
My love from the state

As a lonely high school teenager, she as always been bullied all her life,she expected the best when she was told that her boyfriend, which she was engaged too since childhood is coming back to the States to join her in her school. But to her surprise,he became the worst nightmare she ever had,as unexpected,became the head of the bullies and tortured her badly. Girl: Why do you hate me so much?" asked a voice struggling with tears. Boy: Hate?, hate?,huh.... It's more like a hate,I despise you. And that's because, you are not worth me. He replied in a voice that sounded stricken. Her heart stopped and shattered into thousands pieces. Tears burned her eyes and her lower lip trembled. "I'm not worth him?"she muttered out as her tears flowed. As time went on, she couldn't bear been bullied by the person she loved so much. So she decided to cut all ties with him. "I just wanted you to know that am sorry. Am sorry that I fell in love with you. It was not my plan to and I definitely didn't see it coming... You ignited emotion in me that I felt I had lost forever. And am sorry that my love scared you, but I hope you know I don't love easy. You were my whole world, and I would have given you anything. But at the end of the day as long as you are happy, that all I care about that's how much I love you.

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Chapter Three: Here I Got You A Cup Of Milk

When I woke up, I found out I was rushed to the school clinic for treatment. Thinking about what happened earlier, my heart skipped a beat, and I slightly trembled. I was worried something more critical most have happened while I was unconscious. I hurriedly clambed down from the patient bed and ran to the door, but it was locked.




I knocked, no response. I tried knocking harder but my hand went sore, my lower abdomen still hurts badly. Just wanted to get out of here and see if Jordyn, the girl I threw my phone,on her forehead was doing fine. Although she was part of my worst nightmare in this school, but I'll never wish for anything bad to happen to her.

Just as I was about to knock again, the door opened. And two persons walked in. One was a nurse which was actually in her twenties. She was petite.Her hair was glorious tumble of star beam gold and a pretty, elfish face. The other, was a teacher in my school, and also my mom's relative. Uncle Mike.

"Uncle Mike, what happened to Jordyn?,is she alright?". Immediately after they both walked in,I anxiously grabbed uncle Mike's hands and asked, my throat was sore as I sneezed and cough.

Ignoring my questions, he and the nurse, helped me to the sick bed with a worried expression. I guess he was worried about me.

Was he really worried about me or worried that my mom will definitely scold him for not looking after me. He Sat on the chair beside the sick bed and instructed the nurse to check how I was feeling. After some minutes of examining my body, she looked at my uncle, her eyes full of desires. Sure enough, my uncle was handsome, talented and also came from a rich background.

Who wouldn't want such an outstanding man for herself.

"Sir Mike, the reason for her fainting is related to prostaglandin production. It set the stage for an exaggerated response and an increase chance of fainting due to pain caused by menstrual cramps."I'm going to prescribe some medicine for her and remember to make her take it".

"Thank you nurse".

After the nurse left, uncle Mike brought out my broken phone out of his pocket. His expression was unreadable as he placed the phone on the bed beside me.

"It's almost lunch hour, let me get you something to eat at the school dining". He said and made to leave. I weakly grabbed his hand's,he turned to look at me. His gaze emotionless and his expression grew bland.

"I... you still haven't answered my questions uncle Mike".I coughed, not letting go of his hand.

"Look at how they damaged a phone worth thousands of dollars,and you dare have the heart to worry about them". He exploded. Anger rosed in him like a tide, but he quickly swallowed down is frustration.

"Do you know what I hate about you the most. Is having such a weak heart". He sneer with disdain.

Was he right about me?, did I really have a weak heart like he said? I disagree with him,I don't have a weak heart. Me been worried about Jordyn isn't about having a weak heart but a good and pure heart.

"You are still not letting go of my hand's?". He asked in a scoffing manner. Bringing me back to reality. I gently let go of his hand's and straightened my back feeling a little bit awkward.

"Let me get you something to eat. I'll be right back".

"I'm fine. I came down from the bed, putting on my shoes."You don't need to worry about me".I replied. I stood up, took my phone and left through the door. Leaving uncle Mike behind.

From the clinic to the school dining was actually a journey of about twelve minutes. But it took me twenty minutes to get there. By the time I got to the entrance door, my legs were miserably sore and my stomach was graving for food. I walked in, every corners of the dining hall where filled with students going and coming. Some sat in group, eating and chatting happily while some few students sat alone and eat quietly. They are students like me, lonely without no friends. I scanned the dining hall, trying to find the three J. Jocelyn, Jordyn and the third person Juliana. Juliana was the most crazy bitch.

Thinking about what happened in the class earlier today,if she was in class back then, that incident would definitely be more than this. Just then, my stomach grumbled. Reminding me that I need to eat something. I went to the FM kitchen and ordered Snacks.

"I need sliced fruit, baby carrots,trail mix, and potatoes chips". After ordering, the old lady prepared everything I ordered and handed it to me with a bright smile on her face. I carried it to a corner and sat down to eat. I guzzled down part of the snacks within some minutes, eating as much as an elephant eat.

I got up from my sit to go get a cup of milk. Just as I stood up,I noticed a tall figure in front of me. He held a cup of milk in his hand's with an infectious smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him. He had a bristly eyebrows. His roman nose and half dome cheek bones sat above an oaken jaw. His hair was Achillesgold and coiffed to perfection. His eyes had the same starting clarity as a mountain stream and he had a gentle temperament though. First time seeing him.

"Here, I got you a cup of milk". His deep voice came ringing into my ears. As he pointed the cup of milk to me.

"Thanks".I collected the cup from him and sat down not daring to look up.

"Miss,can I sit and accompany you to eat?".

Did he just ask for him to accompany me?. Is this another joke from the three J or from the entire class. I looked up at him, he had a friendly smile that shows openness.

"Sure, of course you can". I agreed. I don't know why, but I felt very secured with him.

"Are you a newbie in this school?". I inquired immediately after he sat down. You can't blame me for asking,I just couldn't help it.

"Yes."A transferred student". He explained with the same friendly smile.

"My name is Dylan Cruz".