
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 53: Jealousy

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 53: Jealousy


[Third Person POV]

Tayuya was confused. She was told that she'd be going to live with Naruto, but here she was at a house full of broads who all looked like they batted for the same team. They were giving her all sorts of rules and explanations of things regarding the village and houses within the Uchiha-Clan district that she had no interest in. She wanted to spend time with Naruto!

Eventually, the weird one with the pale eyes stopped talking and asked her if she had any questions, so she replied in the way she best knew how. "Yeah, just who the fuck are you?" 

Hinata smiled sweetly at her rude guest and sent a shell-shocked Tenten to go get Naruto. Hinata, instead of making a scene, sat down on the couch and patiently waited for Naruto to come down; hopefully with his pants on.

She took a sip of tea and gave Ino a look that made her want to leave the house and watch the fireworks from a safe distance. Hinata was kind, gentle, and elegant; so she was not one to tolerate such foul language, especially when directed at her, and the new girl would learn the hard way.

Anko and Shizune, who had been the ones to escort Tayuya into Naruto's house, just took a seat and waited for the show to start. A displeased Hinata was a bad thing for anyone on the wrong side of her displeasure. She was, after all, a noble lady of the most prestigious clan in the Hidden Leaf, and as such she commanded a certain level of respect from everyone when not on mission. Especially in her own house where she was the mistress. 

Haku might be the first girlfriend, and therefore, for purposes of structure, wife. But Hinata held seniority to everyone in terms of authority within the household and relationships.

Ayame, Ino, Sakura, Sasuke, Haku, and Tenten followed after, in that order. Ayame may not be a shinobi, but in the Uzumaki household, she was second only to Hinata. Which is why when she called anyone for dinner, unless you were out on mission or on your deathbed, you showed up and ate whatever she fed you. No ifs, ans, or buts about it. 

Shizune, being technically the senior in terms of age and experience was given the position of Elder Lady. If there was any kind of conflict between two or more of the girls and relationship seniority could not be used to peacefully resolve the situation, she broke the conflict and set forth her solutions, regardless of what anyone else thought. An interesting system that kept everything harmonious within the household.

It also allowed Naruto to just enjoy their company and do things as he would normally without needing to make special rules or concessions. He had a very regimented lifestyle, and never let house chores or projects go unfinished or undone. This entire system was put in place by his companions, he himself was not involved in the process of creation or implementation. He was aware, just not involved.

Regardless, Tayuya was getting even more annoyed that the blind bitch ignored her and sent some other bitch to do something instead of answering. She noticed the one with pink hair and the blonde were cooking something that smelled like it would turn someone's stomach inside out. She was getting an increasingly foreboding feeling.

Eventually, and annoyed and groggy Naruto and Haku walk down the stairs and, much to everyone but Hinata's joy(not) he was less than decent at the present time. Naruto rubbed the sleep off of his eyes and asked, "What's wrong, Hina-chan? You never wake me up unless you're upset or in a hurry." 

Tayuya froze and turned as white as a sheet of paper. She knew the blind one's name was Hinata, but not only did her hunky call her with the -chan suffix, he shortened her name. She also apparently had she has easy access to his house, if that statement was any indication; meaning that she was high up in the pecking order when it came to his acquaintances.

Also, why the fuck was there a different, equally lesbian-looking bitch all over her man? Is she supposed to accept that he's a cheater? Already? Hell no!

(Tayuya conveniently forgot that Naruto mentioned having girlfriends - plural- multiple times throughout her capture and subsequent interrogation)

Hinata got up from her seat and walked over to the now much more awake and aware Naruto and kissed him softly. "Naruto-kun... your new friend here has a terribly dirty mouth... won't you please take care of that, love?"

There was plenty left unsaid that Naruto immediately understood and had to groan internally.

Hinata had the one pet peeve, and that was foul language. She excused it from him in certain situations, but she prided herself in being a classy, elegant noblewoman of the Hyūga Clan, so she did not appreciate the usage. Naruto had the benefit that his punishments resembled rewards more often than not.

He looked at her eyes and nodded, a soft kiss and a slap in her ass for good measure that showed her now-hidden shy side. "Hm. Who is it by the way?" 

Naruto hadn't diverted his attention from Hinata since she began to speak to him. That was something all of his girls appreciated, that he would focus on them, sometimes to the exclusion of everything else, when any of them was speaking to or with him. Hinata, in particular, loved it, because Naruto had always told her he loved how beautiful her eyes were, and he seemed to be admiring them whenever they spoke. It made her happy.

"Your new toy, by the looks of it," Haku spoke, still harboring some resentment for Tayuya for interrupting her date with her man.

"Who the fuck are you calling a toy you-!?" Tayuya began to shout but got a mouthful of soap halfway through her tirade. Courtesy of Tenten.

Naruto sighed. "I told you to watch that potty mouth of yours, Tayuya. Now you're going to need to wear that soap muzzle for a bit."

He walked over to her and caressed her cheek. "I know you're excitable and feisty, Tayu... but this isn't a competition, and it would make me happy if you could get along with my girlfriends." 

Naruto ignored the desire to laugh at an angry soap-mouthed Tayuya and pulled her closer, smelling her hair, and grabbing her big butt with both hands. Kissing her neck up and down lightly. He looked into her eyes attentively, pulled out the soap bar, and walked her to the kitchen sink to help her rinse her mouth.

All of the girls watched in abject fascination as the foul-mouthed beauty was turned into mush by their boyfriend with little to no argument. He had this poor girl in the palm of his hand! At that moment, they decided that they too, would get Naruto to treat them like this.

They would never want to admit it to anyone, especially Naruto, however, the fact remained that regardless of their prior history with Naruto and all they've been through together as friends and more, they were all jealous of the new girl.