
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

The Instructors

(Sorry for not uploading yesterday, me and my family caught the summer cold so i wasn't in working condition to work at all. Thanks for reading!)

Cram School was over after 2 hours. we had grimoire studies, so we were just reading various Holy Scriptures and Verses. Well I say reading, but I can't read the difficult kanji so I had Paku and Kamiki to help me, but other than that I was taking notes or discussing the classwork with paku. Kamiki doesn't seem to like me talking to Paku that much though.

I wonder what's Yanno's situation?

I can't stop myself thinking about him since he wasn't even introduced in the manga. I know this world isn't gonna follow all of canon but I didn't think the ordinary students would have an important secret like that. What's his family situation like for them to keep Demons hidden from him.

After lessons were over Me and Midori went to the training area after saying our goodbyes to the two. I haven't gotten any closer with my other classmates which is kinda annoying since they either ignore me or are scared of me. Come on I'm the most friendly Demon you'll see. I promise I don't bite.

We go to the training area and find it empty of Exorcist once again. Does nobody use this place even though its for training? I guess they use it during the day instead of after Cram School.

Where's this instructor Mephisto talked about?

(Rin): "Since we're waiting, let's continue where we left off from the last time."

(Midori): "Sure."

Seeing as there was nothing to do, Me and Midori decided its best to do some training at the batting centre again.

(Machine): "Beginning intermediate mode."

I set it to intermediate mode and we begin hitting the baseballs. I close my eyes for this one, though, to see if I can sense the balls flying towards me and whether I can hit or dodge them.

(Rin): "Guh."

The baseballs hit me one after another as I slowly start feeling the baseballs presence, but whenever I think I feel it I don't react fast enough. I wonder if I can develop observation Haki if I carry on with this kind of training. its seems to be a good use of my Demon Aura.

(???): "Oi brat, you're not gonna be able to dodge any of the baseballs of you just use your Aura willy-nilly like that."

I opened my eyes and turned around to see a man dressed in the normal exorcist uniform with black hair, red eyes and a katana over his shoulder. Huh? He looks like Rin if he was in his 20's.

(Rin): "Who are you?"

The man also looks surprised. Most likely about me looking similar to him. Is he some kind of older brother I don't know that Rin has?

(???): "Well blow me away. I never thought we both look alike, Son of Satan."

I prepare myself in a battle stance, ready to unshieve Kurikara. Who's this guy? Is he my instructor Mephisto spoke about?

(Yoru): "At least your instincts are good enough. Seems like your not gonna be a totally useless to teach. The name's Yoru, I'm your instructor for your Demon Aura."

So he's my Demon Aura instructor. I undo my stance and analyse him and likewise he's analysing me.

Ss he a demon? I don't sense anything from him.

(Yoru): "If your trying to find out if I'm a Demon or not than you should give up, since you won't find out using your Aura. I'm a demon."

(Rin): "So how do I control my Aura?"

(Yoru): "Straight to the point, eh? At least you have the will to learn. Most half-demons or snot nosed brats would've been to arrogant to ask help from a Demon."

What is this a chinese novel?

(Yoru): "Fine. the first step in controlling your Demon Aura is by meditating. Calm your heart and mind and focus on feeling your own pressure. Come take a seat."

Yoru-sensei sits down cross-legged on the floor and pats on the spot in front of him. I sit down at that spot and listen to his next instructions.

(Yoru): "First, let's start with your breathing. Put your hands like this and follow my breathing."

I copy Yoru-sensei's breathing and put my hands above my knees with my thumb touching my index finger.

(Yoru): "Now remember that breathing pattern. Close your eyes it'll help increase your focus. Focus on your breathing than slowly focus on your body. Where's your hand at? Where's your legs at? Even where your sitting. focus on all of these points."

I follow Yoru-sensei instructions and start feeling the different things around me. I can feel where my body is at without looking at it. I can slowly tell what is inside of the room. how many weights the room has. how many people there are.

(Yoru): "Hmm. Your a quick learner kid, but don't let that get to your head!"

Yoru-sensei suddenly punched towards me. Even though my eyes are closed I can tell what he's gonna do, but he's too quick and I was sent flying backwards.

(Yoru): "Hmm, sturdy body you got there. Unlike those rich kids you have a good built even if you look a little on the frail side."

I gave Yoru-sensei an annoyed look and got back to my meditation again. I'm trying to digest the feeling I experienced and get used to it. That blow was too quick for me to dodge with my eyes closed but it did help me learn a few things about my Demon Aura.

(Yoru): "Oh a diligent one, eh? Usually people would've given up and complain or be wary of being punched again and cry."

(Rin): "If your gonna punch, then punch me already."

This instructor really loves to talk, huh.

(Yoru): "Quite a mouth you got there as well. Oh well better talk my job seriously."

Yoru-sensei dashes at me this time and me Demon Aura can't pick him up. Shit!

(Yoru): "You're gonna have a long ways away if your only capable of this much."

And I got sent flying away again.

we continue this sort of training until suddenly I feel a different presence and it swings an object at me.

I was able to avoid the first attack, since it was slower than Yoru-sensei's, but failed to dodge the second attack, which hit me at my left arm.

(???): "instincts: 7, speed: 6"

I opened my eyes to see a women who looks slightly older than me holding a wooden sword. I believe it's called a Bokkun

She has a straight face with lavender curly hair that's tied with a white ribbon and dark pink eyes, wearing the normal exorcist uniform with a white ribbon and a pink skirt.

Quite stylish if you ask me.

If I remember correctly, she was in the left eye recovery squad, but what was her name again?

(Rin): "Umm, excuse me but who are you?"

(Chelsea applebee): "Apologies. My name is Chelsea applebee. I'm the sword instructor."

Chelsea Applebee, huh. Yep, the name doesn't ring a bell, I guess its because her only scene was a bit of dialogue in one chapter.

(Rin): "Nice to meet you. My name is Rin Okumura. I hope you train me well."

(Yoru): "Oi what's with the 180 treatment? You weren't nice to me when I introduced myself, let alone introduce yourself to me."

maybe cause the way you introduced yourself annoyed me? I mean you didn't give a good first impression, but then again I got hit by a women i never met before. Also you called me son of Satan so I don't think introductions are necessary at that point.

(Rin): "So am I gonna be taught by you now, Applebee-sensei?"

I ignore Yoru-sensei question which makes him annoyed at me. come on man really. He doesn't only look like Rin, he even acts like him.

(Chelsea): "Call me Chelsea. I'm not used to being called by my surname."

The way she's speaking and her name... is she a foreigner? Half japanese maybe? Come on i was born in england in my past life and I don't remember seeing anyone with curly hair like that.

(Rin): "Chelsea-sensei, are you gonna teach me how to use a sword?"

I look at Chelsea-sensei with sparkling eyes. I can finally learn how swordsmanship. Plus its with a hot instructor unlike a certain Demon.

(Chelsea): "Yes. Lesson starts... Now!:

Ss soon as she said that, Chelsea-sensei suddenly swings at me with her wooden sword. I ducked that attack and jump backwards to grab one of the Bokkuns on the floor. As soon as I grabbed the bokkun I used it to block the second attack.

(Chelsea): "Strength: 8, reaction: 7."

I just barely dodged the third attack and the fourth attack hit me in the gut, and I knelt to the floor.

(Rin): "Guh!"

(Chelsea): "You have a good form and foundation but you lack basic technique. You have a long way to go if you want to be a knight."

I try standing up from that attack. Damn she's fast. Unlike other characters in Blue Exorcist, I don't know anything about her strengths or weaknesses.

(Rin): "So what? I'm not gonna give up just because of a little scratch like that."

(Chelsea): "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Chelsea-sensei smiled at me, which surprised me, before striking another attack. I tried using my Demon Aura to sense her attacks but even then its useless and I had to endure her onslaughts of attacks until my Bokkun was sent flying when I tried to counter attacking.

(Chelsea): "That's enough practical, I think I've grasped your strengths and weaknesses. First, you need to hold your katana properly. You focus too much on applying strength on your whole hand instead of applying the most pressure on your pinky than the least to your index finger. When your swinging your sword, you seem to focus only on overpowering your opponent which makes it easier for the opponent to disarm you or find any openings."

Chelsea-sensei points out all of my weak spots one by one before continuing on the swordsmanship lesson with various warm up routines and breathing techniques. Man this is going to be tougher than I thought.

(Chelsea): "That's it for today. It's getting late. Remember the training techniques and the breathing techniques. There's no point in having strength if you have no stamina or techniques to utilize your potential and don't forget about your warm ups. Even if your a demon without warming up your gonna cause more damage to your body than good."

Chelsea-sensei finished off the lesson with a lecture before walking away. I feel like I'm getting used to listening to lectures but I don't know if I should be proud of that.

I turned my head I found Midori sleeping casually on the floor. This guy wasn't even training while I was going through hell dodging her attacks or memorising the techniques she taught me.

(Rin): "Wake up ya piece of shit!"

(Midori): "hooah?"

I hit Midori with the bokkun.

(Rin): "Come hop on, we're going back to the dorm. Have dinner before you sleep, ok?

Midori nods with a sleeping expression. This guy... If I'm gonna be training like this he better be joining or do something productive, else he's gonna regret it.

We headed back to the dorm and it's just past 9. Yukio seems to be coming back late today so i avoided another lecture of missing curfew, but seriously what's that guy up to? maybe i should interact with him more to see if I can loosen him up. But how?

(A/N: "Chelsea Applebee and Yoru's first appearance", "Training sucks", "Midori needs to train as well")

Chapter 14 of MLIBE is out! sorry for not uploading yesterday and i think i'm gonna start uploading a chapter every other day instead of everyday since i'm more busy than i expected i would be, but i promise i wont drop this series. Constructive criticism and ideas would be much appreciated

S_jaycreators' thoughts