
Sign The Goddamn Papers

 "How do you feel knowing that the person that betrayed your love was your best friend" asked one of the journalist

" Well, what can I say, everything happens for a reason" Samuel responding , during a live interview at the Spotify station during their 11'pm news.

 " rumours of people saying that you're just pretending to be okay that what your friend did really got to you" added the interviewer, 

 " I wont deny the fact that everything really hurt and I wasn't even expecting him to be the one, I know my first reaction towards this problem wasn't good and I regretted my action been the captain of my team and I couldn't deal with stuff like that, 

 But this time they would be changes, I won't let my personal life affect my professional career" and this were the final words of Samuel before he left. 

 Everything started moving free for Samuel, Peter who ran away had to come back to submit some documents to his company and the info of is arrival was linked to the press, just as he arrived at the airport he saw a lot of press at the entrance of the airport, he asked the lady at the counter if they was anyone coming into the country,

 But the lady said she had no idea why the press had come around, and she haven't had any information about any one important coming into the airport.

Peter sat at a corner first and watched the press for some minute, he wasn't sure why the press were there on his arrival but he couldn't either stay at the airport, because one way or another he has to exist the airport.

 he took a small towel and covered his face, he approached the exist and just as he was about to take the last step from the stirs a little boy who saw his father coming, rushed to meet his and mistakenly grabbed Peter just as he was about to fall, Peter held the boy forgetting that the little boy wasn't up to his height and this would make him look down and the towel fell off his face. One of the press member immediately recognise Peter and he went straight to him, other press member also saw these action and they all rushed Peter, Peter was in so much shock but he knew he had to keep his composure so as not to look weird in the eyes of the public and press. 

 " hello sir, are you mr Peter" asked one of the press member 

 Peter kept moving without a respond, the whole press were still on his neck and these made him realise that the press had been waiting for him all this while, " I have nothing to explain to you guys, so you all should just mind your own business" Peter said as he kept on existing the airport.

 Just then a lady from amongst the crowd asked a question that drew peter's attention, 

 " is it true you lied to her so the both of you can get married ?", 

Immediately Peter heard this question he stopped and turned back to see who amongst the press asked the question but to his surprise it was Stella who asked the question. Stella approached him slowly, her eyes was like a burning flame, Peter could read the interpretation of the eye because he knew Stella and it wasn't today, as she got closer to him she gave him a dirty slap and dropped a file on the floor, she asked Peter to sign it and he should call her whenever he is ready to see their lawyer. She left the place while Peter was in full shock and the disgrace was too much for him to handle because all these activities would definitely be played on live TVs. 

 It was like a shocking mystery to Peter the whole events that just took place, but he knew he had to be of his best behaviour and handle the situation with a cool head, he picked up the file and held his bag and started walking slowly as he exist the airport. One day during Samuel's leisure time he was watching TV at his apartment, he was someone who loved watching football even though he was a basket baller, but he also showed the interest in football even though he only played it during his grade class back at Rome. 

 Things wasn't going fine for Peter because the manager at his work place got the information about what Peter did to Samuel

 " please Mr Peter take a sit" the manger Mr Casilas asked Peter 

 This event took place after a brief presentation that Peter had just finished for the company which worth $50million, Peter felt the manger called him to do some correction or make more explanation about the points he must have listed during the presentation.

 peter took the sit and and held the file in his hand tight, as he waits for the manger to end the call he was on 

 "...I hope you're good" asked Mr Casilas, Peter nodded and they continued with the procedure 

 " nice presentation today, I bet that contract is already ours" complimented Mr Casilas, Peter made up a smile even though it was pretty obvious it was fake, it wasn't the first time for him doing a presentation neither was it the first time for him giving the company a contract that worth more. Mr Casilas brought out a file from his desk and handed it over to Peter, Peter took it and signed before he opened it. He saw a letter of termination and he also lost the right to all the company's properties that was given to him along side with the job, "we don't want to ruin the reputation of our company, all the board of directors have come together and we all came up with this decision. It was a hard one but we had to" said Mr Casilas, Peter left the file that was given to him and held straight for his office, he carried things that were important to him and left whatsoever that belongs to the company. 

 Samuel decided to thrill Peter down to his apartment, but to his surprise the building was empty he then went to Peter's office that was where he heard the shocking news of Peter termination and he had lost everything that was given to him. Samuel felt pity for his friend but he knew what his friend did was not proper at all, he visited places that he thought he could find Peter but to no avail. 

 So Samuel decided to let go, but Peter on the other hand was filled with guilty conscience and couldn't review his face to the public, he kept using mask wherever he goes to so as not to be recognised.

 Stella waited for three months but neither did the divorce paper nor Peter showed up at the lawyers office, before the third month would run out she asked the lawyer to try calling Peter to see if he would respond because she has been calling for months now, the lawyer tried the first time and it rang but no one pick it, he put a call the second time and it was less than three second that it rang and Peter picked it

 " hello Mr Peter, how are you doing?, its your marriage lawyer speaking" said the lawyer as he tries introducing himself

 " I know, how can I be of help to you" Peter sounded rudely, knowing the fact why the lawyer was calling. " am sure your wife handed over some document for you to sign, and its almost three months and we haven't heard any respond from you" the lawyer tries to remain calm with Peter,

Peter asked if Stella was with him but Stella asked the lawyer to tell him she wasn't with him so he doesn't hangup since she was using her phone's tracker to trace Peter. Then the lawyer started asking irrelevant questions that almost made Peter to be suspicious, how would a lawyer be asking what he ate, when last did he mate with a lady, ain't does unofficial questions?, Peter hangup and Stella immediately lost track of him, the only info she was able to gather was that Peter was In the neighbour but he's at somewhere hidden. 

 Stella was sent by her broadcasting station to interview Samuel's team, she had no idea that Samuel had been transferred to the team she was asked to interview, she and Samuel never communicated after that incidence that happened between them, Samuel really wanted to get back with Stella but his pride wont allow him, but Stella on the other hand tried her best to explain things to Samuel, through broadcasting channels and social media but Samuel was reluctant to all her attempt. On the day of the interview Samuel's personal assistant forgot to inform him about the interview and these made him to run late, just as he was about to enter their training court he was redirected by one of the security to the team's quarters where all necessary arrangement are made before any game or training. Stella already started the interview with the players that were available until Samuel entered the room, he was full of surprise to see Stella, he held his bag tight like someone that has just seen a ghost, the wide room became very uncomfortable for him since it was Stella that was doing the interview, the permission given to Stella was to interview each player in the next ten minutes and she has less than three minutes with each players.

 when it was Samuel's turn she smile at Stella and offered her a sit beside him, she refused and tried to act all professional. Samuel ignored all the questions that Stella were asking and he insisted that she sat beside him if she wants any word from him, in order to gain his attention she sat beside him but kept her distance Samuel held her hand and moved her closer to himself "am I a ghost, why don't you wanna sit with me " said Samuel, Stella was still surprise at the strange behaviours Samuel was exhibiting 

 " we have a lot of people asking if you would ever love again" Stella spoke in a manner of someone who had hot water in her mouth

Samuel smiled at Stella and these made Stella very uncomfortable, she signed the cameraman to switch off the camera that she wanted to have a personal conversation with Samuel, " if you don't want you don't have to answer these questions, I never knew they were meant for you" pleaded Stella. 

 "Its fine go on with the interview I also have a confession to make to the public" Samuel said as he kept on the weird looking smile on, Stella now was the one very uncomfortable asking her Ex about his emotional life. 

 " …so we've a lot of rumours that you'd never Love again, because of what happened to you" asked Stella, "well the truth is am not sure because I was really betrayed starting from a very good friend down to the love of my life, i guess I would be fine" answered Samuel

 " but do you believe that the love of your life would ever hot you" asked Stella putting the mic down, Samuel smiled and asked if the second question was an official question, but all Stella wanted was an answer. Before Samuel could get a chance to utter a word the manger and some security came to escort Stella and her cameraman outside.