



'door opens slowly'..

A boy wearing a pair of spectacles and carrying a gray bag was standing a little behind the opened door of class'11-A', the physics teacher quite surprised as it was already 15 minutes after the start of the class. Looking at his uniform the teacher was able to identify the boy as a student.

"May i come in sir",(boy)

"Yes come in... and who might you be",(teacher)

"Umm i am the new transfer student sir and this is my 4th day attending this school",(boy)

"How come i never noticed you for the past three days, Actually have you even introduced yourself before??",(teacher)

Boy looks at his newly made friends from the corner of his eyes for shelter but they all just gives him a thumbs-up and get ready to watch the show.

'Damn how can the teacher forgot about me even though i just answered the questions he asked yesterday',(thinks the boy)

"My name is Nikhil chahar sir",(nikhil)

"Hmm this is better after all there are a lot of different branches of our school and every child wears the same uniform so who knows if someone just suddenly comes in and pretend to be a student",(says the teacher while laughing)

ha..hahaha.**everyone in class starts laughing***

"So tell me Nikhil why are you late to the first class",(teacher)

"I was held back by the P.E teacher,sir",(nikhil)

*teacher looks at the boy from up to down*

"But you dress dosen't seem out of place though..",(teacher)

"Actually sir i got held back due to wearing the summer's socks instead of winter's socks",(nikhil)

"Okay take care next time now go and sit on your seat",(teacher)

"Yes sir!!",(Nikhil)

*walks to the 2nd rows 3rd desk and sits down next to his newly made friend Rahul*

"Such a great morning right Nikhil",(Rahul)

Nikhil starts opening his bag and takes out a pen.

"Shut up before i shove this pen in your mouth you traitrous bi**h",(Nikhil)

"Hey hey hey it's not my fault i told you to run away while the P.E teacher was not looking",(Rahul)

"I had to pick up the pieces of garbage scatered across the playground because a certain someone ran away even after he was told to keep standing there"(Nikhil)

"Okay okay I'm sorry man don't take it to heart were friends bro"(Rahul)


"Don't look at me like that or i'll blush"(Rahul)

*crack*(sound of pen cracking)

"Okay okay cool down and start writing before the teacher rubs the board"(Rahul)

Rahul shruggles his shoulders and starts writing again in his notebook while avoiding the death glare coming from his left side.

Nikhil looks at Rahul and then releases a sigh,this guy with small black hairs and light brown eyes is actually the top ranker of my new class he has a carefree personality which is unlike of what one might expect from a students with high scores.then again i don't really has the right to judge him well coming back this is me(Nikhil) i am 16 year old and just got transferred to this school due to personal circumstances and even though people around me always says that i have a very serious personality after seeing my face in reality i don't have am not somone with a serious personality at all and in reality i am no way near as serious as people makes me out to be well thats that and this piece of garAHAM.. i mean this fellow student sitting right next to me is Rahul he is 17 thats all you don't need to remember him any longer.

thirty minutes later...

*tringtringtring*(school bell rings)

"Well that concludes the end of this class and i hope all of you will complete the homework given to you by tomorrow"(teacher)

*Door opens**door closes*(teacher)

*Yaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh*(animals are released)

"Such bad luck you had there Nikhil"(mob1)

"Yes yes did you see how the teacher was laughing after your introduction ,it was creepy as hell..."(mob2)

"By the way Nikhil had you heard that's been going around lately"(Rahul)

"What news"(Nikhil)

"That news about random people going missing all of a sudden hadn't you heard of it"(Rahul)

"Well i don't really watch news...."(Nikhil)

"Man how could you not even know about this then don't tell me that you don't even know that around 10 million people have already gone missing around the globe??"(Rahul)


"Well damn you really don't know do you"(Rahul)

Nikhil shakes his head from right to left to show his agreement.

"Truly ignorance is a bliss,well i am not going to spoil your mood with this depressing talk so lets just pretend that i didn't said anything"(Rahul)

'If you are going to talk about such a topic then atleast complete it dammit'(nikhil)

i got up from my seat and went to the cornermost empty desk with my bag and secreatly opened my bag and took out my phone to search about the news.


It is actually true dammit how come i didn't know about such a big event it has already been 2 months since the news of people being missing first came out what the hell have i been doing with my life.actually why is there no school holiday after such a big event has happened ,forget about a holiday there wasn't even an announcement.

*Trriinnngg*(bell rings)

'Well let's think about this after school'(Nikhil)

6 hours later....

'Finally i can leave this place'(Nikhil)


**boys and girls forms a seperate line side by side**

"Good now girl's line move forward and boy's line follow behind"(class teacher)

student's follow the instruction and moves in a line....or so it was supposed to be like that.

'I really don't get the point of forming a line when everyone just goes ahead and break it when they reach the staircase'(Nikhil)

I kept walking and reached the main gate of school,then i took a step outside the school's door and stop and turn my head around a bit.

'haaaaaahhhhh....There goes another boring day of my life'(Nikhil)

then i turn my head back and look up at the sun for a moment and take a step forward only to fell down.

'What the....how did i managed to fell on a cement road'(thinks Nikhil)

GREAT now everyone around me will think of me as a clumsy idiot huuuuhh can this day get any worse.

I opened my eyes to take a look around me...that is when i noticed the changes around me.

'APPARENTLY THING'S CAN GET WAY WORSE THAN BEFORE!!'(was the first thought that came to my mind after looking around).