
My Job Is To Save The Innocent Throughout The Multiverse?! (SI/AU)

This story begins with a young man, who died in a car accident and after his death, he was resurrected in an extra-dimensional plane, which appeared to be a banking call center. In this place our MC (Main Character), was attended by a receptionist and invited to work for a ROB (Random Omnipotent Being), whose objective is to save the innocent people who pray for help. Only the original characters and plot belongs to me. The cover image, the universes and their characters, belongs to the original creators, not me.

Bryan_Growl · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 2 - Training!

[Magikarp]: Pokémon!

"???" - 6X

"Is this for real?!" - Jonathan exclaimed completely shocked.

*Cough* "Don't be too disappointed, this is your first character. Also, Magikarp can still evolve into a Gyarados, where you'll be able to use the entire moveset the Pokémon would gain by leveling up. Of course, you can buy TMs, HMs, and TRs in the Shop. That's for all of you as well. If you get a Pokémon at the roulette wheel, you can buy more moves that the Pokémon can learn. And before you ask, all characters that evolve by level, rather than a numerical counter that increases with experience, you have the mastery level system. The mastery levels are Beginner, Adept, and Veteran, determined by the time of use. The period of use to reach the Veteran mastery level, varies from character to character. Once you reach the Veteran level, you will be notified of the possibility of evolving your character, if possible. Did you understand everything i said, yes or no?" - Melissa explained.

"Yes!" - 5X

"Ok! Now let's move on to your survival abilities. All of them have 3 minutes cool down. And 100 meter of range.

Species shifting: This ability allows the user to transform into the character it owns.

Ignition: This ability allows the user to cause nearby things (thing, being, or the air itself) to ignite. Intensity, temperature, light and size (from the size of a candle flame to the size of a house), depend on the user's will. When used in the air (no target) the flames can be manipulated, held indefinitely and launched as an attack.

Water Creation: This ability allows the user to create water suitable for consumption (from one drop to 1000 liters) at close range to the user. Similar to the Ignition ability, water created in the air can be manipulated, shaped and converted into the 3 basic states of matter, maintained indefinitely, and can be launched as an attack.

Return: This ability allows the user at any time (only out of combat or in the user's death situation), to return to the Nexus and respawn in the lobby.

Heal: This ability allows the user to heal himself and/or others (user's choice) partially, totally or specifically, who are close to the user.

Shield: This ability allows the user to create an energy shield around themselves and/or others (user's choice), with a size of up to 2 meters in radius around the target. Shields can be held for 1 minute.

Escape: This ability grants the user the ability to escape prisons and traps instantly (removing negative statuses in the process), then making the user intangible and invulnerable, gaining a 100% speed boost for a period of 1 minute. The user can still attack, and use abilities, while under the Escape effect.

"Any questions, yes or no?" - She asked.

"No." - 5X

"Very well, now that everything is explained, let's start training!" - Melissa said excitedly.

Melissa made the roulette wheel disappear by snapping her fingers, and by snapping her fingers again 5 dummies appeared on the field.

"Alright, first i need you to use your survival skills, and once you have a good handle on them, we'll train with your characters. First, let's use Ignition." - She did.

As soon as she commanded, all 5 extended their dominant hands towards the targets that were 100 meters away, and activated the Ignition ability.

Immediately flaming spheres of varying sizes appeared in front of the 5's outstretched hands.

Jong-su, seeing the opportunity, started making the Fireball Jutsu seals, making his other teammates roll their eyes.

"What? If not now, when?" - Jong-su said irritated.

"Katon - Goukakyuu no jutsu!" - He shouted, launching a huge fireball, completely destroying the dummie.

Just as he did, all the others did similarly, in varying shapes and sizes.

Jonathan went a little further, he created a giant fireball of full size. Then, he squeezed the huge flaming sphere, until it stopped, when the sphere was the size of a snooker ball. Then, he turned up the intensity and the light to the limit. Seeing that the sphere was stabilized, he launched it with the maximum possible speed towards the dummie.


Like a laser the little sphere reached its goal.


A gigantic explosion engulfed them all as if a nuclear bomb had been detonated in front of them. A huge wave of destruction swept across the training ground as well as a good part of the forest in the background.

When the dust settled, everyone was protected by an energy barrier and only the place where they were was saved from the blast.

Lowering his hands that were protecting his face, Jonathan finally saw, with wide eyes, the extent of the power he had been given. A crater the size of a football stadium was created with a single strike.

'Strange, i felt that i could increase the firepower even more.' - Jonathan thought.

"Impossible! That shouldn't be possible! John...how?! Let me see your status, please!" - Melissa asked with a shocked expression on her face.

"Sure." - Jonathan said, with a worried expression.

"Hmm, there's nothing wrong with your status... maybe..." - Melissa said.


[Name]: Jonathan Newman (Poseidon)

[Techniques]: Firefighter N:(2/2), Pilot N:(1/3)...

She zoomed in and saw a specific thing, my technique [Firefighter N:(2/2)].

[Firefighter N:(2/2) -


1: Skills that have control over the elements of nature are 100% more efficient.

2: Damage taken by nature elements is reduced by 50%.]

"Oh, that explains a lot. You keep surprising me, John!" Melissa said with an expression of relief.

Meanwhile, everyone was wearing shocked expressions and started to investigate their own Techniques. But the 4 only had social interaction bonuses.

"Well, at least that makes up for my Magikarp a little bit." - Jonathan said with a small smile on his face.

"Okay then, can we continue?" - Melissa said with a smile.

"Yes!" - 5X

She snapped her fingers again, and all the destruction disappeared, looking like it had never happened.

"Try not to kill us this time, ok?" - Asked Alisha with a provocative smile.

"Sorry. Haha." - Jonathan said with a forced laugh.

Over the next few hours, they practiced their other abilities, taking a few breaks mid-practice.

But once again Jonathan went overboard with the Water Creation ability and created a blizzard in the middle of the training ground.

But other than that everything went smoothly, until finally it was time to train with the characters.

"Alright, it's time to use your characters." - Melissa said getting everyone's attention.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and with excited smiles on their faces, they approached Melissa to better hear the instructions.

"Ok, there are 2 ways for you to use your characters. The first is using just the abilities, and the second is using the Species shifting ability, to transform into the character, fully or partially. The main difference is that transformed you could use the physical capabilities of the character. For example:

If you have a Phoenix as one of your characters, in its base (human) form, you can only use the abilities, however you cannot fly, as the Phoenix's flight depends on its wings. So if you want to fly you need to be transformed into a Phoenix or at least have it's wings.

(A/N: An example is Phoenix Marco, from One Piece.)

Another example is an elephant, where you can only use your trunk and weight, when transformed into an elephant. Understand?" - Melissa explained.

"Yes!" - 5X

"Ok, who would like to start?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

The first to step forward was Alisha, surprising everyone.

'I can understand why. Time Manipulation with the first character.' - Melissa thought.

And so the training continued. Everything went well, with the exception of Emily, who was having some difficulties with Darkness Manipulation. But in the end everything worked out.

Then finally it was Jonathan's turn.

"Very well John, let's go. No need to be shy." - Melissa said, with a warm and consoling smile.

*Sigh* "And here's a big nothing." - He said sighing.

A light glowed emanating from Jonathan's body and finally there it was, in all it's glory, Magikarp. Floundering on the floor like a fish out of water, it made everyone want to laugh. Well, except for Jong-su, he burst out laughing.

"Hahahahah... What the fuck! Hahaha!"

Unfortunately, his laughter infected everyone, and they started laughing too.

Depressed, Jonathan lay still, tears gathering in his bulging eyes, such was the humiliation.

"Magikarp, Karp, Karp, Karp. Karp?!" - Jonathan spoke in the unique language of the Pokémon.

But that didn't help, on the contrary, it just made the laughter worse. Even Melissa, caught up in the disconcerting situation, began to laugh.


"Magiiiiikaaaaarp" - Jonathan yelled while using the Tackle attack.

Unfortunately, Magikarp's only offensive attack is the Tackle. Due to this he kept using the same attack, again and again, until he reached exhaustion.

Due to the character being weak, he ended the training day at the Adept mastery level.

"That's all for today guys, you can take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow i want you all here again, ok?" - Melissa said leaving the training ground.

After saying goodbye to her, everyone decided to stay to get to know each other better, except Jong-su. He just said goodbye and went back to his room.

Returning to the lobby and heading towards the cafeteria, the 4 took basic meals as the most varied and better quality meals had to be exchanged for points, which they didn't have.

The dining hall looked like those seen in American movies, with tables and benches used in parks. There were some more Saints there talking and having their meals.

Jonathan and his team sat down near the cafeteria and started talking to get to know each other better.

"And that was my life. Haha! Nothing very interesting just a traditional life." - Jonathan said, with a laugh full of feelings for his loved ones, that he would never see again.

When he lifted his face to look into their faces he realized that they were touched by his life story. Alisha even cried hearing the reports.

*Sob* "What a happy, loving life. I'm even jealous. My life was so dull compared to yours." - Alisha said in a self-deprecating way.

"No!" - Jonathan spoke.

With his voice high and low intonation, the 3 women looked at him trying to understand what he meant by 'no'.

Seeing their looks interested to know what he meant by that Jonathan explained.

"Every life is special in its own way. Only after losing everything, after my death, did i realize how fragile life is. And i would trade it all, for the certainty that i could have my old life back, with my family. But unfortunately, that's not possible anymore. So i want to make this new life worth living, and hold on with all my might to everything i can so that i never lose again."

"..." - 3X

They all were silent reflecting on the new point of view that was presented to them.

"I'd like to be next one then." - Alisha said determined.

Everyone nodded for her to continue.

"My childhood in Canada was as normal as possible, my parents were very attentive and very demanding. They wanted me to have a secure future, so from an early age they instructed me to follow the law field just like them and my 3 older brothers who were judges and lawyers. I had a small sister as well.

In my youth and early adulthood i discovered anime, manga, comics, etc. I then became a weeb, and a rebel. Everything my parents asked me to do, i did the opposite just to feel special and different. But unfortunately that didn't end well, so i decided to change and went back to studying law. I became a lawyer, and started my own law firm.

I have never found someone to share this moment of success in my life.

Until one day, one of my clients wanted me to sue the CEO of a multinational for sexual harassment, and i followed the process to the end where i won. That same night i was driving home when out of nowhere a speeding car crashed into mine. I was completely numb from the impact when a man in black opened my car's door and said he had been sent by the CEO who i sued. He held my head tightly and broke my neck.

The last thing i remember is that i was suffocating and my vision blurring until everything went dark. And here i am. Haha!" - Alisha said with tears streaming down her face.

'Why am I under the impression that everyone here had an ending as tragic as mine?' - Jonathan thought.

The girls hugged her trying to provide some kind of comfort. After a few minutes of crying and silence, Jonathan being interested in getting to know his teammates better, asked.

"And you Emily and Janet, what were your lives like before you get here?"

The two started talking at the same time but stopped abruptly and decided which of the two would be the next one.

"You go Janet." - Emily said with an warm smile.

"Ok. Well, my childhood was pretty normal i grew up in a nice home where my parents loved each other and i was the only child. So i didn't have much competition with siblings or anything like that. You could say i was pretty spoiled for being their only daughter. I've always been very curious to discover mysteries and unravel puzzles.

So when i became an adult, i pursued a career as an investigative journalist. And i was pretty talented in my field. Good for me, bad for the criminals. And of course, you can already guess what happened. I got into a fish too big for my net and i ended up getting killed, in a shed along with some FBI partners. You saw, nothing much, quite predictable even. Hehe." - She said.

Now only Emily turn remains.

"Hehe. I think it's finally my turn. Umu, umu. My story is a bit tragic.

I was born in the city of Paris, capital of France. My family has a tradition of training the girls who are born in our family to become ballerinas, and i was no different. At 5 years old my ballet training started and my mother was very demanding about my performances, but she wasn't the abusive type or anything like that. My father was a pianist, and i loved watching him play the piano. My dream was to be a pianist like him. Whenever he had time he would teach me and i was even good, but my mother insisted that i stay in the ballet, so i did. I even won some awards.

Unfortunately, one day, when my father was going to attend one of my ballet performances in an amphitheater, he suffered a car accident and died on the spot. His death devastated me and my mother a lot, but life went on and so did our lives, but we both knew we weren't doing well at all. One day i was in a lot of pain and i ended up taking a high dose of painkillers, and i ended up dying. That's how i died, in my sleep. Hehe." - Emily said with a painful smile and her eyes flooded with tears.

'They didn't say much more after that, but i'm sure more painful things happen in their lives, i'm not going to force them to say anything more, i'm sure over time if they feel comfortable, they'll say it of their own free will.'

Little did Jonathan know how right he was to think so.

Seeing the silence at their table, a man approached them, with a friendly smile on his face, a Saint who belonged to a group that was seated at a table next to ours.

For some unknown, reason everyone in his group looked like american celebrities, and what baffled them was the fact that the Saint who approached them was basically Nicolas Cage!

"Nicolas Cage?!" - Janet said with wide eyes.

"Hun? No. Haha. I'm not Nicolas Cage, it's just my looks, which i picked as a joke, and now i've realized that it's pretty hard to earn enough points to permanently change appearances again. My name is Juan Poncho. I'm from Peru, but you can just call me Juan, and over there at my table, the woman who looks like Beyoncé is called Lizbeth Aurora, from England, the woman who looks like Nicole Schneider is called Audrey Killian, from the US, the guy who looks like Keanu Reeves, is called Ryan Alonso, from Spain, and lastly that lady, who looks like Angelina Jolie, is called Amanda Rodrigues, from Brazil." - Juan said, introducing himself and his team.

'Hmm? Another one from Brazil? That's kind of rare. There's too much representation and inclusion here for my taste, i hope i'm not in a woke ass garbage fanfic.' - Jonathan thought, becoming dangerously aware.

(A/N: No, you're not, don't worry.)

'Hmm?! I could've sworn i heard someone answering me. It must have been the wind, or someone talking at another table.' - He reasoned.

(A/N: 🤫)

"Nice to meet you, my name is Jonathan Newman, i'm from Brazil, and these are Alisha Williams from Canada, Janet Mary from the United States and Emily Dubois from France. The other member of our team was a little unwell, and his name is Choi Jong-su from South Korea." - Jonathan informed, pointing to each one of his team, saying the name and nationality.

"It's our pleasure." - Juan said pointing to his team at the table where they were.

They waved back as Jonathan's team waved at them.

"Looking over there from our table i noticed that you're new here, when did you arrive?" - Asked Juan with a friendly smile and sitting at our table.

"It depends on your intentions in knowing this information." - Janet replied, raising her hand so their team wouldn't say anything.

"Tsk. If i asked, it's because i want to know. Has anyone ever taught you how to respect your veterans?!" - Juan replied irritated, and his friendly smile disappeared from his face.


At that same moment, Emily swallowed hard, while Jonathan's gaze and that of the rest of his team turned iceberg cold. Their past life experiences have given them a very strong psychological and kind of a sixth sense for when a person has good or bad intentions towards them.

Seeing that he didn't get the intimidation effect he wanted, Juan soon returned to his earlier friendly air.

"Hey hey hey, calm down guys i was just testing your potential, and you passed with green marks. Ha ha. - He said trying to calm the mood.

But unfortunately to no avail and he noticed it. This team would never trust Juan's team ever again. Realizing this, he decided to withdraw.

"I'm sorry if i disturbed you, i hope we don't get in this bad mood, ok. See you around." - Said Juan returning to the table where his team was.

Jonathan and his team never took their eyes off of him and his team, and were still watching to see their reaction. Realizing that they were being watched closely, Juan's team left the cafeteria, so they could talk in peace.

"Did you notice?" - Alisha asked.

"Yes" - Jonathan replied.

"Surely." - Janet said.

"Hmm?!" Emily had a completely lost expression on her face.

"It's nothing Emily, just remember to stay away from Juan's team, ok? - Alisha warned.

"Umu, umu." She replied imitating Nero's personality.

*Sigh* - 3X

"We'd better get back to our rooms, tomorrow is going to be another long day of training. Emily pay attention, we just got here, we don't know who is who and what kind of people they are." - Jonathan warned Emily but also looked at the others on his team in order to see if they understood too.

Everyone nodded. Shortly after this warning, each one went to it's own room.


The other day, in the morning, the whole team was training more than usual. After last night's experience, Jonathan and his team became even more aware of the possibility of hostile teams appearing during missions. After all, during missions it's the only time they can be attacked and/or injured while in the Nexus, if someone wants to do some kind of bad thing to the other, the Nexus simply prevents the hostile person from approaching the victim. In addition, the Nexus provides semi-invincibility status while the person is in the Nexus.

'It's good to know that. Well, at least until someone who can circumvent this system comes along. But it's best to keep a positive mindset, at least for now.' - Jonathan thought.

Back to the training, everyone was giving it their all, Jonathan more than ever. Unfortunately to evolve a character you need to be transformed into it. And transformed he was.

"Magikarp, Karp, Karp!" - Jonathan screamed, floundering on the floor.

Using the Splash ability, Jonathan was finally able to jump over a mountain, generated in the training ground for bombing practice. The benefit of abilities is that they can be used in any form.

After jumping over the mountain a few more times Jonathan was finally rewarded.

⟨Mastery Level Raised!⟩

⟨Your character [Magikarp] has reached Veteran mastery level!⟩

⟨Your [Magikarp] character can now evolve into [Gyarados] or [Gyarados (Shiny)] characters!⟩

⟨Do you want to evolve your character [Magikarp]?⟩

After the female voice finished informing his character [Magikarp] status, Jonathan started to think about which option he would choose, and as any Pokemon fan he would obviously choose [Gyarados (Shiny)].

"I want to evolve my [Magikarp] into [Gyarados (Shiny)]!" - Jonathan said excitedly.



⟨Evolving [Magikarp] into [Gyarados (Shiny)]!⟩

Suddenly his heart began to race and a powerful energy began to surge within him. Light shone brightly, coming from his body, and little by little the fish's physiognomy began to change and lengthen, becoming segmented, like the body of an Onix (the Pokémon not the car 😆). The body grew to the point of reaching 6.5 meters in height, 12.5 meters in length, and the weight of 235.0 kg.

(A/N: Why is Gyarados so light? Maybe because he's a flying type, and it can literally fly in the new game instead of only hover. By the way guys the MC Gyarados can fly. Now seriously, it's just me or a Gyarados weight the same as 2 fat man?? Like what?? But who am i to question the Pokémon company.¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)

As the light dimmed and disappeared the appearance of a [Gyarados (Shiny)] was revealed, along with new information on all the abilities it naturally possesses.

⟨Evolution completed⟩...

⟨Congratulations, your character [Magikarp] has evolved into [Gyarados (Shiny)]!⟩


[Name]: Jonathan Newman (Poseidon)

[Characters]: [Gyarados (Shiny) - Pokémon]: Beginner

'Guh! Pain... Head... Anger... Argh!' - Only distorted thoughts passed through Jonathan's mind.

Seeing the evolution, everyone stopped to watch, and were surprised, when they saw the [Shiny] form of the pokémon [Gyarados]. But that admiration was short-lived.

"GYA!" - Jonathan roared.

Not only that, he started acting strangely, and thrashing around, throwing himself against the rocks, and knocking down the surrounding trees. Still dissatisfied with all the destruction it had caused, it started to gather orange energy in its huge mouth, finally shooting to the ground right in front of it and climbing its head towards the mountain and continuing up into the sky. (A/N: Shin Godzilla Style)


"GYA!" - Jonathan continued roaring uncontrollably.

The other members of his team were confused and even frightened by the lack of control, which was uncharacteristic of Jonathan. His eyes were pupil-less, only the sclera could be seen. Seeing that Jonathan was out of control Melissa acted quickly and used telepathy to stabilize his consciousness.

"It seems that the change was very sudden, his brain is having a hard time processing so much information, and he ended up losing control, being driven only by the character's destructive instinct." - Melissa explained.

"And is that even possible?" - Jong-su asked confused.

"In some rare cases yes, but i've never seen it before, not like this, after all this is the first time anyone has received a [Magikarp] as a character." - Melissa informed the team, who was perplexed by their teammate's attitude.

'Not only this, but it's the first time i've seen a [Gyarados (Shiny)].' - Melissa thought.

The girls on his team were gaping, comparing the Jonathan of now to the one of yesterday. They knew it was just a momentary thing, but they remember the warning he gave them earlier, about Juan's team. If this low power could do that to someone's mind, imagine an immense amount of power.

Instinctively, Jong-su looked down at his hands and thought of his [Avatar State].

'I hope that when i finally access the [Avatar State], i don't lose control like Aang in the original series.' - He thought.

Looking at Jong-su's thoughtful expression, Milena deduced his thoughts, and said:

"Don't worry, it won't happen to you. I've seen other Saints with this character and everything went well, after all, the brain of the character [Aang] is that of a human being, while [Gyarados] is animalistic, not just that, but one that is uncontrolled by nature. I'm already stabilizing his mind, in a few moments everything will go back to normal and that will never happen again, probably." - Melissa said with an expression of confidence.

After a few more seconds, the pupils returned to Jonathan's eyes and he could feel that he was in control again.

'*Sigh* Glad it's all over.' Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief in his mind.

Looking at Melissa he nodded his huge head in thanks for her help, for he had heard her voice in his mind, and a sense of calmness and comfort.

Seeing that Jonathan had returned to normal, his teammates approached him and began to ask several questions to see if she was okay, which he confirmed by returning to human form.

"Don't worry guys I'm fine now." - He said.

"Are you sure?" - Alisha and Janet asked in union.

"Well, i don't know, i think so, after all that's what training is for, right?" - Jonathan said with a disconcerted smile.

"Everything will be fine now Jonathan. Umu, umu." - Emily said reaching out to pat Jonathan on the head.

Seeing this everyone started laughing while Jong-su just gave a shy smile.

"You don't have to call me Jonathan all the time. You can just call me John or Nathan. I'll take both." - Jonathan said with a warm smile, which was further enhanced by his current Poseidon appearance, making the girls' hearts skip a beat.

*Clap* "Very well, the moment is very beautiful but you still have a long training ahead of you." - Melissa said clapping her hands to make everyone regain focus.


And so it went for the rest of the week. Everyone on the team started to open up more, sentimentally. After 3 days of training even Jong-su started to join them in the cafeteria. The strangest thing is that they didn't see Juan and his team anymore.

'Maybe they're on some mission or something.' - Jonathan thought reflecting on their absence.

This also did not go unnoticed by the rest of his team.

"It's been almost a week since we've seen Juan's team, hasn't it?" - Janet brought up the subject.

"Yeah." - Everyone said thoughtfully except Jong-su who just nodded.

"Come to think of it, Jong-su never told us what his life was like before he came here." - Emily said with an innocent and curious look.

"Hmm, i'm sorry but i still don't feel comfortable enough to talk about my previous life." - Jong-su said with an apologetic expression.

"It's okay bro, if you need to vent a little, you can count on me." - Jonathan said putting his hand on Jong-su's shoulder.

During the week they became closer, discovering that they had very similar tastes. One day when Jonathan was humming during the rest period, Jong-su asked if the song he was humming was the same one he was thinking about. Confirming that it was the same song they immediately stood up and bumped their fists, then said "My man!".

(A/N: For those curious about it, Jonathan was humming the song [My Brother] from the anime Berserk. "My brother, come join me, in battle we are stronger~")

Since then, they've become closer and everyone on the team's relationship has become more like a family, and Jonathan has become more and more like Toretto, minus the bald part.

By the second week of training, everyone was finally confident they could use their abilities in real combat, so Melissa brought them to the counter in the lobby that displayed the number 1 above the attendant.

"Alright, the level 1 attendant's name is Jeane, she will be your guide regarding tasks. Anything regarding tasks, you can look for her. Isn't that right, Jeane?" - Melissa said pointing to Jeane.

"That's right, any doubts or questions you have regarding the tasks, you can talk to me and i'll be happy to help you with what i can." - Jeane said with a friendly smile.

"Thank you Jeane, please i would like you to introduce their new IDs and codenames as well as give them their first missions." - Melissa asked.

"Very well, please tell me your names and codenames." - Jeane asked the group.

"Codenames?" Emily asked putting her index finger in her mouth and cocking her head to the side.

"I'm sorry, let me explain. Codenames are nicknames you'll use instead of your original names, to make it easier for you to interact with other teams and factions. Generally, Saints usually use the name of the character on which they based their new appearance permanently on." - She said.

Everyone was thoughtful and talked among themselves. In the end they decided to do it as usual and went with the names of their characters. They provided their names and codenames for Jeane to create their new IDs.

"Thank you very much. Your new IDs are these." - She said, handing us cards that seemed to be made of hard light.

As soon as everyone touched their cards they felt a strong connection forming.

"Your new ID cards are attached to your souls, on your cards you will receive important information regarding your points, quest status, and you will even be able to contact your other team members as well as other Saints, which you can add to a contact list. Basically it works like a smartphone, which you can materialize and store inside your soul, whenever you want. Stealing or tampering with them is impossible." - Jeane explained to the team.

"Ok, so what are we waiting for? Let's go to our first mission!" - Jong-su said excitedly.

"Let's go." - Janet said.

"Yeah." - Alisha said.

"Umu." - Said Emily.

"I completely agree." - Jonathan said only to have his expectations shattered right away.

"Not you John, only they'll go on this mission. You still need to train more, after all, you are close to reaching a new power, and you could end up compromising your team's task." - Melissa said.

"Yes, I had forgotten." - Jonathan said a little sad.

Soon after, he said goodbye to his teammates and returned to the training ground with Melissa.




A week has passed since Jonathan returned to training. He's been feeling pretty lonely without his teammates, but he decided to train even harder to help his team as best as he could when he's finally able to keep up with his team on tasks.

⟨Your mastery level has gone up!⟩

⟨Your character [Gyarados (Shiny)] has reached Veteran mastery level!⟩

⟨Your character [Gyarados (Shiny)] can now use [Mega Evolution!] and [Dynamax!] transformations!⟩

"Fucking fina... wait Dynamax?!" He said, excitement in his face, that turned into disbelief right after.

Chapter 2 - End.


Another huge chapter sheesh, 5000 + words, it was hard. I had to do a lot of research and think a lot before writing. And I still have to translate paragraph by paragraph, correcting to English. Any grammar mistake you can comment the correct way in the paragraph that you see the error that will help me a lot. After all, i do all this on a smartphone. (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

I hope you enjoyed!

See you in the next chapter! 😉

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