
My love from the state

As a lonely high school teenager, she as always been bullied all her life,she expected the best when she was told that her boyfriend, which she was engaged too since childhood is coming back to the States to join her in her school. But to her surprise,he became the worst nightmare she ever had,as unexpected,became the head of the bullies and tortured her badly. Girl: Why do you hate me so much?" asked a voice struggling with tears. Boy: Hate?, hate?,huh.... It's more like a hate,I despise you. And that's because, you are not worth me. He replied in a voice that sounded stricken. Her heart stopped and shattered into thousands pieces. Tears burned her eyes and her lower lip trembled. "I'm not worth him?"she muttered out as her tears flowed. As time went on, she couldn't bear been bullied by the person she loved so much. So she decided to cut all ties with him. "I just wanted you to know that am sorry. Am sorry that I fell in love with you. It was not my plan to and I definitely didn't see it coming... You ignited emotion in me that I felt I had lost forever. And am sorry that my love scared you, but I hope you know I don't love easy. You were my whole world, and I would have given you anything. But at the end of the day as long as you are happy, that all I care about that's how much I love you.

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Chapter Two: Who Stepped On My Phone....

Mom left to Paris, telling me she would be back in two weeks time.

For God knows how long it would take her to come back.

The business trip she went last time and came back last night, she told me she would be back in three days time,but it wasn't like she promised.

Since I was young, I've never seen her keep to her promise. I don't know if I should cry or laugh but it really hurts to be in the situation where know one gives me attention.


Not even my own parents. It been four months I saw my dad last,he has never called to ask how I was doing and if I tried calling,it wouldn't connect. I guess he black listed my number.

But why would he do such thing?, that I don't know. When ever I ask mom about dad, she would only reply me with three words.

"On a business trip".

As time went on,I stop asking because I was tired of getting stupid replies.

I took my bag, walked out of the house to join my driver. The cloudy morning was still shafts of light amide the blue grey and the soft promise of rain. Just as the driver saw me come out of the house, he gently open the car door and gestured me to enter. I entered and sat down, after making my bag sit beside me,I put on the sit bet and we drived to school.


We drove for like half an hour before getting to my school,I asked the driver to drop me at at the school entrance as usual. That's because I don't like my class mates knowing that I'm from a rich background. Immediately the car stopped at the school entrance,a walk of 1mile to my class room.

It always takes me fifteen minutes to twenty minutes to work a mile to my class.

Without waiting for the driver to open the door,I hurriedly came down from the car not leaving any of my stuff's inside the car. On the way to my class room,I met some of my teachers, seniors as well as my juniors.

We exchange greetings as I walked straight to my class.

I finally got to my class. The class was so quiet that the sound of a pin drop could be heard.


I quietly walked to my sit, avoiding the looks on everyone's face. My sit was located in the back end of the class beside the window.

That's because I was tall.

Just as I sat down, the scent of flowers came in from the window. I unpacked my stuff's out of my bag into my locker's. At that moment, my lower abdomen began to hurt.

I quickly knew it was an omen of my period . I got up from my sit and ran straight to the rest room. After about ten minutes of staying in the rest room, I came out.

And walked to my class bearing the pain. I got to my sit and saw my phone on the floor. If I remembered clearly, I left it inside my locker before going to the rest room. I squirted down and pick up the phone. The screen of the phone was shattered and there was the evidence of a shoe print on the screen.

Meaning that someone intentionally stepped on it. I went and stood straight in front of the class, holding my phone with my left hand. As I bit back my anger.

"Who stepped on my phone?". I knew who was capable of doing this, but I didn't want to guess. Just like I expected, she arrogantly got up from her sit with a mocking smile.

"It was me". She came clean without denying. Rage nearly consumed me by the look in her eyes. One could easily tell she was enjoying this.I really felt the urge to cry.

"Why?, my voice cracked but I still managed to continue. "I mean,why would you do this to me?". I asked, forcing my face to remain emotionless.

"It wasn't intentional Skylar, your phone was left recklessly on the floor. At that time I happened to pass by, and I Stepped On it without noticing. So you really can't blame me for your recklessness and stupid personality". She insulted as a faint sneer of satisfaction crossed her face.

"You are a liar!.Jocelyn!, don't take me for a fool you bitch!".I roared, simmering with anger. I threw the phone at her, hoping for it to hit that damn thing she called mouth. But she slightly dodged and then it hit her companion Jordyn.

... Blood, blood, blood, was it really blood. Oh..no! this can't be happening. At that time, my lower abdomen started throbbing in pain. My face went pale, and my leg gave way as I fell to the ground.