
My love from the state

As a lonely high school teenager, she as always been bullied all her life,she expected the best when she was told that her boyfriend, which she was engaged too since childhood is coming back to the States to join her in her school. But to her surprise,he became the worst nightmare she ever had,as unexpected,became the head of the bullies and tortured her badly. Girl: Why do you hate me so much?" asked a voice struggling with tears. Boy: Hate?, hate?,huh.... It's more like a hate,I despise you. And that's because, you are not worth me. He replied in a voice that sounded stricken. Her heart stopped and shattered into thousands pieces. Tears burned her eyes and her lower lip trembled. "I'm not worth him?"she muttered out as her tears flowed. As time went on, she couldn't bear been bullied by the person she loved so much. So she decided to cut all ties with him. "I just wanted you to know that am sorry. Am sorry that I fell in love with you. It was not my plan to and I definitely didn't see it coming... You ignited emotion in me that I felt I had lost forever. And am sorry that my love scared you, but I hope you know I don't love easy. You were my whole world, and I would have given you anything. But at the end of the day as long as you are happy, that all I care about that's how much I love you.

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Chapter One: Mom You Are Leaving Again?

The alarm clock vibrate me awake. I reached for it on the table, and set it for another forty-five minutes later. I don't know if there's anybody in this life who hate mornings the way I do, I really despares it. I sometimes wished it never existed.

After forty-five minutes later, the alarm clock vibrated again. I opened my eyes to see the blue grey out my window. The cloudy morning was shafts of light amide the blue grey and the soft promise of rain.

My eyes closed . I really don't feel like getting up, but too bad it wasn't my decision to make. Just as I was about to fall asleep,a gentle knock came from the door, followed by the gentle call of my name.

I knew that charming voice very much, it was her, yes,it her.My one and only nanny. She was the only human in this world who loves me the most . You meant be surprise to hear that. But I really thank the heavens and my mom who introduced her into my life. She was the best. And the only human I wished never to leave my side.

She walked in and sat at the edge of my bed. I pretended to still be asleep. Just wanted to feel her gentle touch on me. And her soothing voice calling out my name.

"Skylar dear". That voice, it came followed by her gentle touch on my leg. It was so nice and warm that I wished time could stop. She came up next to me. Her chin rested on my shoulder.

My eyes open again and this time I tried hard not to close it. I looked at my nanny, her smiles, asking, "How was my night?". I got up, stretched my body while yawning.

"Good morning nanny". I greeted. Then I hugged her, and playfully kiss her on the forehead.

"How was your night sweetie?" she asked beaming and again touching my cheeks.

"My night was amazing". I replied with a big smile as I clambed out of bed and Sat on a chair next to my window.

"It good you slept well dear". She walk to where I Sat and adjusted my hair. As her expression became thoughtful.

"You should hurry up and come down stairs to have breakfast with your mom". The word mom made my heart tighten. I slightly trembled but I tried hard not to show it. Mom is back?, when did she come back?.

"She asked me to get you,so you should hurry up and come out before she gets mad at you". She said, patted my back and walk out.

After using half an hour in the bathroom, I came out all washed up. I dried my hair, took out my uniform from the dresser and wore it. I went to my makeup table. Standing in front of the mirror,I braided my hair into a dutch braid style and I applied some lip balm on my lips. Not to brag, but I was actually a beauty. I put on my shoes and position my bag on my back as I finally walked out of the room.

Standing at the stair case, I saw my mom. She sat down on one of the chairs in the dining room eating breakfast. She wore a knee length fur coat and a corduroy jacket. First time I saw it on her. Her shoes matching the color of her bag. Her amazonian sat well on her wafer thin body. Her venus red fingernails ran through her ebony black hair.

while her crescent shaped eyebrows inclined slightly as she saw me staring at her. I yelped at been caught. Her languid eyelashes of velvet black blinked once slowly as if inviting me to come. I walked straight to the dinning table and sat down. I looked up at her, her virility brown eyes set my heart a thump. I greeted her and took a sip of the coffee in front of me.

"How have you been this past few weeks Skylar?,I hope nanny Charlotte as been taking good care of you?".She inquired without any trace of emotion. Some times I wonder if she really was my mother.

"What do you think mom?, what if I tell you she isn't treating me well?, will you choose to stay and spend some times with me or you did rather choose to bring in another nanny with a high salary". She was silent and didn't reply me.




Her phone rang, she took it from the table and placed it on her ear's .A sculptor could not have fashioned her seraph's ears and pixie's nose better.

"I already booked a flight to Paris and will arrive anytime from now". She assured the caller as her cold gaze fell on me. Her leg crossed as she lend back lazily on the chair.

"Alright then, I have to go now". She replied and hung up the phone. She turned to nanny Charlotte and smiled. Her smile was as cold and lovely as frost on a windowpane.

"Nanny Charlotte, get me the travel cot in my room please". She requested. She turned to our new maid servant Mia.Who recently came to work as a cleaner after my mom fired two of the maid servant we had before.

"And you Mia, tell the driver to prepare the car. That I will be leaving anytime from now". She stated. I guess she was leaving again. I was so mad, but I don't dare to show nor admit that I was mad.

"Mom, you are leaving?". Did I just ask?, but I already knew with the look of things. How stupid of me. Skylar, Skylar, you really are so stupid.

But you can't blame me for asking, I just couldn't help but ask. because I thought parents should always be there for their children, especially an only child.

I am the only child of my parents. I expected them to Care and cherish me like their treasure but I guess I will be asking too much.

She walked to my sit, rapped her hands around my neck. The faint sweet scent of her body invaded my nose.

"Yes, I'm going on a business trip to Paris. And will be gone for two weeks. So while I'm away,you should listen to your nanny Charlotte and be a good girl". She replied.

Her voice still sounded emotionless,as she patted my shoulder, and walked out of the house without sparing a glance at me.