
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Once Zoe was done stapping the human down in a chair in the middle of the room I had her leave both of us alone by teleporting her out of the room since that was the only way in and out of this specific and after she was gone I used a healing spell on the human which woke him back up

The human looked around the room "Where am I? what happened?" he asked then he looked straight at me "You, that's right I was fighting one of your people and I lost but I'm not dead, why?" he asked

"I simply wish to know about your leader, I want to know everything about them." I said but the human huffed

"I'm not saying anything." he said

I smirked, "I was hoping you would say that, so I can show you what will happen when you refuse." I said then I pointed my staff to him "Extract." I said then my staff glowed and so did the humans' head as a green smoke connected the two then the human began yelling out in pain and he kept yelling for a few minutes until I undid the spell and he was finally released "Do you now see why you shouldn't deny this opportunity to save your own life?" I said

The human was breathing heavily as he looked back up at me "What was that?" he asked

"It was a special spell made to take everything from the target, their personality, their memories, and eventually their own life and it isn't gentle about it either as you have just felt." I said then I pointed my staff back at him "Give me all the information you have on your leader and I won't use this spell, refuse and I will show you no mercy." I said

The human had finally caught his breath "Fine, I'll tell you what I know." he said

I put my staff down "I first, I want to know his location." I said

The human scoffed "You think I know where he is? only his closets soldiers meet with him directly." he said

"That does not mean you haven't pinpointed where he might be, I know in an organization like your's, you must have tried to figure out where he is at least once." I said and the human glanced away then back "Tell me." I ordered

"Fine, it's true I may have pinpointed where he might be but I never got close to an exact location." the human said

"Give me everything you know." I ordered

"I traced back every letter he sent out over the past month and they all seem to come from the eastern area of the city in the kingdom, that's all I was able to get." the human said

"What about other members? do you know where they are?" I asked

"I don't." the human said and I pointed my staff back at him "I'm telling the truth, we move around so much that it's hard to keep track of where everyone is, I don't know where any of the other members are." he said

I lowered my staff back down "Do you know of any strong members that do meet with your leader directly?" I said

"I do know of one, his name is Marcelo and he's in charge of the slave and stone business of our organization." the human said

"What do you do with stones?" I asked

"We find the best and most special looking stones and sell them to the highest bidder, sometimes we find stones full of magic, and those are the ones we keep for ourselves." he said

"How do I find this Marcelo?" I asked

"Ever since one of our hideouts were invaded by the two vampires and we lost our other slaves, Marcelo has been on the hunt for more to make up for it, you can lure him out that way." he said

I nodded "You have been very cooperative human, and for that, I won't kill you." I said then I pointed my staff back at him "Instead, I will turn you into one an undead knight where you will serve me until your last breath." I said then he started struggling in the chair to try to get out of it as my staff started glowing then the same green connected with the humans' head as it began to glow as well "Extract." I said then the human screamed out in pain and this time I didn't stop until everything was sent into the staff and the human stopped moving entirely then I lowered my staff back down

"How strange, even though I am human as well and I am only controlling this demon's body, I felt no remorse for him, is it because of the demon I'm controlling? is his way of thinking slowly becoming my own? if that's the case then I might as well let it since I do need to keep up the act so others won't know the truth." I said then I walked over to the human and put my hand on his head "Creation magic: undead follower." I said then the humans' eyes turned black as parts of his body began to rot away and after his transformation was finished I made the ropes binding him disappear allowing him to stand up and kneel before me

"Perfect, the spell was a success, you will be my undead leader, in charge of all my other undead knights, wear this title with pride." I said and the knight nodded "Now, to return to my throne." I said then I tapped my staff on the ground and teleported us out of the room and back into the throne room where the same people who fought the humans before were and they were bowing along with Rinako and stood beside my throne

My third maiden who had green hair braided in a ponytail which sat on her shoulder stepped up to me and bowed "Lord Arzo, everyone has returned from their own battle." Celia said

I walked past her and to my throne where I sat down "I must congratulate all of you on a job well done, you have easily defeated your opponents and defended the castle, it fills me with joy knowing that all of you have come back unharmed." I said and they all kneeled before me "Syndra, I understand you wish to kill the human as horribly as possible but next time I want you to just kill the human, no playing around." I said

Syndra nodded "I understand lord, I'll be sure to end the fight much faster next time per your request." she said

I looked at Ommes "Ommes, I am glad that you kept your fire away from the forest, you have also done well in your fight." I said

Ommes smiled "You honor me, lord Arzo, I am glad that I have given you a fight which has satisfied you." he said

I looked at Isola and Damus "Isola, Damus, were you able to deal with the human who got away?" I asked

Damus nodded "Yes lord Arzo, before he left the forest we had the same spell casted over the tress on his path and easily caught up with him." he said

Isola smiled widely "His blood tasted great, I should have taken his blood a lot more slowly, that way I would have enjoyed it more." she said licking her lips

Damus sighed "Sister, control yourself, you're in lord Arzo's presence." he said

Isola shook her head "Right, my apologies lord Arzo." she said

I waved my hand "It's fine, you are right to be acting this way after how this human had treated you both during your first encounter, he deserved nothing but the worst death from you both." I said and both of them nodded then I looked over at my undead "This is my newest undead warrior, once the leader of the humans' who came here now an undead warrior born to serve me as the leader of my undead army." I said and they all turned and looked at him

"An undead leader? are you sure that such a thing is needed lord?" Syndra asked

I nodded "I do, having someone who can order all of my undead on the battlefield without me doing so would save time, plus with his armor and strength he would be perfect for defending this castle and myself when needed." I said

Ommes nodded "I see, having such a powerful human become an undead warrior will certainly make your undead army a lot more powerful, which in turn will make you more powerful lord Arzo, a perfect idea that only you would be able to think of lord Arzo." he said

I smirked "I appreciate the praise but I believe it is time we move on to more pressing matters, that being the leader of the jade serpents." I said and they all nodded "I have gained knowledge from the human we have captured and learned of where he might be but before any of us move in we need more information so that is why we are going after another target by the name of Marcelo, they say this human is in charge of the slaves and stone of their organization." I said

Syndra raised her hand "Excuse me for asking lord Arzo, but why do these human need stones?" she asked

"A fair question, I asked the human myself this as well, he said the stones are sold for money but sometimes they find special magic stones and keep them for themselves, the only thing that interests me are the stones and Marcelo, the slaves do not matter so we will decide what to do with them later." I said and Syndra nodded "Now as for how we will lure him out, we need to use someone as bait and have them be captured so we know exactly where Marcelo is then we can move in and capture him." I said and just as I said that Tokod stepped through the doors to my throne room

Tokod stepped close to my throne and bowed "Lord Arzo, I have heard of your plan to capture another human and I may have an idea of who to use as bait." he said

"Do you now?" I asked

Tokod smirked then pointed at Rinako "I say that Rinako would be perfect for bait." he said which surprised me and I glanced over at Rinako to notice her small glare she was giving him "If Rinako is used as bait then she would be perfect for it, she is hu-...of the same race as the others and if they ever decide to use some spell on her then it would be fine, they would be none the wiser, of course, that would also mean she would be a slave for the human for a while but I'm sure that wouldn't be much of a problem." he said

I glanced at Rinako again to notice her hands were trembling, out of fear or anger, I didn't know so I looked back at Tokod "I am not sure about this." I said

"I am sure this plan will work lord Arzo, it is the best course of action, she will be the bait and go to the main location of the human then we can move in and take care of the rest." Tokod said with a big smirk "she is the perfect choice for such a mission." he said

Before I could speak again Rinako stepped forward "DO YOU DESPISE ME THAT MUCH TOKOD?!" she said but Tokod said nothing "To have me as bait for those humans, turn me into a slave, I should kill you where you stand for insulting me like this, you may play small pranks but now you've taken it too far!" she said

Tokod chuckled "I'm sorry, it was never my intention to insult you, I was just making a recommendation to lord Arzo, though if I did press the wrong button then I'm not apologizing." he said

Rinako clenched her fists tightly "You insolent demon-."

"ENOUGH!" I yelled out making RInako turn to me as did everyone else

Rinako took a step to me "My lord, Tokod has gone too far, I request-."

"Silence yourself Rinako." I ordered

Rinako clenched her fists again "But my lord-."

"I said SILENCE!" I said then she took a few deep breaths and nodded then she returned to my side then I looked at Tokod "Tokod, this will be your only warning, don't make any more trouble among my other servants or else." I said and Tokod nodded "Now as for who will be the bait, Rinako." I said making her look at me and bow "I will not lie, Tokod did make good points as to why you would be perfect for bait if they did special scanning magic to find out why kind of race you were then there would be no problem, considering what you are, but I will not force you to do something you won't like, it is up to you." I said

Rinako looked back up at me "I...am not sure lord." she said

"Answer me truthfully Rinako, do you want to become bait for the humans?" I asked

Rinako looked nervous "Truthfully lord, I do not, becoming bait for humans and then a slave, that is something even I don't want to agree to." she said

I nodded "Very well, then-."

"But if this is the best plan to ensure drawing out the leader of the organization, then I will do it." Rinako said and now she looked determined

"Rinako, I said I won't force you to do something you won't like, you don't have to do this." I said

"Then I do this willingly, I will be the bait that will allow you to capture this human." Rinako said

"Rinako..." I said but looking into her eyes told me she wanted to do this, no matter how she truly feels about it "Very well, Rinako will be the bait, once she is captured we will keep track of her using a tracking spell, once we know of the location then we will move in and capture the human Marcelo, understood?" I asked

"Yes, lord Arzo!" everyone said

"Good, now return to your quarters and rest, the plan shall commence tomorrow." I said and everyone nodded then left the throne room, I stood up and turned to Rinako "Rinako, I must ask you, are you truly ready for such a mission as this?" I asked

Rinako sighed "Truthfully lord, I am not sure, I feel many things right now, bravery and confidence, but deep down...I am afraid." she said and I could see her hand trembling but very slightly, so small that you wouldn't notice unless you were really looking

I put my hand on her shoulder "I understand how you feel, considering your past, but know that I as your lord will not allow you to suffer this for long and that every human who dares hurt you will be killed as punishment, that I swear." I said

Rinako kneeled before me "Your kindness is something to be treasured lord Arzo, I am glad you care about me and know that I will carry out this mission in your great name and I will succeed." she said

I nodded "Know that I will never stop caring about any of you, you may be my servants but you are also like my family, and family must stick together." I said making her look up at me and smile then she bowed her head again

"Thank you for such great praise lord Arzo." Rinako said

"Now, rise Rinako, we must learn of where Marcelo gets most of his slaves from, once we do, we will have you prepare." I said and I walked to the doors as RInako stood back up and followed me