
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs


(Once again im sorry for not uploading for a week this time. Huh this went from daily updates to weekly updates and i can only say sorry for that since i was busy with eid. Yes im muslim, didnt expect that, did ya? Welp there should a new chapter coming in 2 days but dont keep your hopes up since the schedules getting erratic nowadays. Anyway enjoy your read!)

After we finished introducing each other in the clubroom, we continued with our Black Ops free-for-all game after making a lan party and setting up a Playstation on a different tv.

Needless to say I got my ass handed to me. Again.

(Rin): "Seriously what is this club. I thought it was a culture club not a gaming club."

(Kasamugi): "Hahaha, I wanted to rename it the "Little-bit-of-everything club" but that wasn't allowed for some reason so we just left it how it is."

The little bit of everything club, huh, sounds about right. I wonder what the other activities are, other than playing games. Guess I need to embrace the Gaming Culture before going to the other cultures.

After losing again and again, I had to have multiple fights with Miyamoto. Honestly I enjoy the fights and all but the sudden change in personality is really off putting. reminds me of a berserker.

The leaderboard usually went something like this:

Akane Miyamoto (Berserker girl)

Sorano Mitsuko (Blue hair girl)

Naneko Nozomi (Cat girl)

Chelsea Applebee (My sword instructor)

Yanno Yanagi (Best friend)

Takata Takashi (Homeroom teacher/Club advisor)

Kasamugi Drazen (Club president)

Amethyst bell (Brown hair girl)

Natsuno Kirihime (Ice queen)

Sae (Kaneki's look-alike)

and finally me (Son of Satan)

Time ticked by and it slowly became 5.

(Rin): "Sorry I have Cram School to go to."

(Mitsuko): "Oh, are you aspiring to become an Exorcist?"

Mitsuko-senpai asks me whilst keeping her eyes on the screen. Honestly she's kinda scary because she's always second to Miyamoto and I'm pretty sure she keeps on aiming at me.

(Rin): "Yeah."

Well my reasons are more selfish than noble.

(Mitsuko): "Wow, It's already been a year since I passed the exam. Good luck kid."

(Rin): "Mitsuko-senpai's an Exorcist?"

(Sorano): "I'm not big on Surnames, Call me Sorano or Sora. I'm just a Lower 1st class Exorcist. Chelsea's a Middle 2nd class."

Sora tells me about her exorcist rank. If I remember correctly the ranks of an Exorcist are: Lower 2nd class, Lower 1st class, Middle 2nd class, Middle 1st class,Upper 2nd class, Upper 1st class, then there's ranks like honorary knight, arc knights and finally paladin.

(Sorano): "Well I shouldn't hold you up when you have a lesson. Good luck kid. Oh and don't let your heritage bother you."

Sorano-senpai turns and looks at my tail as she says that. I wonder what her reaction would be if she knew who she was talking to. Hopefully it won't be too extreme like when the exwires found out about Rin's flames.

I smiled at Sorano and walked to the door and entered the Cram key. I hear Yanno make a comment but I ignore it as I'm sure the others will explain to him the gist of things.

-Kasamugi's Pov-

As soon as Rin opened the door Yanno exclaimed in surprise.

(Yanno): "Wait, what the?!"

(Kasamugi): "Oh you've never seen that have you? Its one of the ways to enter the Cram School through a special key Meph- i mean Mr Faust gives to the Cram School Students."

Oops didn't mean to tell him of that Crafty old man's real name. Well, real fake name or real alias name or... you know what nevermind.

But that Rin is really interesting. He gives off a unique Aura and I don't know how I should respond to it. Even if I did, I don't know how my pride will deal with. I'm sure Akane and the rest of the club members felt it as well. Luckily he's not some immature kid or he could've been annoying to deal with. Well whatever, since he's in this School he must have his reasons. Hopefully it ain't as bad as mine.

(Sorano): "Well since the loser has left you two better watch out!"

Sorano turns her head and faces both Sae and Kirihime. They both look worried after realising their only lifeline is gone and that they need to play seriously.

(Kasamugi): "Since Rin left mid way, so I think the forfeit should go to the person in second last place. The winner is... Sorano Mitsuko! And the loser is... Natsuno Kirihime!"

Sorano finally won against Akane but just barely by one point. And the loser of this round just so happens to be her favourite girl in the club.

(Sorano): "Come here, Tsuno!"

Sorano quickly runs towards Kirihime with amazing speed and begins hugging her, much to kirihime's displeasure. Man she really loves hugging cute things, huh.

(Sorano): "So what do you think of the new club member?"

When she had her daily dose of kirihimium she asked me what I think of Rin.

(Kasamugi): "Well he seems interesting enough but remember the clubs rules. No prying into other club members secrets. After all, this place is for fun and entertainment. Not a place to gather sympathy."

I'd like to know what everyone's secrets are but I know knowing about them isn't gonna help at all. The least I can do is give them an environment so they won't crumble under the pressure alone.

-Rin Pov-

Cram School was the same as ever. Learning about different demons, their Ecology, Strengths and Weaknesses.

When Cram School was over I went to the training room and trained with Yoru-sensei and Chelsea-sensei. I even got them to give me there numbers if I have any questions or tips.

When I got to the Dormitory, Yukio was there and awake for once, so I got him to help me with my school work.

(Yukio): "To solve that question you need to substitute the values into this equation and make A, the subject."

(Rin): "Oh I think I get it now. Thanks Yukio!"

I give him a smile before doing the next question. Man, it sure is easy now with someone to guide me.

(Yukio): "I'm surprised to see Nii-sans actually trying to learn. You would usually not care about studying and flunk all your test. I'm happy to see your finally growing up."

(Rin): "Oi who you treating like a kid? I'm just taking life seriously a little later than most. I still have my redemption arc, you know, so don't talk like I'm a lost cause."

The previous Rin might've been no good but I'm not like him. I wonder what he was doing in the 3 months he had before Amaimon attacked? If he trained sooner he wouldn't have let him take Kurikara in the first place or endanger his friends. Oh well I don't think I'll find answers, even if i think about it for the whole day.

(Yukio): "Well I'm just happy you're finally maturing. I'm sure fathers happy in heaven."

Man you sure like bringing down the mood, but same here. Hope he's been well up there, even though I've never prayed in my life.

(Rin): "I'm sure he's laughing his ass off at me struggling like a normal kid."

After talking to yukio for a bit more we decided to go to sleep as it was getting late and we wanted to wake up early tomorrow.

-The next day-

The next day went rather peaceful. Training is still the same but I finally passed the Candle Training! I can finally burn what I want to! Oops, didn't mean to sound like a Pyromaniac. Although I still can't control large amounts of my flames, this progress still lead me to have a smile on my face for the whole day, which made everyone at the Club and Cram school wonder why I was in a good mood.

My swordsmanship also improved thanks to Chelsea-sensei and the constant challenges i received from Akane (Berserker girl). Oh i forgot to mention my relationship with her seems to have improved a bit thanks to our constant duels. Although she still acts reserved around me, she can speak to me without hiding behind someone. Though she can't speak properly with yanno yet

It seems that my control over my demon Aura helped with controlling my flames. it was because of that that lead Yoru-sensei to teach me certain hand signs to help control my flames better and helped with the efficiency of using my flames. Now it's not that taxing to use and I don't "Overheat" as often.

Overheating is the term I use for when I use too much of my flames which causes my body to feel heavy and I start losing control over my flames. It happened once when I was training, I wanted to see how much firepower I could produce and that's when I learned that the more flames I use the less control I have with them. Luckily no one was there and Midori was taking a nap at the dorm when that happened, but I burned quite a lot of the room.

One thing I noticed in the room is that the walls and floor seem to regenerate over time to their original form. I tested this theory out when I cut the wall with kurikara and it was fully repaired about an hour later.

My cooking business and studies are going fine and I'm seeing visible improvements on my grades (from using past exam papers).

-The next day-

The lessons went normally and when it finally hit lunch time, I had Yanno deal with customers today after making some miso soup.

I want to go to the library and get some books I find interesting. I'm hoping to find any books on Exorcism, Mythologies, Religion or even about cooking, cause why not.

The Library is in a separate building from the School itself. Seriously, what's with this schools layout.

The outside of the library is massive with the front having a long stone staircase and stone pillars that gives it an ancient atmosphere.

I entered the Library and started browsing for anything interesting.

Since its a normal library and not one that Exorcist use, I couldn't find any books relating to Exorcism or Demon Ecology. Maybe I should have Yukio to hook me up with some.

When I think I have enough reading materials for the week I headed to the Librarian to check out, luckily there's no que.

(Phone): *Ding*

When I was walking towards the librarian my phone received an email and made a loud ding sound, earning me the glare from the Librarian. I honestly forget I was carrying a phone around so I didn't put it on silent.

(Librarian): "Your meant to have your phones off when your in the library."

(Rin): "Sorry."

I wonder who messaged me? I look at the librarian and realise she's also a student like me. I wonder if she's part of the library club or something.

(Librarian): "You know it's rude to stare at people."

(Rin): "Oh sorry. Just curious, your a student here, right?"

(Honemaru): "Oh, my names Megumi Honemaru, a first year and a member of the library club. I'm taking over for the Librarian whilst she's dealing with some stuff with a teacher."

I introduced myself and we conversed a bit before I left the building since it's nearly time for lunch to end. I hope Yanno can deal with the customers since I feel like they're gonna multiply again.

I check the message I got and its from Yoshikuni. Looks like I have to do some deliveries for her and my katana's made! I guess I need to tell the club that I'm not gonna be there today.

Lessons went on without too much difficulty and I got permission from Kasamugi-senpai to miss today's club session, AKA me losing in every game they play.

I used the key to once again see the front forest of Yoshikuni's house. it's nice and refreshing here.

(Yoshikuni): "You finally made it! Here! These are the orders I have, now I want you to go to these addresses and make the deliveries. These are all paid beforehand but they asked to deliver it to them. Seriously I'm busy enough with my studies and my work so why do they have to make it so difficult for me."

Without me even saying hello she starts rambling to me as i just stand there with an awkward smile on my face. Maybe i should cancel the order. Actually that's stupid since i don't have anybody else to make my katana and its already been made.

Haah, lifes a bitch.

(Yoshikuni): "Oh here's your Katana. Like you requested at first glance it looks like kurikara but if you look closer the details are different and of course the materials are different."

After hearing more of Yoshikuni's rambling I was finally allowed to leave with the luggage and my new sword. I put the sword over my shoulder next to kurikara and began walking to the front door.

Yoshikuni lives in a secluded mountain in Kyoto, so she gave me a key to go to local landmarks of her various clients to make it easier for me. She was nice enough to teach me how to use google maps so that makes it even better.

The items I'm delivering are surprisingly not swords, well not real swords. Apparently Yoshikuni's good at woodwork and craftsmanship, hence her busy lifestyle. Just wish she doesn't take it out on me though. Why does she even need to work this hard in the first place?

The place I'm delivering to is a dojo that needs a new stock of bokkens. I wonder if the club members got some from her as well.

Well anyways the dojo gives off an ancient japanese vibe similar to Yoshikuni's house but with a mysterious presence to it.

(Man): "Hello?"

I knocked at the entrance and a middle aged man with long white hair greets me as he questions why I'm here.

(Rin): "I have a delivery by Yoshikuni. Its a couple of Bokkens that you've ordered."

(Man): "Oh yes, thank you for delivering these. Please tell Yoshikuni-san my appreachiations."

The middle aged man says as he closes the door. Strange he reminds me of Sorano-senpai for some reason. I wonder if its her relative or something. hmm, it would make sense why we have bokkens all over the clubroom.

- inside the dojo-

(Middle aged man): "Patriarch, the bokkens have arrived"

The middle aged man delivers the bokkens that he received from Rin to the Patriarch. The Patriarch looks just like the middle aged man but slightly older and in his eyes there's a fierce glint like a lion ready to devour any pray.

(Patriarch): "Excellent. Have you found the whereabouts of our little runaway yet?"

The Patriarch spoke in a low rough tone that would usually scare the shit out of an ordinary person. Luckily the person he's speaking to is his younger brother whom is already used to his brothers habits.

(Middle aged man): "We haven't confirmed the location yet but an unknown source tells us that that person is currently living in the True Cross Academy. Shall I send and team and retrieve it?"

(Patriarch): "No not yet. We must first confirm the whereabouts and go from there. Something tells me that that old Demon has something to do with our runaway and facing his wrath will displease our master. We'll deal with it once he leaves the premise."

Rin didn't realise it at the time that the world of Blue Exorcist is much broader than he thought and that his involvement with the culture club has brought a much bigger effect on the storyline than he thought was possible.

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Rin learns hellfire manipulation", "Rin gains a sword now!", "Who remembers the librarian?")

Chapter 16 of MLIBE is out! Sorry for the slow pacing and any constructive criticism and ideas will be appreciated. plus can someone update me on what's happening on webnovel recently.

S_jaycreators' thoughts