
Chapter 1 The Protectors

I live in a world where magic's everything, where everyone is born with magic. it's said that God gave us the gift of magic, for us to better take care of the world. but what I don't understand is in a world where everyone has magic how was I born without it.

"alright good job everyone and have a good weekend class dismissed" I got up out of my seat and made my way to the door

"Elena come here please I need a word with you" my teacher Mr. Thomas spoke out

I turned around and walked over to his desk

"what can I help you with Me. Thomas" I replied

"Elena I know things are more difficult since you don't have any magic of your own but you need to step up you game or else you'll fail this class" he said being as nice as he possibly could.

"Sir I'm I'm at the top of my class in every subject except this, I'm I'm working harder then anyone to make my dream come true so I know and I am try the best I can I swear" I said to him

he got up and put his hand on my shoulder "I know you are but that dream won't come true unless you pass this class" he replied and I nodded after a minute the bell rang and I left the class room and went to my locker

"Oh look who it is the little freak" *I know that voice* I thought to myself "Rebecca I would say it's good to see you but that would be a lie" I replied turning around and closing my locker "what did you just say u little no magic freak!" I smiled "what are you deaf or something" I replied "you must really want to die" she said angrily "Eh not really but if you want to try to kill me I say go for it"

"fine I will, water magic spear of water!!!" *well I think that's my cue to leave* I Dodge her attack right before it would have hit me and run out of the school as fast as I can


my phone rang and as I went to answer it I noticed Rebecca sent her lackeys after me

"Hey what's up Amy" "are you running away from Rebecca's lackeys again" she asked in a sarcastic tone "always I replied what's up" "Father Francis called me saying you need to hurry back I guess he needs u for something" "alright on my way thanks for calling bye"

I hung the phone up and continued running *time to lose these idiots* I thought, oh and since I didn't have any magic I had to train myself to be able to protect myself so yeah.

after about ten minutes I was finally able to ditch them unfortunately though I did get a little scratched up from the attacks the decided to hit me with eventually I made it back to father Francis's house oh yeah I should say no he is not my real dad he found me along time ago and decided to take me in.

I walked through the door and saw him with some one I had never seen before "hey I'm home" I said he looked over and saw all the wounds I had then came running over "Are you alright what happened" he said with a worried tone "father I'm fine they don't even hurt" he sighed in relief but he knew I wouldn't lie.

"here let me heal you" a strange voice said "no it's fine you really don't have to" I replied she healed me anyway "oh right Elena this is Jenny captian of the Red wolves" "no way your a protector captian" I said excitedly "yup Father Francis and I are good friends so he asked me to come here to give you advice of how to get into one of the protectors squad".

I smiled "do you think it's possible?" I asked "I think if you keep trying and don't give up plus working hard you can do a lot more then you thought you ever could" I nodded as she continued "now remember the protectors have have a chance to find new recruits every year witch means you have 3 months to prepare and get to the capital got it" I nodded again.

she continued on about what I should do for a while but eventually she had to leave.

My dream was to be a protector I didn't care witch squad I would end up in I just wanted to help people and slowly things are finally starting to head in that direction I have 3 months and I know I can do it

To Be Continued