


'what did i do to deserve this.'(Thinks Nikhil while running.)


Nikhil turns his head around to see the source of the sound and instantly regret's it.


Nikhil swears in his mind

Nikhil quickly bend his body and manages to catch a glimpse of a white arc flying inches above his head and landing a little ahead of him.

'Is that a wolf.', (Was the first thing that came to Nikhil's mind after observing it's features which looked similar to a commonly found wolf.)

The animal in front of him possessed a snow white underbelly and its coat was a mix of gray and brown and it has a bushy tail, It mostly looked like a gray wolf except for its abnormal size which was more than twice the size of an original gray wolf.

*gulp*, Nikhil swallows a mouthful of his saliva after seeing its size and slowly takes a step back while looking at the wolf in front of him.

"Ggrrrr",(Gray wolf shows his teeth)

*Flinch*, Nikhil almost fells down after noticing it's pair of sharp white teeth's which are enough to easily rip him to shreds.


The wolf dosen't waste any time and jumps at him.

Now you might be wondering how did things become like this all of a sudden, To know this let us go back in time a little.

~~5 minutes ago~~

'Is this a forest???'

Was the first thought that came of his mind after looking around him. he looks at the long and solid trees which surrounds him, It was quite hard to see due to the huge trees covering the sky.

"uuhh where did i drop my glasses"

Although it is quite dark in here Nikhil still manages to find his glasses after looking around for a bit.

'Am i hallucinating or something'

Thinks Nikhil as he gets a clearer look around him after wearing his glasses.



Nikhil flinches a little as he notices the bush a little ahead of him move.



He didn't have any time to get startled by the weird noise or the words appearing in front of him as he sees the being hidden in the bushes.


With the sound of sticks breaking he finally sees a pair of light brown eyes staring at him from the bush, The eyes were glowing a little as they looked at him and makes his entire being shudder and then a single thought comes to his mind which was to....RUN to run away from here right now it was like his entire body was telling him to run away as he stared at the eyes of this predator.

The next instant he turns his body around and starts running at the direction opposite to the thing.


He once again completely ignores the message as he runs with all his might.

~~coming back~~

As the wolf jumps at him Nikhil almost instinctually ducks down and the wolf's sharp teeth's digs themselves into his bag hanging on his shoulders.

Nikhil quickly let go of his bag only to hear the sound of it getting torn apart the next second, But he dosen't waste any time and quickly starts running again.



'fu*k...i wish i hadn't turned down my friend when he asked me to join him to go to gym'

Nikhil feels his legs going numb as his breathing becomes heavy the next instant his feet get caught in the stone and he fells down.



He feels a strong wind pass by his head as he fell down.


Then he gets horrified as he looks in front of him, He sees a tree which had been cut down by something.

'what was that????'

Questions fills his mind as he stares at the now broken tree in front of him with a dazed expression.


Then a voice from behind as if to announce it's presence pulls him out of his stupor.

Nikhil ignores the pain coming from his hands and legs as he once again starts running.


A sweat drops from his forehead as he notices the approaching sound.

Then right in front of him he sees a small light coming from between the trees as he continues running towards the light.

The light becomes bigger and bigger as he makes his way towards it.


He can hear the sound of the bushes as if they were right next to him.

He keeps going and the light in front of him becomes so bright that it was almost blinding which makes him close him eyes but he dosen't stop running.


He hears a angry growl from behind him which sends a chill down his spine he can almost feel the ice cold claws of the giant wolf on his back and so with all his might he jumps forward right after he hears the sound of the wolf jumping behind him.

He suddenly feels a gust of wind passing his body.

"Where did all this wind come from??"

Nikhil thinks as he opens his eyes only to stare in horror as he notices that he is falling straight down into a lake.


Nikhil shouts with all his might.