
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 51: Misunderstandings

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 51: Misunderstandings


After interrogating Tayuya I went to find Haku at Ichiraku's to continue our impromptu date but found her waiting at home. I looked at the clock in the wall and saw that I'd kept her waiting for at least 4-hours while I interrogated Tayuya. Understandably, a very displeased Haku was the bare minimum expectation given her view of the events, so I prepared for the argument about to take place.

"So... you dumped me, your girlfriend, in the middle of a date... to go have your way with some bitch with prettier hair?" Haku was a lot more upset than I could've anticipated.

She never cursed, not even during sex. This woman was an angel.

Anyway, I had several rebuttals, but this was the time to lie down and take it. I was in the wrong here, especially when I failed to tell her what was going on. I sighed and sat down in a seiza position. 

"I... I was excited to go on a date with you... it's been so long since we... so being taken away so spontaneously made me so happy...

But then, you just up and left me...! Without Explanation! *Hic*

Do... *sob* Do you know how much It hurt to be left behind for someone else...

Am *sniff* am I not pretty enough for you anymore...?" Haku sat in front of me and looked at me with misty eyes.

Her sobs breaking my heart as she continued to hold them in. I collected my thoughts so that I could try to explain myself.

*sigh* "I'm sorry, Haku... I wasn't thinking properly. It's just, I couldn't let this chance slip-"


Holy shit! That stings!! Ugh, I probably could've phrased that a little better, I'll admit fault here. I took a deep breath to help me ignore the sting, and looked-


Oi! I know she's mad, but fuck man, these sting! I can't even hear anything from the ringing-

My thoughts died in my throat and my heart dropped when I looked back at her. She was crying openly and her expression was a mix anger, betrayal, and sadness. I tried to explain but the words couldn't come out.

She began to speak, her voice shaky and emotional; lips trembling from the emotions rushing her "I-... I see... "

My stomach dropped and I tried to figure out a way to let her know that this was just a misunderstanding but she rushed out the doorway... and I couldn't bring myself to do anything thing but sit there, my own tears falling down my face. 


[Third Person POV]

Tsunade watched in confusion as Haku flew through the doors to her office and hugged her while sobbing, her tears streaming like rivers. She tried to ask Haku what was wrong, worried that something might've happened to Naruto, but Haku was distraught and wasn't making much in the way of eloquent conversation.

Shizune and Sakura walked in and grew alarmed at the sight of a distraught Haku and rushed to her side. They were so confused, Naruto just left saying that he was going on a date with Haku. They wondered what could've happened in so short a time for this to be the end result.

Anko walked in to give her report and saw the younger kunoichi bawling her eyes out on Tsunade's chest and got angry. Her and Haku had become good friends in the past few weeks, and seeing her in such a state... When she found out what happened thing's weren't going to be good for the culprit's health.

Anko grabbed her friend and looked in her eyes, red and puffy, "Haku, what's happened?" 

"N-Naruto... he... *hic* he... he doesn't... *hic* l-love.. *hic* m-me..." Haku began to cry harder.

Everyone grew confused. They just heard Naruto announce that he was going to go on a date with her. He was even asking for advice, so this was very strange. Never the less, they knew that Haku wouldn't just make stuff up and tried to get more information before jumping to any conclusions.

"Haku... why do you think that...? Did he say that...?" Tsunade was the only person here who could talk without seeming to pick sides, so everyone else just listened.

"N-no... *hic*... b-but h-he doesn't spend time with me... *sob* he... he *hic* he... he d-doesn't look at me like he used to... and he left me for some girl!! *hic* I waited for hours!*" Haku continued to sob in frustration and anger at her boyfriend's philandering.

Anko raised her hand before Tsunade could ask more; Tsunade let her speak.

"Haku-chan... when was this?" Anko asked, piecing things together.

Everyone else seemed just as upset at Naruto as Haku, and it fell to her to save her not-boyfriend's ass.

"w-what...? *sniff*" Haku asked as she looked at her friend.

"Well... you see... Naruto helped us capture a spy today... and I was wondering...", Anko felt terrible asking this, since it made her seem like she was taking sides.

Haku took a moment to gather her thoughts and calmed down. Shizune gave her some tissues to clean herself up and she took deep breaths to calm her emotions. "W-what did they look like...?" 

Anko showed a picture of Tayuya in front of a white wall. Naruto had implemented mug-shots for new criminals or suspects under investigation, since he found artist renderings to sometimes be less than accurate. His record of bounty collection informing his decision.

"T-that's her..." Haku breathed out, her emotions flooding back at the realization.

"Oh... no...! What.... what have I done to you...? Naruto!" Haku rushed out in a panic, confusing everyone in the office even more.

Tsunade left some clones and everyone dashed over to Naruto's house.


"Naruto! Naruto!" Haku shouted as she burst through the doors of her boyfriend's house. 

She found Naruto in the same position she left him in, his cheeks stained with dried tears and his eyes cloudy.

"Na-Naruto?" Haku's hand shook as she tried to get his attention.

His eyes gained clarity and he sniffed, getting teary.

"H-Haku... I'm sorry... I should've-"

"No! I'm sorry... I... I overreacted... I... I shouldn't have just jumped to conclusions... I... I'm a terrible girlfriend...!" Haku hugged him tightly, feeling sorry and ashamed.

"No... you're not... things have changed since we first started living together... I can understand why you feel like I'm not happy with you, since I've done nothing but add girls to my 'collection' since then..." Naruto hoped he was articulating his thoughts correctly.

"I've done a terrible job at keeping you happy... satisfied with our relationship... ", Naruto continued his thoughts; embracing her tighter.

"But I promise, Haku-chan... I love you... I love you more than I know how to express... I'd do anything for you..." Haku looked into the sincere eyes of her boyfriend, pleading, loving, she kissed him passionately and promised to make it up to him.

This is the scene Tsunade and company came to, and they couldn't help but smile. They also noticed that Naruto's cheek was an unhealthy shade of red.

Anko whistled, "Damn... took a beating by mistake and didn't even complain... I might be moving in here soon..." Anko joked, half-seriously.

Shizune sighed, now Anko would be the oldest, Haku was 20 and she was 19 because of the distortion. Naruto was still the youngest in the group by comparison.