
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 52: Report

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 52: Report


[Third Person POV]

Tsunade watched the two lovebirds make up and coughed to get their attention. Naruto turned to look at her and gave her a curious look.

"Hey Aunty, what are you guys doing here?"

"Well... we came to see why Haku was such a mess, turns out she made a mountain out of a molehill. I'm happy you two patched up, though." Tsunade explained while giving Haku a look.

Haku had the decency to look ashamed.

"Um... I'm sorry... Lady Tsunade..." She apologized.

*Sigh* "It's okay, Haku. I'm sure there's more to the situation that I just wasn't aware of. Honestly, I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner. My nephew being a philanderer should've caused problems long before today." Tsunade concluded and sat on the couch. 

Shizune went to make some tea and Sakura went to go back to work at the hospital, she was only delivering reports to begin with. Anko was going to give her report but thought to ask something first. "Lady Tsunade, do you want me to save the report for later?"

"Hm... what's the contents?"

Anko tilted her head, showing where the curse mark used to be on her neck.

"Sakura! Bring Ino and Hinata! Naruto, bring me Shikamaru Nara, now. Go and grab Tenten while you're at it. I want you to give me your report now too."

"Eh? But... I want to spend time with Haku-chan..." Naruto was feeling a certain urge for the black-haired kunoichi.

"Now!" She shouted and Naruto disappeared in an orange flash.

"I'm sorry, Haku. You'll have to wait a bit longer for Naruto to give you a limp." Tsunade teased.

"Lady Tsunade!" Haku blushed and held her face.

Naruto then appeared in his customary orange flash and brought Kakashi and Jiraiya along with Tenten, who seemed to have been in the middle of a nap. 

Naruto sensed around the village for Hinata and Ino before disappearing once more and bringing them and a miffed Sakura back to the house.

Anko grew even more interested in Naruto at this display. Sure she's been hanging out with him and his girlies, but they kept the bedroom talk to a minimum. This piqued her interest. Also, she'd heard he'd mastered the Fourth's jutsu, but to actually see it being used so casually was surprising.

"Heh, impatient one are we? Don't worry, this shouldn't take long, nephew." Tsunade teased.

Naruto's eyebrow twitched. 

Hinata looked at Haku and gave her a stern look, she shrank. Ino sighed and got in between them. "Alright, Hinata. Let's listen to everyone's side of the story before jumping the gun. I'm pretty sure that's why Naruto looks like he does currently."

Hinata huffed, still upset with her friend for hitting their boyfriend so hard.

Jiraiya raised a brow and looked at Naruto, "Trouble in paradise, kid?"

Naruto sighed in dismay, "I don't want to talk about it right now..."

Kakashi patted his student on the shoulder and sat next to him, "Well, if you need anything, you can count on us." 

"Thanks, sensei..." 

"Alright, where's Shikamaru?" Tsunade asked.

"Here, the pervert grabbed me on the way to get some groceries for the house..." He groaned from the floor behind the sofa.

"Jiraiya?", was everyone's response.

Shikamaru sighed. "The younger one." 


Shikamaru grew annoyed.

"The philanderer" he grunted out.

"Ah." was the collective response.

"Oi!" Naruto's protest was ignored.

"Alright, Anko, Naruto, what's your report." Tsunade went into Hokage mode.


"This... Tayuya... you vouch for her, Naruto?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes. She's not an avid follower, she's a prisoner with status. The fact that she readily gave her answers at the promise of freedom, means she was likely looking for a way out already. I just happened to give her what she was looking for."

"You certainly gave her something," Anko smirked.

"Most of that was genjutsu, and you know it." Naruto pointed out.

"Yes, but you performed brilliantly. Getting that much info from any prisoner without showing off a kunai is a badge of honor for any self-respecting interrogator." Anko praised.

"Uh... Thanks..." Naruto felt self-conscious about the praise.

"Ahem, what about this attack... any further details?" Tsunade interrupted.

"She only knows that it's two-staged. During the finals of the next Chunin Selection Exams, Orochimaru plans to unleash some type of 'eerie' green mist within the village, along with the Sand's jinchuriki who he expects to make it to the finals." Naruto explained.

"That doesn't bode well..." Jiraiya grunted.

"You forget I'm here, sensei. Not to mention, It's just Shukaku. I'm more than enough to deal with him." Naruto told his teacher with a confident look in his eyes.

"Don't get overconfident, Naruto-"

"I'm not. I have these." Naruto interrupted and showed off his mother's signature.

"I see..." Jiraiya inspected the chains carefully and grinned.

"Great. But I would still keep a backup plan-"

"These are the back-up. My first plan is to try and reason with the guy. If not, I can seal off his connection to the giant raccoon. Last resort is to kill him." Naruto interrupted again.

Jiraiya smiled at his pupil's first choice. 

"Good. Then you'll hear no complaints from me."

Tsunade smiled at her two boys. She would be giving one a special something later.

"What of the other spies?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto sighed. "I'd like to say I took care of it already. But the fact is that if we kill them off now, we'll be risking Orochimaru changing his plans. I do, however, have a plan that should make most of them easy pickings within a reasonable environment."

"What's your plan?" Shikamaru asked.

"Nominate them for the exams, and let me go head-hunting. The Forest of Death is a great place to get rid of spies. I'd also be taking part, so it wouldn't look out of place for me to be there." Naruto grinned, getting Anko to swoon.

"Is that the best choice, though? If all of his spies die during the same event, won't it raise suspicions?" Shikamaru challenged.

"Yes, which is why only the peons and weaklings die there. The lieutenants need to be killed just before or during the invasion. I'll have them marked beforehand already, so one seal from me and they should be dealt with." Naruto said with an air of nonchalance that got Anko seriously considering getting together with this philanderer. 

"What of Sasuke's... assignment?" Tenten asked.

"From what Tayuya said, she was the one who had her sent here in the first place, convincing Orochimaru to send an additional spy to the village as a civilian," Naruto said with a small blush.

"Oh my god... she's just as bad as you are..." Sakura groaned.

"Wait, you telling me Miss Pink-eye got Orochimaru to lose one of his best shinobi, just so you could get another girl in your harem?" Anko was speechless.

This Sasuke chick was a steal.

Naruto blushed in embarrassment, "Yeah... she's great isn't she?"

All of the girls groaned.

Naruto huffed and sat down next to Haku, holding her hand and pulling her head to his chest. Haku chose to ignore her annoyance at her boyfriend's weird relationship with his rogue best friend/ girlfriend. Things weren't clear on their relationship, and Naruto wasn't going to make assumptions.

Tsunade sighed, exhaustion building, "Anything else?" 

Anko answered this time, "Yep, potty-mouth wants to get fed and Naruto is her choice of meat. Poor girl's down bad." She finished shaking her head at Naruto.

Tsunade groaned at her nephew. "Damn it, Naruto. Couldn't you have chosen a different way to get info?" It was not rhetorical.

"And get all of that info? No chance Baa-chan. Besides, she's cute, why wouldn't I want to save her?" Naruto said as he teased Haku's inner thighs, she wasn't listening to the conversation.

"... Fine. She can have one of the rooms here. It's your job to look after her, Naruto. Anything happens, it's your ass I'm coming for." She threatened.

"Hai, hai, baa-chan", was his response before he took Haku to his room and they continued where they left off earlier.

Tayuya was brought to the house later that night and got the low-down from Hinata and Shizune.