
Her Confession

Samuel returned back to USA but this time he wasn't himself, he was distracted knowing the fact that the love of his life was already married to another man, not knowing the mysterious man was his best friend. The famous basketball player was now found in different bars during training session, the sudden act and change of manner got everyone questioning but they was no one to answer them. Different blogs started giving different reasons of the star sudden change.

 Some blogs said he was reacting deal to relationship trauma, some other blogs claimed his medical report showed that he doesn't have much time to live and the player has decided to live the best of his life, while others said that the player was preparing for retirement. They were different rumour about what was wrong and both Samuel and the team were questioned by the public.

 " Mr Samuel, please can we have a second with you, everyone wants to know why you kept boycotting training session. We have heard different rumour about your behaviour since you returned from your home town" a journalist amongst the few was questioning Samuel as he came out from a local bar drunk, the player attitude on the TV was very alarming and could cause serious problem to his career. 

Stella also watching the news at the hotel she rented was in tears as she watched him suffer in silent.

 Samuel suffered everything alone but the truth was only three people knew what was the cause, and these people are not more than Stella, Peter and Samuel himself, the team called Samuel several times and asked him to attend therapy session but he refused saying that the therapist would want him to relate what the problem was and he wasn't ready to talk to anyone about the situation. One day the NBA management called Samuel's manager, the news of Samuel ruthless behaviour finally got to the NBA and they agreed on putting Samuel on a two year suspension if he doesn't keep the standard of a Pro that he was. By the time Samuel's manger deliver the news to Samuel he bursted in anger saying that the NBA has nothing to do with his personal life and they should mind their business, not knowing that his ruthless behaviour was already ruining his professional career at an early age. 

 Stella at these stage knew if she sits back and watch Samuel he wouldn't want to change and it might just end up running is professional career that he has just started building. So one day on a TV stream that she was opportune to attend she made a public announcement of she being the reason why their player can't focus on his career, and she was at fault and really sorry. Everyone in the world were in shock and couldn't believe their eyes, these action carried out by Stella led to both positive and negative impact in both individuals life. Although she never said anything about the issue that caused their misunderstanding she just accepted the blame and apologised.

 Now most people started blogging about Stella and civilians in her region started listening to her show on the radio all because they wanted to know more about the lady that got an upcoming star to his knees. Samuel on the other hand was shock the day he over heard one of teammate watching the video of Stella confusion, he immediately took his phone and search for the trending news it brought out the news of Stella confusion as the No.2 trending news on all blogs. Most people started questioning if all want Stella said were true or all just a act that Samuel arrange as an act of excuse to all his misconduct, Stella couldn't breath either because the press were all in her neck, some nights whenever she peeps through her window during the night she sees some press standing in front of her house gate, it became really frustrating for her but she never regretted her action and hope for a change from Samuel. 

 "Good evening sir, they are some press media from Spotify news here to see you" said Samuel secretary 

 " no problem let them in, I have been waiting for their arrival" replied Samuel as he prepared his office for the interview.

The step that Stella took made Samuel to realise that he has been punishing himself all these while, he was ready to make amendment which was more reason he instructed the press to come to his office. The interview went well and he also clarify the fact that what Stella said was the truth, he also explain the reason his behaviour change after he returned from his home town. So people felt for him while some took it as a normal thing that women cant be trusted sort of a thing. The player returned to training fully the following day and the suspension was being reconsidered, Stella was happy that Samuel had return to training and he was doing well, the press were also free from her neck a little since Samuel already accepted that all she said was the truth. But you know one thing about this life is that no one can ever satisfy human with information, after the rumour of Stella and Samuel relationship and how Stella got married leaving their famous star broken, the public started asking who Stella husband was. Now that Peter was coming into the picture, he knew that the press would start looking for him because no matter how hard he tried to make the married a low key stuff people were still invited and pictures were taken, Peter became scared of the fact that the secret he was hiding from his friend would soon be revealed. He packed his stuff and left for Isreal where his elder sister was. People who attended Stella and Peter wedding started linking photos and videos of their married and in less than a hour photos and video were made both in TV station, Radio stations and almost all blogs. 

 Well wasn't behind the world neither, he had also received photo and video from different people of who Stella husband was, but the shocking outcome was that Samuel never reacted, it was even clear to the public that the man in the photo was Samuel best friend right from college till date. 

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