
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Battle 2

"What do you mean colosseum?" the human asked

"It's exactly as I mean human, you will fight here for your life." I said 

the human stepped forward "I only came for a magic weapon, I didn't agree to fight in some monsters arena." he said

"If you do not fight then you will simply be killed, at least if you fight, you might live longer." I said then I pointed to Tokod "He will be your opponent." I said 

The human turned to Tokod and he waved at him "hello human, I hope you give me a good enough fight for lord Arzo, I'm sure he'll love this." he said 

I sat back down in my chair "You may begin when ready." I said

Before Tokod attacked the human raised his hand "Wait a moment." he said then he turned back to me "Before we begin, I want to make a request." he said

Before I could say anything Rinako stepped forward "You are in no position to make requests of his lord." she said 

"It's a simple request, think of it as a human's last wish." the human said

I stood up "Rinako, silence yourself." I said and Rinko bowed to me as I walked past her "Speak, this will be your final request so I suggest you make it a good one." I said

"I want to see my allies, the same people who came into these woods with me, let me view their fights before I begin with mine." the human said 

Tokod groaned "Aw, that's boring, I won't be able to fight you until their fights are over? I'm not agreeing to that." he said 

Rinako turned to Tokod "It is not your choice to agree to it or not, it is up to lord Arzo if he wishes to respect this human's request." she said and Tokod crossed his arms and turned away

I rubbed my chin 'perhaps there is nothing wrong with him viewing the state of his allies before his own fight.' I thought then I tapped my staff on the ground "Very well, I will allow this, you will be allowed to view your allies' demise before your own, you can take the image of their deaths to your grave." I said then I raised my staff "Projection." I said then appeared multiple projections showing the humans fight against each of their opponents as I went back to my chair

Rinako walked and stood beside me "My lord, permission to speak my mind." she said and I waved my hand "Is it wise to honor this human's request?" she questioned 

"it is." I said

"May I ask why my lord?" she asked

"Do you not see Rinako? by allowing him to view his friends' demise he, in turn, will see just how hopeless his fight against Tokod will be, his spirit will be broken and when Tokod beats him, he won't have the will to hold any of the information I'm looking for, he will give everything to me." I explained 

Rinko kneeled before me "I see now, your intelligence knows no bounds, you truly are the greatest of all races." she said

I smirked "Rise Rinako and let us watch this human fall into the deepest parts of despair as his allies fall before him." I said 

-Vampire siblings-

"Sword stance: Fang thrust." the human said sending his blade straight at Isola to stab her in the chest but she quickly brought her blade up and parried it then she tried to slash him but he was fast enough to jump back and when he did Damus went behind him to slash him in the back "Sword stance: ring." he said then he spun around and blocked Damus's slash then he jumped back and landed between them

Isola growled "why can't you just die human?" she said

"because, that won't be very good for me or my allies, I need to get out of here and the last thing I need to do is die." the human said 

Damus adjusted his glove "Sister, I think it's time to show this human just why he won't be getting out of these woods alive." he said then the glove started glowing 

Isola grinned "I was hoping we would finally get to use these." she said then she focused on the sword and made the thorns stab into her arm harder 

the human looked at both of them "Does this mean the real fight can begin?" he asked 

Isola's sword began glowing a red glow "It means you will finally be out of our hair forever, filthy human." she said then she brought it high above her head

Damus smashed the glove into the ground which caused it to crack then he lifted up a huge rock and threw it straight at the human but he easily cut it in half and while he was focused on it he didn't see Damus follow behind the rock until he slashed it so he quickly jumped back and just barely avoided him smashing into the ground right where he was standing then Damus ran at him and went to slash him using the claws so the human used his sword to knock his arm away then he was able to slash Damus across his chest but Damus didn't jump back and instead clenched his gloved fist and punched the human who was then knocked back then Damus ran at him again and swiped his claws at him and didn't let up so the human focused on dodging and blocking 

Isola kept the sword above her head "Needs more power, drink more blood, become invincible." she whispered as the sword started glowing brighter 

Damus was able to slash the human on his sword arm but after he was hit back by the hilt "Impressive human, you have earned the right to be praised for your sword skills and magical power, but now you will take it to your grave." he said 

the human quickly turned back to see the blade Isola was holding was glowing a bright red which illuminated the whole forest so the human quickly ran at Isola and went to slash her

Isola grinned "Too late human, now die." she said then she brought the sword down 

"Sword stance: counter sla-." he was able to finish as his own arm went flying and once he looked back at it he also saw that the trees behind him were also cut in half then he fell down and clutched his arm

Isola picked herself back up "how do you like that human? a powerful and unblockable slash powered by another person's blood, you shouldn't have underestimated us, especially when you're part of a weaker race." she said then she dropped to her knees and was breathing heavily 

Damus walked to her "You put too much blood into that slash, you're lucky you haven't gone crazy from hunger, or you're not dead." he said 

Isola stood back up on shaky legs "I just wanted this human to experience great pain for how he embarrassed us back when lord Arzo gave us that assignment, besides I already know of a way to counter this drawback." she said as she eyed the human 

the human stood up and moved back "what are you planning vampire?" he asked 

Isola forced herself to walk toward the human "I think you already know, why do you think I aimed for your arm? I want you to experience pain and that experience isn't over yet." she said 

As Isola stepped closer the human looked around for something to use as he moved away from her then he saw his sword so he quickly went for it just as she jumped at him then he quickly picked it up and slashed the leaves above him allowing the sun to shine through and burn Isola so she quickly jumped back and the human used this moment to quickly run away

"That damn human, he still had some fight in him, oh well, no matter how far he gets, I'll catch then he'll pay." Isola said 


Both the human and Ommes moved at high speeds through the forest and also traded punches with each other as well then it ended with both blocking with their own kick then jumping back 

"Gotta admit, you're making this fight fun." the human said 

"I'm impressed by your speed human, not many can move that fast and still be alive." Ommes said 

the human shrugged "just goes to show you just how strong I am." he said 

"Ah, overconfidence, you humans seem to really like acting like that." Ommes said 

"I think my confidence is well placed, it's obvious that you're not a match for me, you can barely keep up with me." the human said 

Ommes crossed his arms "You really believe that I'm showing my full power? up to this point, I was just playing around with you to see just how strong you truly were and now I know I've seen all I need to." he said then he pulled out his wings and sharp claws while smoke came out of his mouth "Now it's time for you to die, human." he said

Before the human could react he was kicked through many trees by Ommes and once he had finally stooped he was then kicked in his right but before he made contact with the tree Ommes moved behind him and slammed the humans head into the and dragged him across it then threw him into another tree on the other side where he landed on the ground and coughed hard

The human slowly stood back up 'okay, looks like I'm in big trouble, guess I might as well use my magic to give me a bit of a boost.' He thought then he summoned a magic circle in his hand and placed it on his chest "Enhancement magic: fortress, plus evade boost." he said making his body glow for a few seconds then just as Ommes kicked him again the human was able to take it but it still made him wince a bit 

Ommes pulled his leg back "Oh? you were able to take that? perhaps there is more to you than I thought." he said then the human charged his fist with electricity and punched Ommes but it was easily blocked "Or I was just imagining it, a shame but now it's time we end this dance of ours." he said then he knocked his hand away and punched the human in the stomach with a lot more strength so the human moved back a bit clutching his stomach then Ommes grabbed his arm "Lord Arzo doesn't want me to burn down the forest so we'll do this instead." he said then he threw the human into the air and inhaled deeply and just as the human was about to land on top of him he quickly faced upward and let out a giant flame breath incinerating the human into nothing

Ommes finally stopped his breath and sighed "That was fun, I hope lord Arzo gives me a better challenge in the future, one can only hope." he said then he made his own way back to the castle


Syndra ran away from the female human as she smashed trees out of the way to get to her and once Syndra made some distance between her and the human she pulled out another arrow and drew it but when she jumped out and shot it the human deflected the arrow using her metal glove just like the last one 

"Is that all you can do? just shoot useless arrows at me and hope one will hit?" the human asked 

Syndra stood back up "it's all I can do for now." she said then she quickly dodged to the side as the human slammed her fist down on the spot where she was 

"this is pretty much the easiest fight I've ever been in after I beat you then I'll go and get that magic weapon." she said as she stood back up "And I might take it for a spin." she said

Syndra drew another arrow and aimed it at the human "trust me, this fight won't be as easy as you think." she said then she shot her arrow but the human simply moved her head to the side and easily dodged it 

The human ran at Syndra so she ran away from her and was able to just barely dodge a punch from the human as it connected with the tree that was to the right of her but once she did she quickly drew another arrow and shot at the human but again she easily deflected it and continued running at Syndra and she continued running away until Syndra decided to put her bow around her and pulled out two arrows in each hand then she turned and faced the human 

the human laughed "You think you can take me on with just two flimsy arrows?" she asked

Syndra threw one of her arrows at the human "Yes, I do." she said as the human blocked the arrow but she wasn't prepared for Syndra to run straight at her so she went to punch her but Syndra jumped over her and quickly slashed her lightly on her arm using the arrow, it wasn't deep enough to actually be harming but it was enough to draw blood 

"Seriously? that was your best plan? to give me a little scratch, your lord might as well replace you with someone who's actually a threat." she said 

Syndra smiled widely "Lord Arzo had me take on this assignment because I am the biggest threat to all of you humans." she said then she put the arrow up and wiped the blood on her hand "You'll just be the only human who'll know of my power." she said then a red magic circle appeared on her hand where the blood is 

"What are you doing? that doesn't look like normal elf magic." she said 

"That's because it isn't." Syndra said then the blood began to glow "Dark magic: death by blood infection." she said then the magic circle disappeared and the human glowed for a few seconds and right after she stopped glowing she fell to her knees and clutched her chest in pain 

The human breathed heavily "W-what is this? what did you do to me?!" she said 

Syndra walked to the human "It was just a bit of dark magic, a forbidden technique that was once used by our own elves who were kicked out of the tribe, they were then found and brought back by lord Arzo, he had them teach us how to use their magic and now we're a lot more powerful and it's all thanks to lord Arzo." she explained then she crouched down in front of the human "You will die a slow and painful death human, I almost feel sorry, but this is what your kind deserves, to always be shown why you're at the bottom of the barrel." she said then she kicked the human away "Never forget your place, filthy human." she said then she walked away and left the human to their own pain and eventual death


'I'm impressed, these guys are way stronger than they look, they easily defeated their own human opponent and I'm sure Isola and Damus will take care of the human who got away, for right now, I have to deal with him.' I thought then I stood up and walked forward "You have gotten what you wished for, now it's time for battle." I said

Tokod cracked his knuckles "Finally, I can have my own fight and after watching those other fights, it's gotten me pretty excited." he said

The human shook his head "I can't believe they all lost so easily, idiots." he said then he faced Tokod and reached behind him then pulled out his big sword which held a magic symbol on it of a diamond and square on the same spot and on top of each other "I won't lose so easily as they did, I will win and defeat both of you." he said 

I walked back to my chair and sat down "You may begin." I said 

Tokod wasted no time rushing the human but when he went to punch him the human used his sword to block it and he didn't move an inch even though the punch was strong enough to cause a small gust of wind to blow out then the human pushed him away and swung his blade at a speed which shouldn't have been possible for a sword of the size and easily slashed Tokod across the chest but he didn't jump back and ran back at the human and threw multiple punches but the human was able to block all of them using the sword 

"This is unexpected, that sword of yours looks heavy but you're swinging it around like it's a stick." Tokod said then he jumped at the human and tried to axe kick him but the human blocked it so he jumped behind him and tried a leg sweep which didn't affect him due to his heavy armor

"This is simply one of our many magic weapons, you haven't even seen it's true power." the human said then he slammed his sword down to slash Tokod but he was able to jump back in time 

Tokod shook his head "If I'm gonna be fighting someone with a magic weapon then I want them to use said magic weapon." he said then ran back at the human "Give me your full power." he said

the human easily blocked his punches again "I don't think you can take the power of this weapon, monster." he said then he moved back dodging another kick

"I'll be the judge of that human." Tokod said 

"Very well, you want to see the power of this weapon, then I'll show you." the human said then the symbol on the weapon glowed brightly then the human began surging with power that surrounded his whole body then he transformed into a monster that was a giant and his sword grew as well 

Tokod rolled his shoulders "Now this is what I'm talking about, let's make this a true fight." he said then he ran at the human monster 

Once he got close enough the human monster swung his sword down at him so Tokod quickly jumped back and avoided it then he ran across the sword and jumped at the monster going in for a punch but he was then slapped to the side by it and landed in the wall of the colosseum and before he could get up the human monster slammed his sword down on him but realized that Tokod was lifting his sword so the human monster put his other hand on the sword and put more weight on it 

Tokod smirked "This is more fun than the time I fought those giants." he said then he used more power and easily threw the sword off of him which made the human monster step back as well so then Tokod jumped at him and punched both fists into his chest which made him fall back then Tokod jumped back into the air and was about to stomp on him but he was smacked by his sword and went into the wall again 

The human monster stood back up "Annoying monster, it's time to end this." he said then his sword began glowing as he brought it up over his head 

Tokod cracked his knuckles with a smile "Fine then, let's see who's stronger, you or me." he said 

As soon as the human monster brought his sword down Tokod jumped straight at it and punched it resulting in both of them clashing in the middle and even though the human monster was bigger and the sword was powered up Tokod had broken the sword then he used the pieces to jump right at the human monster 

"How is that possible? you broke the magic weapon, no one is that powerful." the human said 

Tokod laughed "I guess I am." he said then he landed a solid punch on the human which was hard enough to knock him out but not kill him and after Tokod landed he watched as the human transformed back into his normal form 

I stood up and looked at the human then Tokod "Well done Tokod, you have completed your mission perfectly and gave me a good fight." I said 

Tokod bowed "Your praise honors me, lord, what will we do with the human now?" he asked

"He will be taken to a room that will be disconnected from the rest of the castle where we will gain all the information he has, once we know where their leader is then we will make our move to draw him out." I said then I started to make my way to the door "Rinako, have Zoe the maiden take the human to the disconnected room, have her strap him down, I'll take it from there once she's done." I said and Rinako bowed then walked through the door first and I followed shortly after