
Chapter 2 the fight

the next 2 months went by pretty fast I trained harder every day my only goal to get stronger there was one month left until the day i had to leave and I couldn't wait.

I was walking home from school when I met up with my one and only friend Amanda but I call her Amy for short

"hey how's training going?" she asked "pretty well" I replied "are you trying out to be a protector to?" I asked "of course who wouldn't, but I heard that they are really strict this year still no doubt I'll get in" "good" I said "because I don't plan to fail either".

"Amy I can't believe your still hanging out with this little freak" we turned around and saw Rebecca standing there we both stayed silent.

"if I were you I'd leave Amy you shouldn't be here for what happens next" she said looking at me "I'm not going anywhere" Amy replied Rebecca glared at her and smiled "fine, water magic, magic restraints" within seconds Amy was rapped in water unable to use her magic.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT REBECCA" I yelled I tried to run over to Amy but she blocked my way "take another step and I'll drown her" she said.

I turned to look at her but before I could do anything I felt sudden pain in my stomach I looked down to see a water spear stabbed into me after a second it became water and fell to the ground.

"how did you..." "it wasn't me" she said with a smile and pointing behind me I slowly turned around to see Amy crying.

"I'm so sorry Elena I had no choice" before I realized Rebecca had come over and punched me I fell to the and she started to kick me none stop.

"you see Elena you are nothing, you were born to be nothing you really think you could get Into the protectors you really are dreaming who would want a weak magic less nobody like you"

she was right I was magic less maybe I should just give up

"Elena get up please I'm sorry for what I did but you need to fight" it was Amy I'm so mad at her but she's right

I grabbed Rebecca's foot and threw her to the ground then I got up and food above her

"your right I have no magic and I doubt any protector squad would want me but your wrong about one thing I am not weak AND I WILL NEVER GIVE UP" she tried to attack again but never touched me.

as soon as I was able to get close enough I knocked her out using one of her pressure points

Amy was free and came over and hugged me I wasn't able to push away "Elena I am so sorry I wish I never did this but she gave me no choice.."

"I forgive you" I said, she was shocked and waited a moment to talk "you do?" she asked "yeah, your the one that convinced me to fight" I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her off then looked her straight in the eyes "but I swear if you ever do that again I will never forgive you" she chuckled a little then said "you know you are way to forgiving" "ha yeah I guess".

meanwhile at the Queen's palace the queen was using her magic to watch the fight between Rebecca and Elena

"the girl truly has some strength to her but will it be enough to make her a protector. Linda! a girl quickly runs into the room where the queen is "yes my queen" "do me a favor and call the captain of the red wolves here I need a word with her" she said turning to look at her assistant "yes your highness I'll do that right away"

to be continued