
Chapter 4

"oh here you are Elena I've been looking for you" Jenny said with a smile "Jenny! wait what are you doing hear and how did you find me" I asked completely surprised she was here.

"Well I thought I'd come here to see how u were doing, when I saw you jump out a window and run into the woods I thought I'd follow" she said crossing her arms "mind if I come in" I nodded and she came inside.

"So what happened to you?" Jenny asked as I closed the door "oh I got into a small fight" I replied turning around "I can see that" she said walking over to me. you know if you get hurt every time you fight you'll end up useless" she continued.

"Yeah I know" I said looking at the ground "well I'll leave you to train some more" she said walking past me to the door "if I'm correct the next time we'll see each other is at the protectors test.

she left closing the door behind her. I knew she was right no one would want me on there squad if I'm useless.

I smiled "guess that just gives me another reason to get stronger"


"What are you doing here Gabby" I said turning around "oh nothing, who was that you were just with. a new recruit" she said hopping down from a tree and walking over to me.

"I'm not sure yet" I replied "Now let's get back to the base


I walked to Elena's room and knocked on the door "Elena please come out I'm sorry" I heard no response "You know you can't ignore me forever" I continued.

I then tried to open the door but it was locked

"fine key it is" I grabbed the skeleton key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I went into her room to see no one inside and her window open.

"She didn't!" i said not wanting to believe she ran away still hurt.

I ran out of her room and went to find father Francis. "Father Elena's not in her room I think she snuck out and she's still hurt I'm worried shell make her injuries worse".

I said running into his office In a panic "Lisa calm down she may not have magic but she is not stupid, she will be fine" he said sitting down at his desk

"But..." "no buts" he interrupted "she knows how to protect herself now go and get some rest I'm sure shell be back soon" .

I nodded and walked out of room "maybe he's right" I said to myself. when I suddenly heard a knock on the door I went to answer it

"Um hello can I help you with something?" I asked staring at a man in armor no older then 30

"I am here to take Elena Peters To the Queen"

To Be Continued