

Twin brothers Jayden and Aiden, live in the shadows of each other. They were searching for their missing sister who they lost because of an accident years ago. The underworld king, Aiden, plans to kidnap Jennifer whose father was linked to that incident. But the elite businessman who is also the captain in SOF(Secret operation force), Jayden saves Jennifer. Because of the confusion created by Jayden, Aiden’s men kidnap Elina who is Jennifer’s best friend. Aiden and Elina kick-off after their first meeting while Jayden forces Jennifer to marry him in return to let her best friend go… My love, my baby! Love! It’s sweet love everywhere, I love you with all my heart! Even death cannot do us apart, You are mine and I am yours... (The book cover does not belong to me. All the credits go to the artist.)

Darlene_Virginia · Urban
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293 Chs

Jayden meets his long lost friend Alex

When Derek heard from the lawyer that they couldn't pull off the deal even after quoting an astronomical amount; he lost his patience for the first time.

"How could you not do anything properly?? I can't be at all the places to take care of everything!! What should I tell the boss now? That we failed at a simple negotiation??"

"What could we do, when the owner is not ready to accept any deal we offered" the Chief legal officer(CLO) Andrew came near Derek and whispered what they actually offered.

"What?? Even after offering so much, they didn't agree?? Did you try some other methods? Find out what he likes and dislikes. We cannot accept defeat so soon. Come on! Hurry up now. I want results before this day ends."

Andrew just shook his head in dismay and left the room. He did not know how to make Derek understand that whatever they offer or do, the owner would definitely not agree.

As he couldn't convince Derek now, he thought to do what he was ordered to do. He went back to his cabin and called his team.

"I want each and every detail of the 'sunshine cafe' and its owner. You have an hour. Whoever succeeds, they would be rewarded handsomely."

Everyone ran to find out the required details as they all know that the reward won't be simple. But there was one girl who just stood without moving. She was unable to decide if she must tell or not.

Looking at Ria who was dithering, Andrew asked,

"What happened Ria? Why are you standing there without zooming out to gather the details??"

"Actually, I know about the owner of the sunshine cafe. To be precise I am well associated with him. He is my elder brother. He definitely would not sell the cafe. It is highly impossible to convince him. He would die rather than selling that cafe."

Hearing her answer, Andrew got stunned and stood there staring at her. What does she mean by it belonged to her brother? Hadn't it made it even easier to handle this situation now?

"Then you can go home and convince your brother to sell the cafe for us. Isn't it so simple?"

"Andrew, I think you missed that last sentence which I said, he would rather..."

"I heard you Ria, crystal clear. But we just need to find out why he won't sell the cafe. If we can find the reason then it would be easy to convince him right?? Do you have any idea about that??"

"That's my brother's personal..."

"Oh! Come on Ria! Aren't you trying to become a full-timer from last year? I would personally recommend your name if you help me resolve this!"

It's true she was trying hard to become a full-timer but she was not sure if she could really convince someone who left their family for his lover. Then only to realize that the lover left him. He tried to search for her everywhere. But he couldn't find her anywhere.

Meanwhile, Jennifer pulled Jayden away who was now starting to create more problems in the cafe.

"Do you want to have a hot coffee from the barista of this shop? He doesn't make coffee for anyone except me" Jennifer said proudly.

"Really then I have to meet and warn… I mean to show our marriage certificate to him" Jayden said while trying to save his wife from another man.

She just ignored him and walked behind the cafe. There was a tiny cute mobile home. Jayden looked at it and was about to complain but the glare from Jennifer made him shut his mouth.

He followed her quietly until he noticed the person who opened the door.

"You! It's you, Romeo!! So where is your Juliet?"

Jayden joked and punched his chest. Jennifer turned and asked,

"You both knew each other??"

"Obviously, we both studied together. But this Romeo left halfway to stay together with his Juliet" Jayden sent one more punch towards Alex.

Alex held his fist and twisted it slightly.

"You can never change! So how come you came here with Ms.Beauty queen?"

"She is my legally wedded wife! Look, this is our marriage certificate." Jayden shook the marriage certificate in front of Alex's face.

Jennifer pulled the certificate and hid them in her bag.

"I am sorry, sometimes he becomes slightly uncontrollable," Jennifer said pleadingly.

"Do tell," Alex said and let them enter his tiny palace.

The place looked warm and the aroma of coffee spread across the whole house.

"So where is our Juliet? Juliet! Juliet!" Jayden shouted around the house but could only hear his own echo.

Even Jennifer was curious about this person as she had never met anyone before. She had come here a few times but had never seen anyone other than Alex.

"She is not here," Alex said with a blank face.

"What? Did she go out somewhere? When will she be back?" Jayden asked several questions while he failed to notice his long lost friend's stony expression.

Jennifer, realizing that something was not right, nudged Jayden to shut his mouth. What happened to Jayden today? She just wanted to put a plaster on his mouth and stop him from speaking.

Even after multiple attempts, he was not ready to stay quiet. So she got up and kicked his leg.

"So Alex, what's today's special? The aroma reached my dormitory and pushed me to come here immediately." Jennifer tried to change the topic.

Jayden felt jealous and moved to stand in front of Jennifer to hide her from Alex's view. Alex just smiled looking at the way they both were reacting. He suddenly felt lonely.

"What are you saying? How will he know to make coffee? I can make a better one than him" Jayden said.

"Why can you not keep your mouth shut for even a minute?" Jennifer muttered under her breath.

"Since you said you could make coffee better than me, then why do we both make one. Let Ms. Beauty queen be the judge" Alex asked.

"Why not? But what are the stakes here? If I win you would stop calling my wife a beauty queen! I am the only one who is allowed to keep nicknames for my wife. If you want you can call her sister" Jayden said with jealousy almost overflowing from all over his body.

"Fine! But if I win, then what would you do?" Alex asked.

"What do you want from me?" Jayden spoke with delight as his trick worked.

"You must stop trying to send people to buy my cafe," Alex declared.

"Deal! That's even easier, I would call my assistant and inform him."

Jayden immediately called Derek to stop him from disturbing Alex anymore. Derek then informed his team to pull back. Everyone was informed except Ria who now would reach Alex's place in a few minutes.

Jennifer for the first time saw Jayden make something for her. Even though she had seen him get her food, she was not sure if it was made by him or the maids who work at his place.

She just looked at him without blinking her eyes. Jayden felt her intense stare and turned back.

"If you keep staring at me like this, how will I be able to control myself? We are at someone else's place, you need to refrain from doing such things in public" Jayden said with love flowing in his eyes.

Alex, who held the coffee beans in his hand let go of them.

"Who is doing something to you? You are the one who kept on pulling my hand at the cafe. You even made the waiter get us kicked out from there" Jennifer complained.

"Why can you not be silent for a minute you both. I have lost interest in making a coffee now. Jayden, you can prepare it for all of us. " Alex said and went to sit next to Jennifer.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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