
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

The Club Members

(I'm finally back! so for not uploading for a few days. i got really ill but i'm better and more chapters will be out soon!

p.s: if you haven't noticed the Culture club wasnt a thing in the original blue exorcist series so all pf the club members are my oc's that have relevance to the story at some point, so dont kill me because its going on a route far from canon.

well this was long enough, enjoy reading!)

My day after meeting my instructors and joining the club was normal.

I done my daily training to control my flames including the new training regime with my Demon Aura and sword techniques. Business is doing great with more customers than yesterday so we easily made double the profit of yesterdays. I'm now one step closer to winning my gamble with Mephisto. But i still have a long way from paying my debt with Yoshikuni.

One thing I'm happy about though is that I'm finally able to hide my Demon Aura so I'm not affecting any of the regular students and I feel like I'm gonna have a breakthrough with my flames now that I got decent control over my Aura.

Lessons are still the same. I'm getting better at understanding the characters with the help of Yanno. He's surprisingly smart but I guess that makes sense since he came here with his grades, not with money.

(Yanno): "Let's head to the club room."

Right the club president told us yesterday to go, huh. I kinda forgot about the club with how busy my life suddenly became. I wonder what kind of people they have there.

(Rin): "Sure let's head out!"

We headed to the Culture Club and I started thinking about the other club members. I mean I'm gonna meet more people who aren't from canon. I brought Midori around so they should be able to see him, I guess this is a good chance to get him to interact with others.

We finally made it to the second floor and found the clubroom. Honestly, this school is too massive and there's only two staircases. What was Mephisto thinking with this kind of layout.

We knocked on the door a few times and a girl thats a head shorter than me opened the door.

She has black hair, that goes to her back with some of her fringe red, with red eyes, pale looking skin, pointed ears like mine and a red tail that looks like a spade. She's not wearing the usual True Cross Academy's clothes as she's wearing a purple hoodie with the green eyes at the hat part with ears on it, a red skirt, black leggings, bandages around her arms and bright red boots.

Someone isn't following the dress code. Why do I have a bad feeling about this club?

The girl looks at us before walking back to her and leaves the door open for us. not very social, huh.

(Rin): "Uh, nice to meet you. My name is Rin Okumura and I joined this club yesterday. Hope we get along."

(Club girl): "Mm."

The girl gives me some form of reply before walking back to her seat and continuing on reading her book.

Since I was left hanging, me and Yanno decided to sit down and look at the club room. The room is spacious with posters of various animes and games all over. They even have various consoles lying around from the nintendo switch to the playstation one and more that I don't recognise. So when they say culture club they also mean the gaming culture, huh. Wait, why do they have bokkuns here?

(Chelsea): "Good afternoon everyone."

The door opened after some time and Chelsea-sensei appeared. Huh? She's a club member as well?

But before I could even greet her back, the girl in purple suddenly dashed towards her after grabbing one of the bokkuns.

(Club girl): "Good afternoon, Senpai!"

Chelsea-sensei grabs one of the Bokkuns near the door and defends the girls sudden attack. After blocking that attack she redirects her bokkun, causing the girl to stumble and hits the girl at the head with the bottom of the Bokkun. Ouch that's gotta hurt.

(Rin): "Aah, what's going on?"

(Chelsea): "Oh, Rin-kun, I'm surprised to see your here."

Chelsea-sensei looks at me, surprised that I'm here. She wearing the normal uniform with a bow tie. I guess I should call her Chelsea-senpai from now on.

(Rin): "Same here. That's one hell of a greeting you got from her."

I turn to the girl with the purple hoodie that's holding her head. Honestly what was that just now? Her Aura suddenly spiked and gave me the chills.

(Chelsea): "Don't mind her, she's a battle junkie who's shy around people. Don't worry you'll get used to it."

I looked at the girl again and give her a dubious expression. She makes eye contact with me and hides behind Chelsea-senpai. Great now I'm being feared again.

(Chelsea): "I presume she hasn't introduced herself to anyone yet. Her names Akane Miyamoto. A battle junkie who doesn't know how to interact with new people. If you want she could be your sparring partner for training your swords skills, I'm sure she'll be happy to agree."

Hmm, a sparring partner. If she helps me get stronger than I don't mind dealing with her. Sounds fun.

(Chelsea): "Hey it's rude not to introduce yourself to people."

Chelsea nudges the girl with the purple hoodie to go in front of her and holds her by the shoulders. A bit forceful there, aren't ya.

(Miyamoto): "M-my n-name is A-akane Miyamoto."

She says in a very soft voice that I almost couldn't hear, before overpowering Chelsea-senpai and hiding behind her again. Haah, seems like it's gonna take time for us to converse properly.

(Kasamugi): "Oh I see some of you guys are already here! The rest are on their way, so make yourself at home!"

Kasamugi-senpai opens the door, and finds me and Yanno at the front desk, before pulling out Playstation and Xbox Controllers out of his pockets. How do they fit in there?

(Kasamugi): "Let's have a competition to see who's the champion! The person with the highest score gets to give a forfeit to the person with the lowest score!"

Kasamugi-sensei walks to a wheel and spins it. When the wheel finally stopped...

(Kasamugi): "And the game is... Black ops 3 on the playstation!"

One thing leads to another, and me and Yanno are playing the game. Well, I say playing the game, but how do I play? I never played any kind of games growing up. Which leads me to losing miserably.

(Kasamugi): "And the winner is... Akane! And the loser is... Rin!"

Haah, why are games so hard to play? I never played any shooting games, let alone any games on a console.

(Kasamugi): "As the winner, Akane, you get to choose the punishment for the loser! What will it be?!"

The cool senpai, Kasamug, seriously became another person when games got involved.i I wonder what's the forfeit gonna be?

(Miyamoto): "H-have a f-fight w-with me."

Huh? a fight?

Before i could even respond she started swinging at me with one of the bokkuns. Hey give me a second to respond at least!

(Kasamugi): "Owo, that's new. she usually waits for about a month before she starts challenging the newbies."

(Chelsea): "Yeah, that's my fault for saying she could be Rins sparring partner."

Whilst I'm blocking the attacks, my two senpai's are just watching me defend this chick's attacks. She released her Demon Aura again, making me have cold sweat as my instincts are telling me she's bad news.

(Miyamoto): "Hehehe, not bad! You can actually block my attacks. Fun. Fun! Fun! Come on, don't just defend! Retaliate! Come fight back, big man!"

I defend her attacks whilst listening to her provocation. Seriously, your the same quiet lonely girl, right? This is a big change in character.

I dodge an attack to the arm by shifting my body to the side. Using that gap i used my free hand to grab Miyamoto's right hand in order to disarm her from her sword. But before I could do that.

(Miyamoto): "Don't fucking touch me!"

Huh? Miyamoto's Demon Aura suddenly increases and my Demon Instincts are crying right now. she hates to be touched, huh? Androphobia?

Miyamoto's attacks suddenly got faster as I was backed to a corner. Shit! For someone small she's really strong.

(Chelsea): "Alright, that's enough you battle junkie, stop scaring the new club members already."

Chelsea in a bored voice suddenly yanked on Miyamoto's tail causing her to lose her strength and drops the bokkun as she lies on the spot with her hump in the air..

Man I'm really useless. When versing someone with technique and battle experience, I can't use any of my physical strength properly. Hehe I can't wait to get better.

(Chelsea): "I hope you don't get scared of her and take it to heart. She has Androphobia and hates it when a guy touches her."

(Akane): "S-sorry for l-losing it there."

Miyamoto looks down whilst hiding behind Chelsea again. Seriously, this was the little demon i was fighting with my life on my line a few minutes ago, if it wasn't for my instincts telling me she's a landmine I wouldn't have believed it. It's gonna be hard to be friends with her, huh.

(Rin): "It's no problem. Fighting you made me realise that I'm too weak. If you don't mind, maybe we can spare sometimes."

Even if she's dangerous and a bit scary, she'll be helpful for me to mature as a fighter. I guess I'm also a battle junkie. I wonder if it's part of our Demon bloodline.

(???): "Oh, looks like we missed out on the fun."

The door opened once again and several people I don't know walk in.

A girl with long silver hair that goes down to her waist and carries an expressionless face.

A boy with long white hair that goes to his back with a red eye and an eye patch on his right eye.

A girl with messy black hair that goes to her shoulders with golden eyes and two cat-like tails, wearing the uniform without the blazer.

A girl with blue eyes and blue hair that goes down to her shoulders and is braided into three separate bits wearing the normal uniform

A girl short brown hair with bright green eyes and a headband with a flower shape design on it

And finally my homeroom teacher takashi-sensei wearing the usual white shirt and black trousers. .

the one that spoke was the blue haired girl. She looks at me and Yanno from head to toe and evaluates us.

(Blue haired girl): "Hmm, so we have a half demon here and a human there. Well we have another human here so that makes three new club members."

She points at the girl with brown hair. she looks timid with everyone looking at her. Don't worry I understand that feeling but you get used to it soon.

(Mitsuko): "Oh I forgot to introduce myself. My names Sorano Mitsuko and I'm a third year. nice meeting you all."

(Rin): "My name is Rin Okumura, a first year. Nice to meet you too."

I feel like all I've been doing is just introducing myself to people.

(Naneko): "Nice to meet ya! My name's Naneko Nozomi, a second year. Just call me Neko~!.

The girl with black hair suddenly introduces herself. She looks sleepy with her hair covering her left eye.

(Amethyst): "My names Amethyst bell, a first year like you. Nice to meet you.

The girl with brown hair then introduces herself. She gives off the nervous vibe.

(sae): "My names Sae. Hope we get along well."

The boy with white hair then introduced himself. I like the eyepatch. He reminds me of Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul.

(kirihime): "My name is Natsuno Kirihime."

The expressionless girl with silver hair than spoke. She gives off the feeling of an ice queen or princess in anime. After she gave her introductions she swiftly sat down.

(Takashi): "And I'm Takashi, the club's advisor."

and finally my homeroom teacher gives his introduction. I wonder if he's a normal human or an exorcist.

well whatever this club looks even more interesting.

(Kasamugi): "Now let's get to our club activities! The black ops 3 free for all showdown shall now begin! Same rules as the last game. Winner decides the forfeit to the loser!"

I'm fucked, aren't i?

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Rin's bad at games", "Who remembers the club members?", "The club with weird people")

Chapter 15 of MLIBE is finally out! I'm finally feeling better and i'm pumped to write more chapters now! Any constructive criticism and ideas will be much appreciated!

S_jaycreators' thoughts