he quickly spun the blade around and slashed both Damus and Isola at the same time making both of them jump back

Damus was very surprised as he touched the cut "Was that magic? how do you know magic?" he asked

Isola stared at the man "this is unexpected, a human who knows magic, I never thought the day would come when we would meet a human who is different." Isola said then she looked at Damus "Brother, we must kill this one here and now, we can not allow him to live for he threatens Master's very existence." she said

Damus nodded "Of course, if we allow him to live then he may become a much bigger threat for master and we can not allow that." he said

the man got into a defensive sword stand as both Isola and Damus rushed at him again then Damus grabbed a rock and quickly threw it at him so the man slashed it apart but left him wide open from the back and just as Isola was about to slash him he quickly turned the sword around

"Sword stance: counter slash." he said quickly whipping the sword around him and slashing Isola on her arm then Damus took advantage of it and went to slash him "Sword stance: flash slash." he said then he quickly slashed Damus with unexpected speed so he jumped back as well "As you can both see, I am not one to be defeated so easily, if you want to kill me then you might want to try a bit har-." he cut himself off as he touched the side of his head then he nodded "unfortunately, we must end this little dance of ours but allow me to give you a parting gift." he said then he sheathed the blade and put both of his hands together "Holy magic: holy light flash." he said then he threw a shining light into the air which blinded both Damus and Isola and when it disappeared so did the human

Isola ran to one of the cave holes "This way brother, I still have his scent, we can kill him." she said but Damus transformed back and set a hand on her shoulder

"No, we must let him go, we don't have the time to go after him, we must go and retrieve the humans for the others before their blood dries and become unfavorable, come, sister." Damus said and Isola reluctantly transformed back and followed her brother and helped retrieve the human bodies that they have killed

"What of the human slaves' brother? we don't have the space to bring them back with us." Isola asked

Damus thought for a moment "We shall inform lord Arzo of the human slaves', no doubt he will know what to do." he said then he walked out of the hideout along with Isola, and once outside they used their vampiric speed to quickly move through the woods and reach the castle


I was just finishing reading the book about the demon I was possessing when Rinako walked through the door to the library and bowed to me

"My lord, the vampire siblings have returned and they say they have great news and request your presence." Rinako said

I nodded and stood up "I will go and see what they wish to tell me, join me Rinako." I said and she nodded then followed me as I walked through the doors and to my throne room where I saw both Damus and Isola bowing and they were also injured with cuts on a few parts of their bodies "What happened to you two?" I asked

Isola lifted her head "We fought a human and he was strong, way stronger than any other human we have ever met." she said

Damus lifted his head as well "this human knew magic, my lord, and he was able to escape both of us, we failed our mission to eliminate every human in that hideout and we deserve punishment." he said

'I don't believe it, a human was able to take on two vampires but the only reason I am surprised was that because back in their world all of the humans didn't know any magic at all and were easy to defeat but it seems the humans here have at least a bit of knowledge of magic and that is bad for them.' I thought then I looked back to the vampires "While you did fail your first objective to eliminate the humans you have succeeded in your second objective to bring humans back so the other vampires could feed and for that, I will not give you severe punishment, neither of you are allowed to feast on any of the humans you have brought back for a whole day, if you break this then you will be punished greatly." I said

"Yes lord Arzo." both of them said but then Damus stepped to me

"Before we leave lord, there were still some humans in that hideout, they are slaves' and will work nicely as cattle for the others." Damus said and I nodded

"Alright, I'll have someone go and bring them here, Now leave us." I ordered then they quickly moved back to the door and left the room while I went and sat on my chair and Rinako at my side "Humans that can use magic is troublesome, one human with magical abilities was able to fight off two vampires and escape with his life, what do you make of this Rinako?" I asked

Rinako faced me "I think this changes things greatly, if one human was able to fight off two vampires then there is also a chance that there are mush strong ones who may be able to take on your much stronger servants, we must find them and eliminate them before they become a much bigger threat." she said

I nodded "I agree, the last thing we want is a human with high magical power coming here to attack us." I said then I looked to Rinako "Before we think more about the magic-wielding humans we must deal with the slaves for the vampires, call the three maidens here." I ordered

Rinako bowed "Yes lord Arzo." she said then she walked to the door and left the room but it was only for a few seconds as she immediately came back through the door with the three maidens in tow "They are here master." she said

I looked at the maidens "Maidens, you are tasked with entering the human camp from before and bringing the human slaves' within back to the castle for the vampires to feed, don't leave a single one behind." I said and all three of them bowed then they left then I noticed that Rinako had a face like she was deep in thought "Rinako, tell me, what are you thinking about?" I asked

Rinako faced me and bowed "It is nothing that should trouble you, my lord, I am merely thinking about the humans from the hideout." she said

"Tell me, I wish to know what you're thinking, I will decide if it is important or not." I said

Rinako nodded "Of course master, I was thinking that both Damus and Isola were able to easily defeat every other human in that hideout but when it came to that one, they had some difficulty, was it because this human knew magic? or was it because that human was experienced in combat against monsters? that is something I wish to know myself but something I think you should know was something I figured out from hearing about both the hideout and the human slaves'." she said which piqued my interest

"What is that Rinako?" I asked

"These humans are much bigger than they showed us, they have a hideout and slaves' and not only that but they also have numbers, lots of numbers, enough to keep the slaves in order and to kill any intruders." Rinako said

I nodded "I see, you say that these humans have a leader that they all are working under? if that is the case then we must find them." I said which made Rinako confused

"Why is that my lord?" Rinako asked

"These humans are able to use magic and if the human the vampire siblings fought is part of something bigger then that would only mean that he is one of their powerful members and that there are also others who also know magic and are probably even more powerful." I said

"Excuse me lord but what does that have to do with the leader?" Rinako asked

"Don't you see Rinako? if this really is one big organization then that would mean that each member must be stronger than the other and once we reach the leader then we can see just how far these humans have come with their magic and fully decide if they are truly a threat to us or not." I said and Rinako kneeled before me

"A thousand apologies my lord, I was too much of a fool to see such a brilliant plan before me, you truly are the greatest demon of them all and I am glad to be able to serve you." Rinako said

I smiled "Rise Rinako, I am glad to be praised for my intellect but right now we have another matter I want you to explore." I said and Rinako stood back up "The humans the vampire siblings have brought back, I want you to grab one of them and bring them to me for studying if they are truly a big organization then they would also have a mark on their body so they would be able to identify each other, if we find the mark then we will know who to look for." I said

Rinako bowed "It will be done, my lord." she said ten she walked to the doors and left


she walked through the other end of the door and into the room where there were thousands of vampires feasting on the humans that were brought back from the hideout and Rinako studied each body for something she was looking for until Damus dropped down right in front of her

"Rinako, we don't really see you here in our room a lot, is something going on?" he asked

"Lord Arzo had commanded me to come and retrieve a body that you have brought back from the hideout, a body that was one of the human guards." Rinako said

Damus nodded "Follow me, I know where one is but I'm sure that it has been drained by now." he said then he began walking through the room until they had reached a room where there was a dried body of a headless human in armor "Will this do?" he asked

Rinako walked forward and studied the body "Yes, it will do." she said then she picked up the body and slung it over her shoulder "I will bring it back to lord Arzo, I thank you for your cooperation." she said and Damus nodded then she walked back to the door and while walking one of the other vampires jumped at her so she kicked him away so fast that her leg looked invisible "None may touch me, you forget I am lord Arzo's number one servant and all who touch me will pay dearly for it." she said and the vampire quickly ran away and she continued to walk to the door

"You know, it always surprises me that you're willing to do all of this and not even bat an eye to those you hurt, especially considering you're-." Damus cut himself off once Rinako shot him a deadly glare

"Don't you dare call me that name, no one calls me that name, and you know what happens when you do." Rinako said and when Damus didn't say anything more she took her leave

Isola appeared next to him "Do you have a death wish or something brother? you know how Rinako gets when you call her that name." she said

Damus smirked "It was a slip of my tongue, you know I wouldn't do it deliberately if I value my life, I just got a little lost in my conversation." he said

"unbelievable, if lord Arzo heard you almost call her that name, I would fear for your life and mine." Isola said then she walked off and Damus did the same