


Shout's Nikhil as falls down from the cliff.


Thinks Nikhil as he tries to position himself in a standing pose to reduce the impact from the fall.



Nikhil tries to speak as he feels the impact on his body due to the fall but failed to do so as all that comes out of his mouth is air.

Nikhil quickly moves his arms and legs to swim towards the surface of water.


Nikhil quickly starts to take in heavy breadths as he notices a shadow hovering over him.


Nikhil think's as he frantically move's his arms to get away from his previous position.


'YOU have GOT to be Kidding ME'

Think's Nikhil as he stares at the familiar figure emerging from the lake.

'Fu*k this persistent little BIT*H'

Swears Nikhil as he quickly starts swimming towards the shore.


From behind him come's the sound of the angry gray wolf.


Nikhil start's moving his arms even quicker after hearing the noise.

The wolf quickly starts closing the distance between them as the wolf is faster. Nikhil start's getting nervous as he notices the distance between them decreasing.

There is around 40 meter distance between Nikhil and the shore while there is less than 10 meter between him and the wolf.

'Is this the end for me????'


'I still got so many things to do i CAN'T GIVE UP YET'

Think's Nikhil as he tries moving his arms and legs even faster.

40.....30....25.....20....15...the distance between him and shore keeps decreasing as he tries to push himself again and again.


10...8 finally at 5 meter he could fell his feet's coming in contact with land.

and then....


Thinks Nikhil as he breadths heavily while using both legs and arms to support himself.

After catching his breadth Nikhil finally notice's the abnormality in his surroundings.


Yes he notice's the abnormal silence which has enveloped his surroundings.

Nikhil stands up and turn around to look at the lake.

"what in the world--???"

Nikhil speaks aloud as he was unable to understand what he was looking at.

The giant wolf chasing him has suddenly disappeared from the lake, It like the wolf was never there in the first place.

Nikhil start's having a weird feeling as he gets closer to the lake in order to get a better look then something happened as took another step towards the lake.


He could feel his feet shaking...no that's not right it is the ground which is shaking instead of his feet.

Nikhil could feel that the vibrations were coming from the direction of the lake and then....


Nikhil gets shocked as he looks at the giant fountain which suddenly appears from the middle of the lake.


The fountain was accompanied by the howls of that accursed wolf. He watches as the wolf's head comes out of the lake but it no longer had his previous mighty presence as the wolf's head was covered in numerous bite marks some were so deep that Nikhil was even able to see his bones that wasn't all as Nikhil was able something wrapping itself around the wolf and trying to drag the wolf back into the water.

Nikhil was standing there with a dumfounded experssion pasted on his face as he tries to think what kind of thing is big enough to wrap itself around that giant wolf.

"Don't tell me it's a...."


His voice was cut short as he hears the sound of breaking bones coming from the wolf.


The wolf cries in anger as he open his mouth and bites down on the thing wrapped around it's body.


Nikhil stares in horror as he witness the power of those deadly jaws first hand as they rips apart the thing wrapping around the wolf's body.


Nikhil hears a disturbing sound as he finally gets to have a proper look at the thing coiling around the wolf and what he sees makes him start seating like crazy.