
Chapter 3


"You called for me Your highness" I said walking through the door "ah Jenny your finally here" she said as she turned around with a smile "please come here" I walked over to her and saw a magic portal this was the Queen's main magic she could see anyone and anything but the one she was watching surprised me. it was Elena.

"this girl, you've met her correct?" she asked looking at me "yes I have I met her about 2 months ago" I replied "what do you think of her?" she asked once again looking at me

"well she has no magic but she dreams to be a protector I could tell that she was ambitious and strong and she knows that things will not come easy I respect her for that. but may I ask why you want to know". she sighed

"no reason I just thought I'd ask, your opinion is one I respect most of all" "that means a lot your highness thank you" she nodded and I left the room.

"Im curious about how the queen even found out about Elena" I said to my self "hm maybe it's time I visit her for myself"

Elena's POV

"ow that hurts" I said wincing in pain "well I'm sorry but I have to clean it before I heal it" Lisa said, Lisa was basically my sister of course we're not blood but that never mattered to us.

her magic was specialized in healing so if and when she joined the protectors she would be more of a doctor then a protector.

"you are such an idiot you know that" she said continuing to heal me "yeah I know" I replied we sat in silence for a moment "Elena, why do you want to be a protector?" she asked breaking the silence.

I sat there quiet for a second not knowing what to say. "ANSWER ME ELENA!" she yelled with pure pain in her voice "WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE SOMETHING THAT WILL ONLY GET YOU HURT. DO YOU WANT TO DIE SO BADLY!"

she said that and the instant she did she regretted it "E-Elena I'm sorry I..." she said but I cut her off by standing up and turning to her

"Lisa I want to be a protector so that I can protect people. isn't it obvious, I may not have magic but I'm not weak and im not stupid" I replied back in a cold tone after I said that I ran to my room and locked the door.

I opened my window and jumped out, my window wasn't that high up so I was fine I ran until I got to the middle of the woods where I had been training for the past 2 months.

there was an abandoned building that I kinda just made into my own place for if I wanted to be alone like right now. no one knew about it.

I picked up a picture of Lisa and I that I had made a copy of and brought here, I stared at it for a second then through it against the wall.

"WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS" I yelled out in anger "why the hell does she always have to lecture me. like I hadn't been through enough of those when I was a kid" I continued.

when I was younger a lot of things happened and most weren't even because of bullying as I was thinking to myself I heard a knock at the door.

"who could that be, no one should know about this place" I said quietly. I very slowly walked over to the door and opened it.

"oh here you are Elena I've been looking for you"

To Be Continued